tModLoader Elerium Mod (Coders Wanted)


The beast with stone veins is approaching...
[QUOTE = "SamTerarrium, должность: 1179454, член: 59848"] Похоже , гранитной Boss и это выглядит потрясающе :)[/ QUOTE]
My new sprite
What does a waterfall of content mean?

Suggestion I would offer since you are accepting them would be a marble biome boss. Boss isn't a huge enemy, maybe a bit bigger than the character. Has 2 forms, first form is heavy defense and slow but powerful thrust attack. Frequently will defend itself by putting up it's shield and stopping in place, Will not take any damage from the front or above, but can be attacked from behind. Second form for the boss would remove all the armor, going from a weapon and shield to dual weapons, boss becomes much faster, attacks faster, but attacks do little damage. First attack would be a flurry attack, just a number of attacks channeled for 3 or so seconds in a cone directly in front of the boss. the flurry attack is weak, but hits a tremendous number of times to make it less likely to be tanked. Second attack is a jump and ground slam. jump is an upward slash, ground slam is a short range aoe, does moderate damage and is fast. Visual for the boss would be a variation of the roman/greek looking enemies you find in the marble biome for first form. Second form, he just has his pants, shoes, and the weapon.

Thorium beat you to the marble biome boss...
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