Wyvern is not a Wyvern.

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Skeletron Prime
Everyone knows about the Wyvern, a long dragon who flies about in space. But, this might blow your mind if you didn't know much about dragonology, or you might've known this for quite a while. For those who didn't, I have some news for you.
Terraria's "Wyvern" is not a Wyvern!
I know, big surprise. Now, I don't recall what they're actually called, but THIS is a wyvern:

hopefully, that showed up correctly. If it didn't, click HERE
But now you know.
Hopefully you can put this knowledge to use, maybe you might make a change, or you could just sit complaining about it to some person on Reddit. I'll leave that to you.
I call them Pedosnakes. Because just
"hey kid wanna FLY??"
As a Monster Hunter even I know that (and Monster Hunter has similarly broad definitions for what counts as a "wyvern").

I think we just have to accept that some games use the word differently from being in different worlds.
I read the Eragon series a couple years ago and Terraria's Wyvern's were not what I expected when I first saw them. Honestly I thought they were flying snakes.
Everyone knows about the Wyvern, a long dragon who flies about in space. But, this might blow your mind if you didn't know much about dragonology, or you might've known this for quite a while. For those who didn't, I have some news for you.
Terraria's "Wyvern" is not a Wyvern!
I know, big surprise. Now, I don't recall what they're actually called, but THIS is a wyvern:

hopefully, that showed up correctly. If it didn't, click HERE
But now you know.
Hopefully you can put this knowledge to use, maybe you might make a change, or you could just sit complaining about it to some person on Reddit. I'll leave that to you.
I call them Pedosnakes. Because just
"hey kid wanna FLY??"
:View attachment 63136
Pedosnakes `:D
I suppose Dungeon Defenders represented the Wyvern more like it is actually then lol


Well, it does look more like the image that OP posted than Terraria´s Wyvern...
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