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What if: You defeat the King Slime on Master Mode, and you have a boss fight against a slimefied version of the ninja inside it for the loot?
Huh. So for coin gun copper is base, silver and gold have x2 velocity, and platinum has x4 velocity? I'd trade that velocity for homing any day.
Lo que pienso: No estaría mal ser Beta-Tester...
Pero lo más probable es que me expulsen inmediatamente por exponer contenido confidencial 😅
Es broma, si guardo secretos (más o menos...).
Hallowed Armor + material that drops from Empress of Light = Hallowed Armor upgrade? An invincibility that can resist Daytime Empress's instant kill attacks?
Now that my vacation goes to an end, I came to a conclusion on what to do for myself. From the next week and so on, all of the available free time should be spend only on coding out of own unsatisfactory and see where it'll lead me to. And yeah, this post feels like smoke'n'mirrors just like the other one.
If I want to code I need to be dedicated for the whole run. If I don't at least publish a mod till the end of the year, than I lost. That's it.
hello red! it’s been a while since i sent anything here.

1. how are you today?

2. when asked about a stardust whip, i remember someone on the dev team mentioning that if you were to add one pillar weapon, you'd need to add one for every class to balance it all out. my question is, will every pillar be getting a new weapon, or will the new 1.4.5 stardust whip replace a preexisting weapon?


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wow the one time that I finally get the terradle in a decent amount of tries (being 3) is the time i decide to make a youtube video after 50 years.
the video ended up being only a minute long and quite boring
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