What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard someone say?

Annoying girl in my class (talked about in the "issues with america's school system" thread) looked over at someone crying on the ground and said "he's having a seizure". At first I politely tried to explain to her the definition of a seizure (I'm a nerd. Also it was to piss her off) and she kept saying "that's not true". I told her to google it and she said "I don't need to google it because I know you're wrong." :red:, I'm immune to gaslighting, don't try me.
Annoying girl in my class (talked about in the "issues with america's school system" thread) looked over at someone crying on the ground and said "he's having a seizure". At first I politely tried to explain to her the definition of a seizure (I'm a nerd. Also it was to piss her off) and she kept saying "that's not true". I told her to google it and she said "I don't need to google it because I know you're wrong." :red:, I'm immune to gaslighting, don't try me.
alpha move by you lol
First of all, there’s a Freak ton of Fantastic and Familiar words that take upon the Form of beginning with an F. Frivolous as it may be, I Formerly ask upon your Ferociousness to clarify what word you’re thinking of.
“If god had meant for earth to have renewable energy there would be a giant nuclear reactor in the sky!” - [forgot who] they were being sarcastic while discussing solar panels.
I have many:
  1. "He is a girl!" - At the first talk with the first autism therapist. Info: My real name is clearly a male name. At the end we noped out from that therapist and got another one who is much better. (2010)
  2. "Autism means you go to special needs school" - Director of the first proposed primary school (2010)
  3. "He is too smart for special needs school" - Director of the second proposed primary school, after they sent me to 6th grade math (2010)
  4. "You are too much of a troll to do art!" - Art teacher in 2nd grade (2011)
  5. "You are not allowed to play with Polly Pocket if you are a boy" - My integration helper of which different persons helped me from 1st to mid-7th grade (2012)
  6. "Whoever does not eat water ice is a dumb idiot" - After-school-care supervisor when it was 30°C (2013)
  7. "You are a baby" - A classmate in 4th grade when we were away for a 3 day trip with class and the student saw my plushie chicken I took with me(2013)
  8. "You are an alien if you don't have a phone" - A classmate in 5th grade because I did not have a mobile phone (2014)
  9. "It's your fault we lost" - In PE 5th grade while playing dodgeball
  10. "Your result brings down the class average" - PE teacher of another higher level school I was in for a month due to good grades in end of 5th grade when in a donation run I only managed to do 3.2 km and that teacher forced a diabetic student to run and the student only ran 800 meters. Others managed >5 km. After the run my mum had to drag me to the bus stop to get home. (2015)
  11. "You will never be sporty" - My school swimming teacher I had in 5th-7th grade and in 5th and 6th grade also in PE (2015)
  12. "You will never get a GF" - Other student in 6th grade in biology in sex education (2015)
  13. "You will fail in sex" - Other student while we simulated applying condomes on wooden P words and I was the only one to get it right, the others threw those wooden P words around or blew up the condomes like baloons (2015)
    "You are a weirdo if you hate ice" - History teacher in end of 6th grade when they wanted to eat with us ice (2016).
  14. "Come on, herpes is not a reason not to play the trumpet" - Music teacher in 6th grade when one trumpet was shared by the whole class and everyone's mouths came to the trumpet. At that time I had lip herpes and did not want to stress others with herpes (2016)
  15. "Because of you I got kicked out of class" - A student who made me almost fall using their leg (2016)
  16. "It is not a problem if I let the students chill and play instead of teaching" - Politics teacher in 7th grade. I have complained at my class teacher because I saw that our class was way behind in politics to the parallel classes (2017)
  17. "You will get an F for the whole quarter if you color the heart green" - Politics teacher in 7th grade while we drew what we wanted. (2017)
  18. "I don't know how to help you, sorry!" - Technic/Woodwork teacher when I asked them to clarify the instruction step I did not understand. (2017)
  19. "You are old enough to be good at Technic/Woodwork class!" - In the last weeks I had an integration helper in the same class I asked for clarifying the instruction. In that class I had a B+ (2017)
  20. "Kyjiw is the same as Kiel" - Sub teacher while playing category game (2017)
  21. "Don't be a crybaby" - Art teacher in 8th grade when my hands bleeded doing linoleum scratches (2017)
  22. "You have fat fingers" - Museum guide while doing an art project needing gloves of which they only had size 7, and my hands were size 8. Another student was also called with that because their hand was size 9. (2017)
  23. "You are so dumb, I don't want to teach you" - Economy teacher in 8th grade. They then mid class went home, letting us alone (2017)
  24. "Boys will never be able to cook ever!" - Cooking/House economy teacher in 8th grade (2018)
  25. "I will call the police for the pencil" - Cooking/House economy teacher in 8th grade wanted to call the police for a pencil that got apparently stolen but the student found that in their own bag (2018)
  26. "You and your whole family is a disgrace to the kitchen rules" -
  27. Cooking/House economy teacher in 8th grade to me because in our home we have only a single-sink kitchen water supply and not like in school a double and also to persons from non-European eating manners due to holding a fork differently. (2018)
  28. "Ramadan is ridiculous and trash" - Cooking/House economy teacher in 8th grade to Muslims during Ramadan (2018)
  29. "You were super ignorant in 7th grade politics class that you don't know anything!" - Politics teacher in 9th grade after wondering how knowledge hole came after in 7th grade the teacher only played with us (2018)
