TheNerdiestNerd Mar 14, 2016 literally the last two pirate invasions i've had have given me coin guns. I have no words.
TheNerdiestNerd Dec 6, 2015 is moon lord supposed to disappear during his death animation if you die during it?
TheNerdiestNerd May 14, 2015 im leaving tcf for a very long time. the main reasons are because I don't have a working pc anymore and couldn't get on without much trouble
im leaving tcf for a very long time. the main reasons are because I don't have a working pc anymore and couldn't get on without much trouble
TheNerdiestNerd May 8, 2015 i like discussing controversial topics. to me, if you can discuss a controversial topic, that is the true sign of intelligence.
i like discussing controversial topics. to me, if you can discuss a controversial topic, that is the true sign of intelligence.
TheNerdiestNerd May 5, 2015 have you ever had that feeling where you really want to do something, but you have no idea what it is that you want to do?
have you ever had that feeling where you really want to do something, but you have no idea what it is that you want to do?
TheNerdiestNerd May 3, 2015 something i hate about minecraft: no trash slot. i have no idea why they will never add one in, all it does is inconvenience people.
something i hate about minecraft: no trash slot. i have no idea why they will never add one in, all it does is inconvenience people.
TheNerdiestNerd May 2, 2015 why is havig dev wings sudenly somthing 2 boast about on utube? 'just shows that u are 2 lazy for lack of better word to make yourself wings
why is havig dev wings sudenly somthing 2 boast about on utube? 'just shows that u are 2 lazy for lack of better word to make yourself wings
TheNerdiestNerd May 2, 2015 stampylonghead's comment section needs it's own bit in every episode of your grammar sucks (most of it does, anyway)
stampylonghead's comment section needs it's own bit in every episode of your grammar sucks (most of it does, anyway)
TheNerdiestNerd May 2, 2015 i just broke my last computer, now i have no way to do anything requiring electronics.
TheNerdiestNerd May 1, 2015 who started this whole VVVVVV thing? there hold be a social forum for it now. "the V cult" or something... i dunno, im bad with names.
who started this whole VVVVVV thing? there hold be a social forum for it now. "the V cult" or something... i dunno, im bad with names.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 30, 2015 the battery in my netbook fell out which caused me miss out on 2nd place in a class quiz game, which means no 8 bonus points on next test
the battery in my netbook fell out which caused me miss out on 2nd place in a class quiz game, which means no 8 bonus points on next test
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 30, 2015 im going through terraria 1.2 withdrawal, im hearin voices that say "jailbreak"
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 30, 2015 playing through kingdom hearts re:com currently, the only thing i hate about it is how expensive most doors in castle oblivion are.
playing through kingdom hearts re:com currently, the only thing i hate about it is how expensive most doors in castle oblivion are.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 27, 2015 i bet luxord is pretty annoyed that he doesnt get to go to castle oblivion.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 27, 2015 dream drop distance is so strange. i just finished playing with a cat made of fruit in order to get salvation.
dream drop distance is so strange. i just finished playing with a cat made of fruit in order to get salvation.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 26, 2015 the 13th reflection: final mix or 2.5? i prefer final mix, but i feel 2.5's version filled places where final mix's version was lacking.
the 13th reflection: final mix or 2.5? i prefer final mix, but i feel 2.5's version filled places where final mix's version was lacking.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 26, 2015 i can only use ing terraria 1.1 on my ipod 4th gen, because both my xbone and pc crash at completely random times.
i can only use ing terraria 1.1 on my ipod 4th gen, because both my xbone and pc crash at completely random times.
TheNerdiestNerd Apr 25, 2015 *doesnt get offended by someone calling him gay* *is probably gay* what is wrong with people?