Blue the Swordsman

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  • I listen to Pumped Up Kicks at school. I like to live dangerously.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    I already had the police called on me once because someone thought I was going to shoot up the school. I don't need that to happen again.
    sounds lovely.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    It is when I get woken up at 11:30 PM and getting asked a dozen stupid questions when I'm tired.
    I have a hard enough time sleeping and I couldn't fall back asleep after that.
    Isn't boredom great?
    it is, until you realize that you will have to do work later. Especially if you are a person like me that easily start to panic and get too focused on stuff.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    I have a dozen art projects in the works.
    However, my Ipad that has them all is dead without a charger,
    I tried to defend Logan Paul at school today because I can see that there might be some reasoning behind why he made his vid and [CONTINUED]
    The longer I stay around the more of a problem for everyone else I realize I am... I really need some confidence or something. I don't know.
    Scarlet Hunter
    Scarlet Hunter
    Hey, I feel like this in real life all the time. But online? People can handle it better than in real life. Don't know what it is, but they can help you with your problems without feeling weighed down by them.

    I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and that seems to be the case.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    Trust me, I'm infinite times more open online. That's because there are days that you could mistake me as a mute.
    Those aren't reasons to dislike you, those are life problems you're struggling with, everybody has those. Actual reasons to dislike someone would be because they're mean or unpleasant to be around, which you're not. It would be like disliking someone because they have a cold; it's out of their control.
    According to my dad I'd be a good Jahova's Whiteness. Is that a compliment or an insult?
    I agree with your points FlyKip, they make perfect sense!
    I'd like to ask this: Would you be open to evidence were someone to present it? Willing to change your mind?
    (I'm also considering bringing this to a private conversation if you're interested to pursue the facts with me. Don't know if Opti or Blue would like to be part of it.)
    What do say bud? ( ^▽^)O
    I’d rather not be a part of it as I’m not one for religious talk/debate.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    I don't mind, but I'm not sure how much you would wish to deal with an atheist who is all for debates.
    Hi, I know I'm kind of low around here but I can't find anything related to the slightest hint at the next update for Mobile..PC got it, now console...but where's mobile? I've been waiting 3 years for it and the last I heard was in April of 2016 saying it will be here in December of that year. It's December of 2017 and no news. Can you help me?
    Creeper da Snek
    Creeper da Snek
    Mobile’s being worked on, don’t worry. Check the most recent announcement, I’m pretty sure it has stuff about Mobile 1.3 in it.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    It's sometime next year.
    Oi Sword Smacker how’s the “ommm”ing?
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    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    It's been two days. Not that great of an improvement if any.
    Qui Devorat
    Qui Devorat
    Give it a little time. It took me a year to fully understand it. It’s like wearing gloves, you just need to find what fits best.
    My mistake, got a little impulsive.
    Why does it seem that everyone is more successful and happy in life than me? Hell, my suicidal friend seems better off than me, even.
    Qui Devorat
    Qui Devorat
    I like being an idiot

    Seriously though, talk to me when you start feeling enough of a difference with how you perceive things to be noticeable to you, alright Tin Can Tits?
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    Alright. Sure.
    Whatever you just said, I'll do that.
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    See, when it comes to these things, you feel an odd mixture of sorrow and apathy.

    We've all been there at some point, but everyone differs in how they cope with this. It's up to you to find what works for you, Blue.
    Fun fact, my IRL name was originally supposed to be Damien. The nurse got it changed so I wasn't the son of Satan or whatever.
    I think it came from a movie about the devil having a kid or something. Although i'm religious and i think it's a cool name.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    The Omen, I think. Although there is probably reference to a Damien earlier than that.
    don't know what happened but I'm in a good enough mood that even seeing that having a major assignment not getting turned in isn't terrible
    That’s a good thing.
    I just realized how :red:ty my life is. My teacher asked for my happiest memory and I couldn't think of even one.
    Qui Devorat
    Qui Devorat
    It can be a two edged sword at times, so it can exacerbate your misery if you choose to dwell on the matter at hand. But, with mindfulness comes understanding of your own feelings as well as that of others. So, when your parents hate you and you feel worthless to the world, you will contemplate the options you have before you, and one of them is a question.
    Qui Devorat
    Qui Devorat
    “Will you redeem yourself in your eyes, become a person worthy of respect and stop being so hard on yourself, or remain the way you are?”
    Blue the Swordsman
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