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  • is moon lord supposed to disappear during his death animation if you die during it?
    Yeah, that happens, unfortunately. So, uh... Don't die, even during the death animation or you won't get the loot.
    thanks for the advice! i just remembered "dont die" and my hp suddenly expanded to 70,000 for the duration of the battle, and my last prism seemed to do an entire square of its normal damage. :P
    im leaving tcf for a very long time. the main reasons are because I don't have a working pc anymore and couldn't get on without much trouble
    and because I am not happy with the conditions I have set for myself here. 2 warnings, banned from 2 threads, banned from adult swim, and I have turned more into Sheldon cooper than @Sheldon Cooper . I blame myself for all of this obviously, but I am nonetheless unhappy. I think the time I get a laptop is a good time to attempt to get back into things, which could be anywhere from midsummer to Christmas.
    Hey man it's alright. You ain't going to be steve ok? No one can ever go as far as steve unless you are steve.
    i like discussing controversial topics. to me, if you can discuss a controversial topic, that is the true sign of intelligence.
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    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Avoiding controversial topics in a place where you know everyone will disagree with you, and you will gain nothing from bringing it up, is a sign of wisdom.
    You know, you could've just said "I'm smarter than all of you".
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Not really, I see no implications therein that there aren't others who like to discuss controversial topics more.

    It's like if I said I was a good writer (I'm average tho) it would not mean "I'm the best" just "I'm good." There's always someone better.
    have you ever had that feeling where you really want to do something, but you have no idea what it is that you want to do?
    something i hate about minecraft: no trash slot. i have no idea why they will never add one in, all it does is inconvenience people.
    Yeah, once you get used with Terraria, It's too hard for me to get back in minecraft.
    why is havig dev wings sudenly somthing 2 boast about on utube? 'just shows that u are 2 lazy for lack of better word to make yourself wings
    but yeah. "I hacked in dev only wings, GET ON MY :red:ING LEVEL SCRUB" i see that all the time on stampy's comment section.
    That's when you reply "but you are so far down there and I'm busy being legit"
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    The only possible reply to boasting about that is "Stop right there, criminal scum! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit."
    stampylonghead's comment section needs it's own bit in every episode of your grammar sucks (most of it does, anyway)
    who started this whole VVVVVV thing? there hold be a social forum for it now. "the V cult" or something... i dunno, im bad with names.
    Rest assured, you won't get traumas from VVVVVV, it's just a fun pixelated game, but I do suggest you buy it, it's worth the money and it's good to donate to the devs
    I've seen people play VVVVVV and it looks reaaaaaaally fun (but also really infuriating)
    It's a bit hard, but it's still very fun. An easy game is a boring game ;)
    the battery in my netbook fell out which caused me miss out on 2nd place in a class quiz game, which means no 8 bonus points on next test
    playing through kingdom hearts re:com currently, the only thing i hate about it is how expensive most doors in castle oblivion are.
    the 13th reflection: final mix or 2.5? i prefer final mix, but i feel 2.5's version filled places where final mix's version was lacking.
    i can only use :red:ing terraria 1.1 on my ipod 4th gen, because both my xbone and pc crash at completely random times.
    Your computer must be pretty bad then.
    Mine doesn't crash, it just lags.
    you dont know the half of it.
    I do, probably.
    I have an AMD graphics card, and used to have 1.5GB of ram.
    *doesnt get offended by someone calling him gay* *is probably gay* what is wrong with people?
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    I'd just smile and say thanks. Why? Because the word "gay" originally meant "happy" or at least you were a happy person.
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    I would (and did, more than once, even) say "I'm happy because I'm not a close-minded :red:" and walk away, leaving them to boil in their own ignorance.
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