ValmontDraconus May 10, 2017 My last night off before my BDay... Wish I coulda had the actual day off. Oh well. Just gotta make the most of my day.
My last night off before my BDay... Wish I coulda had the actual day off. Oh well. Just gotta make the most of my day.
ValmontDraconus Jun 10, 2015 Playlist
ValmontDraconus Jun 10, 2015 Just finished playing hour 10 of 100 hours of T. First 5 hours are now available to watch on Youtube
ValmontDraconus May 31, 2015 Mulling over an idea that i've had for a long time that is centered around Terraria... not sure where to start...
Mulling over an idea that i've had for a long time that is centered around Terraria... not sure where to start...