Sash Sep 16, 2016 yay! a hkx streamer! its ox. he runs no Armour hard xper. Sash bow only no hook no mana is harder yes? lets add no Armour tho 2 be sure??
yay! a hkx streamer! its ox. he runs no Armour hard xper. Sash bow only no hook no mana is harder yes? lets add no Armour tho 2 be sure??
Sash Sep 16, 2016 would rather wait for pulse bow but i have to go to work TT *gets up to have shower
Sash Sep 15, 2016 the longest part of my order.. waiting for pulse bow.. no afk in hardcore. heh. definitely no afk lol plz be less than 30 hours this run xD
the longest part of my order.. waiting for pulse bow.. no afk in hardcore. heh. definitely no afk lol plz be less than 30 hours this run xD
Sash Sep 15, 2016 Hardcore Expert Plantera defeated! Plz check out my video! :D thx 4 the advice and support. means alot! <3
Hardcore Expert Plantera defeated! Plz check out my video! :D thx 4 the advice and support. means alot! <3
Sash Sep 14, 2016 i was going to vs plantera yesterday. but i burned all my focus on chlorophyte and life fruit farming.. ok... today... plantera x)
i was going to vs plantera yesterday. but i burned all my focus on chlorophyte and life fruit farming.. ok... today... plantera x)
Sash Sep 13, 2016 hardcore expert twins and skeletron. hope you like it ^^
Sash Sep 12, 2016 i must say.. im a novice straight shooter. first mage run. im used to ark projectiles.
Sash Sep 11, 2016 i want to start a mage run in hardcore expert.. what is the easiest magic based weapon to craft? id rather chat about it than use wiki. ^^
i want to start a mage run in hardcore expert.. what is the easiest magic based weapon to craft? id rather chat about it than use wiki. ^^
Sash Sep 11, 2016 does re-logic read this? i found a bug, explained straight away pretty much in this vid:
does re-logic read this? i found a bug, explained straight away pretty much in this vid:
Sash Sep 10, 2016 i want to create a vivid terraria boss for a cover art.. which boss do you think woulld look the coolest?
i want to create a vivid terraria boss for a cover art.. which boss do you think woulld look the coolest?
Sash Sep 10, 2016 i created a GIF of my second favorite bow. hopefully doing this right and its ok? burn&learn.
i created a GIF of my second favorite bow. hopefully doing this right and its ok? burn&learn.
Sash Sep 10, 2016 the sands scare me now.. i dont know whats harmless or whats lethal.. lets just assume all lethal. the fear is real lol
the sands scare me now.. i dont know whats harmless or whats lethal.. lets just assume all lethal. the fear is real lol
Sash Sep 9, 2016 3 destroyers erased in half a night. Hardcore Hardmode Expert. Bows only. No magic, No summons, no Hooks.
3 destroyers erased in half a night. Hardcore Hardmode Expert. Bows only. No magic, No summons, no Hooks.
MarioKart7z Sep 9, 2016 *ahem ahem* Welcome to TCF! Prepare to see lots of dank memes, lewd, and people spamming "ZOMG WEN IZ TERAEA 1.3 MOBIL???????????????????"
*ahem ahem* Welcome to TCF! Prepare to see lots of dank memes, lewd, and people spamming "ZOMG WEN IZ TERAEA 1.3 MOBIL???????????????????"
Sash Sep 9, 2016 i didnt even know this existed.. very happy yay! now! are there any solid hardcore expert players? i have searched nearly every social media
i didnt even know this existed.. very happy yay! now! are there any solid hardcore expert players? i have searched nearly every social media
Sash Sep 9, 2016 Hardcore expert bows only no summon, no magic, no hooks, and no wiki. insane? probably.
I can hear that byotiful voice more clearly which is great! Though there was one part where the music was actually louder than you just a small bit, but.. meh, it's whatever. I could still hear you anyways, and I'm pretty much just nitpicking by saying that