Commander Crocket Dec 15, 2014 D'aww, how cute. I'll almost feel guilty after I slaughter it for bacon.
Erienna Nakagai Dec 14, 2014 why is your location at a hallow/snow cave when that's a corrupt pigron?
IvoryPlants π³ Dec 14, 2014 I have made an art competition! Submit your art or request to be a Judge!
IvoryPlants π³ Dec 14, 2014 Buzz Buzz Buzz:
Buzz Buzz Buzz:
IvoryPlants π³ Dec 14, 2014 I HAVE A QUEEESTION. How do you change your rank (e.g instead of Terrarian it's skeletron) pls tell me. please?
I HAVE A QUEEESTION. How do you change your rank (e.g instead of Terrarian it's skeletron) pls tell me. please?
IvoryPlants π³ Dec 13, 2014 I wrote my own Suggestion Thread!
I wrote my own Suggestion Thread!
zimberzimber Dec 13, 2014 Welcome to TCF! Your avatar is so damn cute!!!!! Enjoy your stay and have fun! ^^