Cyrus the Cold Apr 18, 2015 Wow. You know those moments when you sit through an hour of really harrowing information? Learning about Japan in WWII was that.
Wow. You know those moments when you sit through an hour of really harrowing information? Learning about Japan in WWII was that.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 15, 2015 Seriously, I don't hate mine craft. It doesn't deserve nearly as much flak as it gets. I don't play it, but it doesn't offend me.
Seriously, I don't hate mine craft. It doesn't deserve nearly as much flak as it gets. I don't play it, but it doesn't offend me.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 13, 2015 As @Dish0ut and @Powpowitsme can confirm, we were not prepared for the akantor fight.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 13, 2015 As much as I disagree with his monster hunter opinions, Ben Croshaw is a great comedian, and the funniest brit in australia.
As much as I disagree with his monster hunter opinions, Ben Croshaw is a great comedian, and the funniest brit in australia.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 11, 2015 I'm working on the lewdness trend. I think the female nargacuga armour will do.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 5, 2015 This time, I'm not joking when I say I'm not going to be on the forums. I expect no Alerts when I return. alright, @Streamjet?
This time, I'm not joking when I say I'm not going to be on the forums. I expect no Alerts when I return. alright, @Streamjet?
Cyrus the Cold Apr 5, 2015 well, Easter's rolled around, and my vow to reach G-rank by the end of the break has been broken.
R R Red H2O Apr 2, 2015 You. You beautiful sonuva . Why didn't you tell me about Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series until now?!
Cyrus the Cold Apr 2, 2015 I can't believe that I held off from watching Red Vs. Blue until recently.
Cyrus the Cold Apr 2, 2015 I AM THE RE-INCARNATION OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS! This beast may just be my new favourite fight.