DoctorMcDerp Apr 1, 2016 You know what's annoying? That one neighbor who blares out horrible music to the entire neighborhood and throws cans into your yard.
You know what's annoying? That one neighbor who blares out horrible music to the entire neighborhood and throws cans into your yard.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 29, 2016 I've been clicking the refresh button waiting for alerts for so long now my mouse is in danger of breaking.
I've been clicking the refresh button waiting for alerts for so long now my mouse is in danger of breaking.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 28, 2016 In one day, my shower head breaks, my washer's timer breaks, the faucet won't stop dripping, and my wifi keeps dropping.
In one day, my shower head breaks, my washer's timer breaks, the faucet won't stop dripping, and my wifi keeps dropping.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 27, 2016 So, can you tell me a way that everyone is the same? Um... we will all die?
DoctorMcDerp Mar 24, 2016 I just spent an hour listening to the Interstellar OST. That tells you something.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 24, 2016 Anyone here remember Myst? The puzzle game from 1993? Yeah, found my dad's old copy, going to play through it again.
Anyone here remember Myst? The puzzle game from 1993? Yeah, found my dad's old copy, going to play through it again.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 19, 2016 You know, It's kinda funny that Myst was the first video game I EVER played (along with mine sweeper and space cadet pinball).
You know, It's kinda funny that Myst was the first video game I EVER played (along with mine sweeper and space cadet pinball).
DoctorMcDerp Mar 15, 2016 Why did I jump on this cactus again? Oh, right, unresponsive wifi+space bar. I guess that's what I get for slamming it.
Why did I jump on this cactus again? Oh, right, unresponsive wifi+space bar. I guess that's what I get for slamming it.
DoctorMcDerp Mar 12, 2016 So I was playing FTL and I got a mantis crew member after beating up a slaver on the first jump. RNG.
So I was playing FTL and I got a mantis crew member after beating up a slaver on the first jump. RNG.