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  • Do you play or read over all the code when a new update comes out to post new stuff to the wiki?
    Usually the developers include release notes that we use as a starting point. I consult the code to fill the stats (eg. damage/defense numbers, who drops what). We add colorful descriptions regarding how things work based on our playthroughs -- that stuff would be hard to get from the code. We go to the code again when there are questions about mechanics. Thanks for asking!
    Unit One
    Unit One
    Very cool. You guys do a great job and I appreciate all the work that goes into it. I use the wiki a lot and love that I can feel confident with its precise and accurate info. Must be overwhelming when new stuff erupts - you don't know if you should enjoy playing or try to get allllls the info up right away. :guidegrin:
    Yes, that'll definitely be a struggle when 1.3 is out. There do tend to be lots of people who show up around update time to post new stuff and details they find, so there's some help from the crowd there. And thanks! It's great to hear that people get a lot of use out of it and appreciate the effort. :guidesmile:
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