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  • Today I'm a happy aquatic creature
    I currently roam the sea named canvas, where I and my aquatic comrades often go to the feeding grounds of knowledge
    Ah that's rough, I don't like canvas very much...
    I don't mind it that much. I live in the North Sea, right above the Canal. The educational system is much different there from most of the Atlantic and Pacific. Here, corallege students choose to do higher education, regardless of whether they can afford it, because of government funded student loans.
    If there's anyone at all who reads this, and by some crazy coincidence also happens to have the Switch version, if they have a Plumber's Cap and/or a Weather Radio, I'm willing to trade.
    I mean, sure, I'm really entertaining myself with modded PC Terraria, but that's hardly playable on the bus. I travel by bus 1:30 hours aday, I just want a convenient way to play Terraria and I really enjoy wiring.
    I just want 1.3.1 for the Switch. It's been more than a month since they said they'd fix the last things and submit it to Nintendo, but there's still no update.
    Enjoy the 1.2.4 update while you can. I miss 1.2.1 and 1.2.4 a lot and wish I could play it without buying a old gen console
    idk what you're talking about cause the Switch version launched with 1.3.0 (which I personally still like better than 1.2.x), but I just want the wiring update.

    Besides, you can just download older versions of the game if you own the steam version
    Oh I did not know that. Obviously I dont play it on switch so r.i.p I guess. Also no I dont play it on PC. I own an xbox one
    Same here.
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