  30. "It's your fault that your teammates don't bring their material to class" - Politics teacher in a group project when I wanted to change groups because by EIGHT groupmates all did never bring their material to class and I feared to get an F for that they don't do anything (2018)
  31. "Our class is a failure if no one comes voluntarily to the 1.4 km run in our city" - PE teacher in end of 9th grade (2019)
  32. "You will fail at the 1.4 km run and come last anyways!" - PE teacher in end of 9th grade when I wanted to voluntarily go the first and only time to the yearly 1.4 km race in my city for 1st to 9th graders. Then the teacher was surprised I ended up 5th from 36 participants, it was only the start visible: I fell back to the last place but due to poor energy management of many others I overtook them. (2019)
  33. "I only gave you the A last year in PE because you did actually not fear to participate in sport competitions even after, but actually you deserve a B because you are not a sports ace like (5 other students)" - PE teacher in 10th grade who is the same as the teacher was in 9th grade (2019)
  34. "Can we remove the devil from the French class? He is spookier than Pennywise!" - 2 students doing during class dumb things on the internet (2019)
  35. "You are super bad at PE" - A classmate in 10th grade because I had a B in PE. The grade B is written with the German word for "good". (2019)
  36. "I will ban you from the library for using demonic forces to crash scanners" - Librarian (2019)
  37. "You are the devil the librarian described me" - Sub teacher in 10th grade (2019)
  38. "Calling police for a stolen phone is not a solution because it harms the school reputation" - PE teacher in 10th grade (2019)
  39. "You devil, I fear being in the same plane with you" - My French teacher in 10th grade (2020)
  40. INFO: Due to the first lockdown we were not in school at all except the final exams of the middle school, so no such comments (2020)
  41. "You must have used magic to lose 4 kg while lockdown" - My 11th grade Philosophy teacher (2021)
  42. "I don't want to start class, I just don't feel like that" - My 11th grade Philosophy teacher (2021)
  43. "I could not get to online class because due to snowstorms I could not drive from Essen to the school in Oberhausen to get my schedules." - My 11th grade German teacher trying to excuse their absence (2021)
  44. "WHAT!!! THAT TOOK SEVEN HOURS FOR YOU!!! You must have been really bad." - My 11th grade art teacher when the task was to reinscenate a painting of our choice and I did much efforts. I got an A+ for that. A student just photoshopping their face in 10 minutes got also an A+. Actually we had to do real photo and use real requisites etc. (2021)
  45. "You can do all you want" - My 11th grade PE teacher who I had with the whole HS. Happened at the last PE lesson of the 11th grade so the report cards were already printed, so I just went home power walking. (2021)
  46. "Only yellow is the happy color" - My 12th grade Art teacher (2021)
  47. "You are a psychopath, go to therapy! You lost the ability to distinguish emotions" - My 12th grade Art teacher (2021)
  48. "Anime/Comic art is not real art" - My 12th grade Art teacher (2021)
  49. "Only people who have 4 years of gym experience will manage to get this quarter a C or better" - My 12th grade PE teacher. Most of us was 17 years old and for example for a C in pushups we had to do 33. (2022)
  50. "You cannot do anything wrong doing pushups" - My 12th grade PE teacher mailing to them the question of how can I see I do my pushups right without people who know sports well (2022)
  51. "Having to prepare for exams is not an excuse to not to watch the soccer worldcup" - My 12th grade PE teacher (2022)
  52. "You will get minus points for working on your project in the holidays" - My 12th grade Art teacher (2022)
  53. "Your clone will be a Russian assassin" - My 12th grade philosophy teacher in the first days of the war in Ukraine only because I know Russian well and they claimed they got an E when they were student in Russian class. (2022)
  54. "Your autism is so problematic for German class, playing on your laptop would be for you more successful" - My 13th grade German teacher (2022)
  55. "You are young! You are wasting your time learning! Enjoy your time and go party regularly!" - My 13th grade sociology teacher when learing how to manage money and it was asked who goes to party regularly. My hand was the only one down. I answered that I had to learn for the Abitur. (2023)
  56. "Bench pressing 200 kg is more important than knowing English for your exams" - My 13th grade English teacher speaking that in German in English class (2023)
  57. "Please make sure you get driven by car from the doctor! Everyone has that possibility" - My 13th grade sociology teacher being stubborn even after I explained that not everyone has a car at all times. I had to threaten the teacher to report them to the dean if the teacher does not accept the Dr.'s note. (2023)
  58. "You are a psychopath!" - Another student. In English class watching a horror film I laughed, then they said that during the film (2023)
  59. "Studying at Essen you will never get successful" - My 13th grade sociology teacher and also my 13th grade English teacher (2023)
  60. "You are a boring person if you don't drink alcohol" - In prom a father of a student (2023)
  61. "The uni gym workers will not be able to answer your gym related questions" - Student in my uni who is my partner in one of my lectures (2023)
  62. "Only running is true stress that counts as movement. Home gym workout is a body stress as you said the heartbeat rises to 160 bpm but running is more stress since it makes your body have a bpm of 140" - Student in my uni who is my partner in one of my lectures (2023)
  63. "Why does anyone want to prepare to exams? That is not a reason of not having time." - Other student, a student who disturbed me 2 weeks in the library (2023)
  64. "The lectures are fillers" - Some students in the whatsapp groups of some lectures (2023)
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