DARKVOID10 Feb 15, 2019 i inputted the konami code in the terraria web page and this happened https://terraria.org/
DARKVOID10 Feb 15, 2019 hjuytfrdesgfhjngtfdxfgvbhjnhgtfvdexgvhnjhtvfrhjnhtfvrvghnjhtfrgbhnjhtfrtghbjnhtfrghnjhtfrgbhnjhbgtfvrbhnjhbgtvhbnjhbgtfrghbn jhbgvftrgvh
hjuytfrdesgfhjngtfdxfgvbhjnhgtfvdexgvhnjhtvfrhjnhtfvrvghnjhtfrgbhnjhtfrtghbjnhtfrghnjhtfrgbhnjhbgtfvrbhnjhbgtvhbnjhbgtfrghbn jhbgvftrgvh
DARKVOID10 Feb 13, 2019 i'm trying to beat the eye of cthulhu in the xbox one version, i need tips and tricks.
S S Sophie2000007 Oct 24, 2018 I really need bubble blocks,I AM in hard mode but my party girl won't sell them to me,HALP
DARKVOID10 Oct 23, 2018 i want to beat queen bee because that is the last pre-hardmode boss in my world before i beat the wall of flech. any tips?
i want to beat queen bee because that is the last pre-hardmode boss in my world before i beat the wall of flech. any tips?