Ringabel Jul 12, 2015 Orange Blood Roots are some kind of underground currency these days, apparently.
Ringabel Jul 11, 2015 I wonder if the Stardust Guardian is supposed to look like a Stand or if it's just a coincidence.
Ringabel Jul 11, 2015 I can report at least one new thing in The Rod of Discord doesn't make the screen flash anymore. Neat.
I can report at least one new thing in The Rod of Discord doesn't make the screen flash anymore. Neat.
Ringabel Jul 1, 2015 I tried the final boss with my friend and we killed the cultist and the pillars but martians invaded and we died fighting them and the boss
I tried the final boss with my friend and we killed the cultist and the pillars but martians invaded and we died fighting them and the boss
Ringabel Jan 25, 2015 Why is everyone so negative about the Dirt Rod? I, for one, enjoy chucking dirt around.
Ringabel Oct 31, 2014 IT'S HALLOWEEN! We don't actually celebrate it in my country, but I'm still excited.
Devalaous Oct 9, 2014 I kind of feel bad how you me and @LuciousTPK had some thread planned but then I bunged it up by suddenly being busy. But oh well!
I kind of feel bad how you me and @LuciousTPK had some thread planned but then I bunged it up by suddenly being busy. But oh well!
Ringabel Oct 3, 2014 I want to recreate the well from This is Halloween in my build, but how should I go about making green water?
I want to recreate the well from This is Halloween in my build, but how should I go about making green water?
Ringabel Oct 3, 2014 Got all the resources I need to build... I wish I had that cool Laser Ruler accessory!
Ringabel Oct 3, 2014 Working as a team sounds like fun. Too bad there's only one set of prizes per winner, and I'm in it to win it!
Working as a team sounds like fun. Too bad there's only one set of prizes per winner, and I'm in it to win it!