If there's one item that needs changes in 1.4.5, its this one for two reasons.
1. The Skull is INCREDIBLY rare, having the same droprate as the classic mode rod of discord, but the rod of discord is a useful tool while the skull is just a vanity item.
2. I don't know, it would be cool if you could place it down like the rock golem head.
I miss the OG youtubers from pre 1.4, while the new youtubers aren't bad themselves, they just feel very similar to another and don't pair up to legends like ChippyGaming and Yrimir.
I'm going to be a Ocram supporter, this guy needs a purpose in life other than being in his house and being referenced by a getfixedboi item. I wasn't OcramExecution once for a reason after all.
Once 1.4.5 (or even the crossplay hotfix) drops, I (or someone else) a Terraria sprite comic or story where users can appear as characters in order to celebrate Terraria's victories.
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