IC Solitarus

*Cyra swiftly hops out of the way, letting her weight transfer into a roll.*
"I-I DODGED IT? H-heh... :red: you."
*She turns around to the machine and fires her shotgun at it (D20:14)*
(no dodge roll ig?)

(10) The pellets simply sink into the machine's beefy torso armor, making some holes, but not going deep.

Something on its shoulder raises, before firing a cutting laser in a sweeping motion and Cyra. The intensity of it really only means it'll cut pretty lightly, but it'll cut nonetheless. (12)

Aurora takes the blow, sucking in a deep breath of air but not feeling it too hard after having braced for it (D20: 7 + 2 = 9).
She retaliates by Vanishing, before immediately reappearing to slam them in the body with Phantom Force (D20: 3 + 2 = 5).

(Think this should be the...1st of 2 posts after the defence debuff application. -2 modifier on successful attack hit and all.)
(17-2 = 15) And Aurora dashes into the wrong portal, getting flung back out into the middle of the portals from another portal.

The machine still seems to be hiding.. before a portal opens directly above and below Aurora.. the machine leaping down and attempting to grab her and drop into the portal below, starting an infinite loop. (8)

Trixy leaps over the first laser, and gets struck in their helmet by the second one, causing their trajectory to be thrown off and for them to crash into the ground (16, 9 total). They quickly pick themselves back up with a blink and slashes at Dart, looking to break another dot (16+2=18).
(6) And the slash cuts deep, damaging one of the dots to the point of not working, and also cracking the giant (see comedically large) eye of the machine.

It floats back with a whining noise before zooming forwards, attempting to ram into Trixy and start flying up into the air with them. (14)

[11] He ducks and attempts to counter-attack with a clawed punch. [10]
(1) And it hits the machine square in the face, causing it to stumble back, making a mechanized groaning noise, it's face now somewhat marred.

REASSEMBLY takes note of the damages.

FLOOD recovers, boosting forwards and launching a kick to the chest at Miar. (4)

ERADICATOR and Vell are still fighting.

ERADICATOR has notably been impaled in the lower torso, a small hole there.

Vell is covered in scratches, his armor also looking as if it's been shot by ERADICATOR's shotgun arm a few times.

ERADICATOR lunges in with a thrust of its blade at Vell (10)

Which actually cuts very deep into Vell's side.(2)

With a groan, he stumbles to the side before turning to look at the pond not too far off..

He begins running, holding his side, towards the pond.

ERADICATOR simply waves a hand, some sort of folded vehicle landing from orbit next to the machine. It seems to unfold into some sort of floating personal vehicle, looking somewhat similar to a motorcycle, but with downward facing air-based thrusters where the wheels would be.

ERADICATOR hops on, easily beginning to bridge the gap between himself and Vell, all while preparing the machine gun mounted onto the front of the bike.
Lunus visibly flinches from the pain, before glaring in pure annoyance at IMPALER.
<Rude much?>

Lunus stares at it for a bit, while subtly summoning something that looks roughly like this: View attachment 463816, but with the crystal being a greenish-blue color.

(I'm letting it keep the eyes just because yes)

(Lunus isn't that desparate
...for now)
(Forgot aaaaa)

IMPALER glances at the plant... thing.. before just trying to rush back at Lunus, plasma lance more like a sword this time as it makes a horizontal slash towards them. (9)
(Forgot aaaaa)

IMPALER glances at the plant... thing.. before just trying to rush back at Lunus, plasma lance more like a sword this time as it makes a horizontal slash towards them. (9)
(I am going to kill the RNG next Wednesday.)
(But what if laser)
The plant fires a laser at IMPALER to try to interrupt its attack.
(I am going to kill the RNG next Wednesday.)
(But what if laser)
The plant fires a laser at IMPALER to try to interrupt its attack.
(I accidentally made the first post on a D20, so I'll do this one on a D20 too before going back to 10..)

(17..) The laser would graze the machine, causing no damage, but distracting it, so it instead lunges at the plant now with a downward slash. (.. 9 on the D10)
(I accidentally made the first post on a D20, so I'll do this one on a D20 too before going back to 10..)
(I'm still gonna kill the RNG next wednesday)
(17..) The laser would graze the machine, causing no damage, but distracting it, so it instead lunges at the plant now with a downward slash. (.. 9 on the D10)
Lunus uses the distraction to get some distance, while summoning one of these between him and IMPALER.

(I said I'd give Iceberg Lettuce some love so here it is)
(This is my single favorite plant in PvZ as a whole and the fact it beats a cat with a beanie says a lot about it)
“Don’t lie to me, servant.”

