Console you should have to option to hide accessories on a character

currently, my character is modeled after monkey d luffy from One piece except he's green (dont ask)
He looks perfect, except my ankh shield and spectre boots ruin the look.
I want to be able to hide accessories on my character. I don't see a functional use for this except characters looking slightly better.
is this a feature on console or is it just on pc
My man I've been having the same problem I know I'm years late but you go to settings, controller bindings, equipment, hit a to create a binding (button combo) on Toggle Equipment Visibility. I made mine lb + b. Then you go to accessories and hover over what you don't want to see on your character and perform the combo that you made to toggle invisibility. Make it a combo that won't mess up other inputs for your inventory because you'll have to clean up and figure out that :red: and that's not fun so make it like lb + b or lb + a

Hope this helped and is still relevant all these years later
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