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  • Woohoo. Gonna die to hurricane Irma. About time world. Kept me waiting.
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    Reactions: Ghostly!
    if irma doesnt kill you jose will finish you off
    what the :red: that could be a reference to anything you only said one common word
    I completely forgot about Jose. And there's Katia to. If i survive this i can survive any fking thing.
    Lmao getting a warning point is great. Im not even mad considering i wanted the mods to do it. Oh well. Whatever. dude deserved it anyways
    I would have loved to comment so much more on the tremor drama. Too bad the mods would have shut me down because Tremah or some stahf.
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    Reactions: Heretic
    Eh, nothing worth commenting on anyways. Just some silly small fiasco that in the end shouldn't even have happened that way.

    Not saying the stolen sprites shouldn't have been reported, just that the people involved should have taken it to PMs immediately.
    When you're friend is being harassed but he's powerless. I'm not going to elaborate on it. Just know that forum injustice happened.
    When you're still on winter break and have no idea what you have to work on even though it's supposed to be a break...
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