New profile posts

I don't touch the fourms much anymore for a wide variety of reasons, but I do hope that things are going well for you and your friends. How is your day going in terms of art and others?
Just in case if anything doesn't go far, everything has been going really great. Schoolwork has been feasible on me, and I had officially developed a writing habit that I haven't told anyone on here about.
As much as I would show it off, I have a feeling that nobody would be interested in it, but who knows. Maybe that could be wrong. (it's mostly game reviews but I do like to sneak in some things to them)
Wouldn't it be funny if the player aged over time? I'm not seriously suggesting this because that would be hard to code. XD

But imagine that, over time, male player characters grow facial hair, but female characters might look the same mostly.

Play a world long enough and you become elderly, with white hair and a long :red: beard. XD
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