AlexTheKoalefant Nov 24, 2016 Do you remember?How we,used to talk?We'd stay,on the phone,Night til dawn,Do you remember?
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 23, 2016 Terraria 1.04 for the 3DS is pretty cool.But it's also for the sake of bug fixes so not a whole lot to play around with...
Terraria 1.04 for the 3DS is pretty cool.But it's also for the sake of bug fixes so not a whole lot to play around with...
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 18, 2016 All hail master pokey minch!Ruler of Eagleland and Nowwhere Islands!Only a boy pure of heart can pull the magypsy needles!
All hail master pokey minch!Ruler of Eagleland and Nowwhere Islands!Only a boy pure of heart can pull the magypsy needles!
SilverWolf001 Nov 15, 2016 Hello? If this is the Alexander from the post yesterday on Miiverse. That was a war. Please tell me,
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 12, 2016 Now that Trump is elected I feel terrified to go outside because I'm Hispanic.The Riot and Hate is ridiculous.Im scared.
Now that Trump is elected I feel terrified to go outside because I'm Hispanic.The Riot and Hate is ridiculous.Im scared.