Ladies and gentleman, behold! The True Excalibur the love of my life made for me for my birthday a month ago. We finally managed to find a place for it.
My train of thought about gravity has led me to believe that we are actually playing a form of skyblock. Except, the direction for gravity isn't "down," it's "in." Gravity never is "down" because down isn't a direction. It's arbitrary depending on where you are. It's like a spinning wheel counterclockwise, the top of the wheel is going left, whereas the bottom of it is going right. (continued in comments)
We can get infinitely better resolution in images the more we try, but this is not the case for audio. This is because of how soundwaves and their frequencies work. There is this thing called fourier transform and.. and.. wait what do you mean I have no idea what that is? No? Watching half of one 3b1b video doesn't make me an expert? Come on. It's just regular fouri- oh. Oh yeah, I'm not qualified for this.
It is 2 am. I need to stop watching "the next episode" before sleep. This week specifically has been horrible in terms of my sleep schedule. I wonder why. I don't have enough time left tonight to get a decent sleep though and I already screwed over my eyes for the night. Man. I have responsibilities. That is fascinating.
Want to hear a 4D thing I thought of for my roleplay? It's not exactly original, since it utilizes preexisting shapes, and a use of the w axis that lots of people have done before, but I thought it was neat, and you're the 4D guy of this site, so I thought you might want to know about it.
I have 3 days left until I manage to come up with an actual first year anniversary for my gf. Here is my plan so far.
I will write her a long love letter and list out everything I love about her. This will probably take hours so I should start soon. I did this a few times before so I hope things I say doesn't become repetitive.
Fun fact: there isn't really a well defined single cylinder shape in 4 dimensions. Here is why,
There are two ways to make a filled cylinder (to my knowledge).
1) You take a 2D disc and extend it through another dimension. Think of it like stacking thousands and thousands of paper discs.
The way you can turn this into a 4D shape is by using a sphere instead of a disc.
There is no one that does this here, so from now on, I'll post an xkcd comic everyday. I have like 200 in my gallery already and the site has 3036 comics in total.
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