SprainedCactus4 May 11, 2017 "The Legend of Wario: Waft of the Wind" would be pretty rad. Make it happen, Nintendo.
SprainedCactus4 Apr 2, 2017 If I were to try to play a Pokemon game, which one should it be? Preferably anything that can be played with a N3DS.
If I were to try to play a Pokemon game, which one should it be? Preferably anything that can be played with a N3DS.
SprainedCactus4 Mar 21, 2017 So, I've visited "Aika Village" in New Leaf yesterday. My favorite part of the whole thing was the dark room with all the signs and stools.
So, I've visited "Aika Village" in New Leaf yesterday. My favorite part of the whole thing was the dark room with all the signs and stools.
SprainedCactus4 Feb 18, 2017 "Why purify the world when you can just blow it up?" https://youtu.be/ipCylsq3Ypg?t=20s