Hot Topic What is your favorite Weapon?

1)I am going with the Golden Shower because it is useful in almost every situation because of the way it works and the ichor debuff.
2)Is the Golden Shower too because I like the way it works and you can do a lot of fun things with the arc it shoots.
3)Probably the Vampire Knifes because when 1.2 came out I started a new character and tried to make my way to hardmode once again and while doing that I heard about a very powerful melee weapon that was called the most OP weapon in the game back then. I always play as a mage and I will always do but I was really intrested in finding out how powerful it actually was. Unfortunately I didn't get it before it was nerfed but based on videos I saw about it it was so strong you would never die when using it with the right equipment.
1. Vilethron, It can shoot through walls and is a good early game weapons.
2. minishark with party bullets, I enjoy the amount of confetti that explodes on impact.
3. coin gun, Enjoy shooting my money at things.
Most Useful: Golden Shower, you can get it really early on in Hardmode and stays useful for almost the entire rest of the game.
Most Fun: Flairon, destroying foes with killer bubbles is just the best.
Most Intricate: North Pole, its carpet bombing ability is quite unique in my opinion.
1) Night's Edge. A favorite until I used for quite some time, even into hardmode.
2) I have a lot of weapons I could put into this tier, but the Piranha Gun is one I need to start using again. There's just something entertaining about shooting a (semi) homing piranha...
3) Megashark, probably. I recently started a ranged-only character, and I gotta say it's a solid feeling of achievement (and relief) to go from a wooden bow to a gun that turbo-craps bullets. :dryadgrin:
1) Vampire Knives, why? Melee speed + those = Lots of life steal.
2) Sniper Rifle. Nothing's more fun in PvP than to sit silently somewhere, cloaked and then pick people off before they realize they were sniped.
3) Light Discs. They may have lost their touch, but it's still fun to keep them around. I just spam them at any weak enemy, especially fun during a blood moon because the zombies just get killed so quickly.
1) Molotov Cocktails - Probably the strongest thing you can craft without ore. Sand>Glass, Wood>Keg, Cobwebs>Silk. Easy right? 40 Damage per bottle.

2) Possessed Hatchet - if your friend is hiding around the corner, you can use this and it will find them. ;)

3) Chain Knife - this one randomly drops from bats, but I'm so happy when it does. It makes mob farms incredibly fun to play with, just have a one block hole open and you can shoot out of it and knock mobs health down in seconds. Of course, you can get Scourge of the Corruptor, but that's no fun farming for that.
I personally don't use it any more, but one of my favourites would have to be the Death Sickle. It's a big sharp thing that shoots more big sharp things; what more could you ask for?
1) Molotov Cocktails - Probably the strongest thing you can craft without ore. Sand>Glass, Wood>Keg, Cobwebs>Silk. Easy right? 40 Damage per bottle.
Wait, the keg that has metal ribs and a tap doesn't need ore or bars to be crafted?

1) Tsunami+Holy Arrows

2) Phaseblade
Phaseblade cuz Jedi.

3) Water Bolt
Other people make it look so easy to get. It takes me forever.
1). North pole (Fun to use and great weapon for both my pumpkin and frost moon farms :3) :p
2.vampire knives (fun to use against my friends since they be like :mad:)
3. megashark ( Because who doesn't love a shark and a gun mixed together :p)
1) Phoenix Blaster - An amazing pre-hardmode to mid-hardmode ranged weapon.
2) Rod of Discord coupled with shroomite armor - Teleport around, invisibly!
3) Breaker Blade - Who doesn't want a huge sword to swing around!?
1. I would say the Tactical Shotgun is the most useful one for me. Combine it with chlorophyte bullets, and you'll be doing somewhere from 200-300 damage with just one bullet use. It's one of the best ways to save your ammo.

2. I love using the Sniper Rifle, both in PVP and PVE. It's awesome going invisible, then sniping people or mobs out of nowhere.

3. Piranha gun. I heard about it on the wiki, and it sounded really unique. I made sure I didn't watch any video footage or anything of it until I managed to get it myself. I don't actually use it much, as holding down a button while dodging isn't that much fun, but it is still a really cool and unique weapon.
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