Fluxxation would then boost forwards and down, aiming to dropkick Vrajlax into the ground. (11)
(4 wow has RNG and dice not been liking Vrajlax. When I rolled low last time I actually rerolled a few times using multiple dice and got almost nothing high and went with the original again after settling that fate just didn't want to see Vrajlax successful right now.)

All Vrajlax can do as that happens is continue his conversation.
(4 wow has RNG and dice not been liking Vrajlax. When I rolled low last time I actually rerolled a few times using multiple dice and got almost nothing high and went with the original again after settling that fate just didn't want to see Vrajlax successful right now.)

All Vrajlax can do as that happens is continue his conversation.
Fluxxation is silent as he drops from the sky, boosting down and attempting to slam with his feet again and hit Vrajlax deeper into the ground. (... I got a 16)
Vrajlax gets pounded again, crunching sounds as his arms and legs buckle under the force and he gets driven into the ground. He doesn't seem too damaged but certainly can't keep up with this sort of punishment for long...
"...Am I... one of... your... machines?"
Vrajlax gets pounded again, crunching sounds as his arms and legs buckle under the force and he gets driven into the ground. He doesn't seem too damaged but certainly can't keep up with this sort of punishment for long...
"...Am I... one of... your... machines?"
Fluxxation lands, holding out his hand to the side, a small object slamming down from orbit.

He yanks it out of the ground and ignites it, a plasma bladed sword.

Still silent, he begins approaching the grounded Vrajlax.

"Get up."
"...If you wish."
(18 +5 = 23) And suddenly the gill-like vents on his side would give off some kind of blue glow, as Vrajlax would leap forward with quite some force as he uses his legs, wings, and thrusters together to accelerate as much as possible before crossing his two plasma blades, slashing out right as he hits Fluxxation(?).
(no dodge roll ig?)

(10) The pellets simply sink into the machine's beefy torso armor, making some holes, but not going deep.

Something on its shoulder raises, before firing a cutting laser in a sweeping motion and Cyra. The intensity of it really only means it'll cut pretty lightly, but it'll cut nonetheless. (12)

(17-2 = 15) And Aurora dashes into the wrong portal, getting flung back out into the middle of the portals from another portal.

The machine still seems to be hiding.. before a portal opens directly above and below Aurora.. the machine leaping down and attempting to grab her and drop into the portal below, starting an infinite loop. (8)
Aurora indeed is dragged into the loop..but she manages to get out some kind of floating, flaming wisp out from the loop as she falls through the loop (D20: 2).

Which erupts into a beam of Mystical Fire a second later, hopefully at the machine. (D20: 2 + 2 = 4 heck-)
(12) It hits squarely, a loud crunch ringing out and a chunk of nanomachines falling from the mass, seemingly broken.

ARMAGEDDON scoots back before morphing into..



It fires something, a flaming microwave made of nanomachines, at several hundred miles an hour towards W.O.R.T (10)
2 ancient oscillating fans jut of his shoulders, and just. Blow it apart.
W.O.R.T pulls out the rusted and broken remains of a trombone, chucking it like a javelin into ARMAGEDDON (13), before pulling out a microwave of his own, and throwing it as well to drive in the Trom-Javelin like a hammer (20)


(20) And SUPPRESSOR does the edgy thing where he walks through the fire and it does nothing to him.

He then just tries to shoot Hive near point blank with 2 standard grenades. (7, 16)
The first gets assimilated before it can even detonate... but the second blows a chunk off Hive's core.

Hive... freezes. Not in a metaphorical sense, he literally freezes like ice.
(1) And it hits the machine square in the face, causing it to stumble back, making a mechanized groaning noise, it's face now somewhat marred.

REASSEMBLY takes note of the damages.

FLOOD recovers, boosting forwards and launching a kick to the chest at Miar. (4)
[...1] He attempts to catch the kick and counter it, but a lack of practice causes him to fail. He is knocked back from the kick and stumbles.
Horn begins grinding his claws against the floor in his sleep, he seems tense.
ARSENAL looks over in concern.. walking towards the sleeping giant.
(12) Horn's nightmares seem to be dying down as he relaxes slightly.

And then just keeps looking at him..

"...If you wish."
(18 +5 = 23) And suddenly the gill-like vents on his side would give off some kind of blue glow, as Vrajlax would leap forward with quite some force as he uses his legs, wings, and thrusters together to accelerate as much as possible before crossing his two plasma blades, slashing out right as he hits Fluxxation(?).

