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  • Based on your marvelous builds, I have wondered if you are the student of archaic architecture that your work seems to suggest you might be. Your brilliant Nordic village and some of the castle features give me the impression that you have looked extensively at historical buildings. :pinky:
    That was completely unexpected :guidesmile: And it would be something really interesting, but no, I am actually an automation engineer in a factory 👷‍♂️ (you know - hard hat, vest, precision tools, etc.). Regarding the architecture - I use references on most of my builds, some of them are based on IRL buildings, some are based on other builds, or fantasy/sci-fi stuff. Again, thank you for the compliment 👍
    prickly paralian
    prickly paralian
    Oh, when I said student, I didn't mean in a formal sense, but in a very nerdy one. :3 I think studying sufficiently to yield such excellent artwork qualifies you as a scholar of sorts. It was delightful to tour your builds and recognize historical elements. I bound my character to one of the beds in the viking village. 😆 (edit for unwanted emoji, ugh)
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