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Just spent like 4 hours writing my idea for a beach update in Terraria
Read it here if you want lmao

Suggestion for the vampire secret seed: The umbrella hat should work like the umbrella, but should be a post-Moonlord drop. I think this is best of both worlds, but then again, it is a vanity so it'd be annoying to have it be such a late game item, if you're a big fan of it.
By combining a garden gnome with a wooden fishing rod, we should get a figure of a fishing gnome, which, when placed, increases the fishing power.
When I wrote this I was thinking about the standard backyard gnome, but now I actually think it would be fun to be able to combine them with Cobalt Shield, Life Crystal, Mana Crystal, etc. to create a collection of stat-boosting garden gnomes.
Dose redigite kids get all the spoilers for the new updates or is it a suprise for them
While that does sound cool, I assume that the spoilers are still spoilers. Only a few things like the Dino Transformation and a few other things that actually relate to them would be told or shown
Jeez, you guys have been working hard.
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The lil duck
The lil duck
Yo its redgit hiiii your the best for making terreria
I heard crossplay is in mind, soo Im wondering if console modding would be a thing, maybe only for new gen only with a ps5 only version or something. Some games have "test server" game versions I think a modded client would be possible
Space Fact of the Day #103:
Project Orion was a study conducted in the 1950s and 1960s by the Air Force, DARPA, and NASA into how effective nuclear pulse propulsion was. NPP is a method of spacecraft propulsion that basically involves repeatedly detonating nuclear bombs and using their explosive power to provide thrust. This could potentially bring spacecraft to up to sizable fractions of the speed of light.
a really far away planet
a really far away planet
The project was led by Ted Taylor who worked at General Atomics, and Freeman Dyson, best known for being the namesake of the Dyson sphere. However, the project didn't get very far. The most successful model test of Project Orion reached roughly one hundred meters in altitude following six sequenced chemical explosions. Project Orion was eventually cancelled in 1964.
a really far away planet
a really far away planet
This was primarily due to the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty, which banned nuclear explosions in space. Additionally, concerns over nuclear fallout from Project Orion affecting the rest of the planet didn't help. A further 1967 Outer Space Treaty which most spacefaring nations on Earth by now have signed elaborated further on what not to do in space, and Project Orion would have easily violated that.
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