Taken off guard, the slash both destroys the sword and severs one of his arms just above the elbow as he dashes backwards, sparking heavily.

"Her work is unmistakable."

"But you have yet to see mine."

The machine sort of squats down a bit as various other ports open along his body, a second set of thrusters emerging, they begin to blast coral in huge jets, giving the machine the appearance of being on fire.

In a flash, Fluxxation vaults forwards, going at such a speed he is nearly incomprehensible, attempting to grab Vrajlax by the neck and blast into the sky with him. (7)

Aurora indeed is dragged into the loop..but she manages to get out some kind of floating, flaming wisp out from the loop as she falls through the loop (D20: 2).

Which erupts into a beam of Mystical Fire a second later, hopefully at the machine. (D20: 2 + 2 = 4 heck-)
(11) And it easily dodges by simply scooting a bit to the side with its thrusters.

It would then close the bottom portal, aiming to slam Aurora into the ground using all of the momentum built up from the few seconds of continued falling. (...3)

2 ancient oscillating fans jut of his shoulders, and just. Blow it apart.
W.O.R.T pulls out the rusted and broken remains of a trombone, chucking it like a javelin into ARMAGEDDON (13), before pulling out a microwave of his own, and throwing it as well to drive in the Trom-Javelin like a hammer (20)

(4) ARMAGEDDON is stabbed into by this trombone, quickly forming some tendrils from itself to grab onto and try to remove the "javelin." (4) but the microwave hits dead on, causing the thing to impale ARMAGEDDON.

The machine just dissipates into a blob now, slithering away to reform, leaving behind a big trail of destroyed nanomachines, along with the trombone and microwave.

The first gets assimilated before it can even detonate... but the second blows a chunk off Hive's core.

Hive... freezes. Not in a metaphorical sense, he literally freezes like ice.
and so SUPRESSOR aims its shoulder cannon, firing a large incendiary slug at Hive. (18)

[...1] He attempts to catch the kick and counter it, but a lack of practice causes him to fail. He is knocked back from the kick and stumbles.
(two heavy hitters out here)

FLOOD wastes no time, boosting forwards to close the gap and trying to throw a boosted punch to Miar's gut. (19 (oh lord))
(11) And it easily dodges by simply scooting a bit to the side with its thrusters.

It would then close the bottom portal, aiming to slam Aurora into the ground using all of the momentum built up from the few seconds of continued falling. (...3)
Aurora, in a blink, rights herself by Vanishing (D20: 17 + 2 = 19), warping behind the robot to slam into its back with more Phantom Force. (D20: 4 + 2 = 6)
Aurora, in a blink, rights herself by Vanishing (D20: 17 + 2 = 19), warping behind the robot to slam into its back with more Phantom Force. (D20: 4 + 2 = 6)
(2) And this works, the machine hitting the ground with a loud crack as it sparks in the joints, those being damaged as it attempts to slow itself.

It seems to be taking a second to get to its feet..

REASSEMBLY takes note of this too.. slowly creeping out from behind ENFORCER.

The little repair robot looks at ENFORCER with a high pitched buzzing, and then a beep. ENFORCER responds with a lone droning and then a click.

REASSEMBLY begins floating now, hovering just behind and above ENFORCER as the machine fires its large back thruster, lowering its shield to the ground and beginning to boost quickly towards Aurora.
(2) And this works, the machine hitting the ground with a loud crack as it sparks in the joints, those being damaged as it attempts to slow itself.

It seems to be taking a second to get to its feet..
Eyeing an opportunity for a combo, Aurora immediately pulls out a Shadow Ball...and kind of misses it...(D20: 2).

REASSEMBLY takes note of this too.. slowly creeping out from behind ENFORCER.

The little repair robot looks at ENFORCER with a high pitched buzzing, and then a beep. ENFORCER responds with a lone droning and then a click.

REASSEMBLY begins floating now, hovering just behind and above ENFORCER as the machine fires its large back thruster, lowering its shield to the ground and beginning to boost quickly towards Aurora.
Seems Aurora was thrown off by the buzzing and clicks, reminded of the existence of the other robots.

<:red:..they're working together...>

With a screech, Aurora floats up.
<Ok. ROUND 2!>

Aurora then screeches, attempting to catch ENFORCER and the machine she was fighting under her illusory spell, this time of...both machines apparently turning into Aurora while she herself just..disappears? (D20: 16, 4. For illusory check. If successful, may cause them to attack each other, though still not sure about if it'll just cause sensor interference instead.)
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