Terraria Community Forums

Mille Marteaux
Mille Marteaux
"Tryhard!" "Get a life." "I'm only playing for FUN."
Then don't ruin my fun in the name of your fun, and I won't ruin your fun of spending 30 minutes fighting a monster that should take ten. Thanks.
If there was a "most senseless insult of the year" title, "tryhard" would win it.

Or it would tryhard its way to victory.
Star and Moon
Star and Moon
They probably just resent the fact that they're not as good as you, and are calling you out to try to feel better about themselves.

When you beat someone 5-0 and they tell you that you suck.
Its all salt, happens a lot more on online games.
Mille Marteaux
Mille Marteaux
I don't want to say that I'm the best at the game, best at my class, or anything like that. I understand the importance of going counter-meta if the meta is stale, and maybe you'll find something new that's good.

I will say, however, that I try. I will try to perform as best as I can at my role to the best of my ability. The people that see just not trying and then defending themselves are mind-boggling.
Sometimes, the people who are good at the game look down their noses at everybody else, and of course it triggers a backlash. If you look down your nose at someone else like they area "scrub", then of course they're going to lash back at you. (cont)
I'm not saying that you, yourself are guilty of this, but from my experiences, many players who are "good" at the game are also the egotistical, stuck-up ones. Some of us do indeed play the game for relaxed fun and aren't trying to boast or brag.
But yet sometimes, we get the "MLG" types looking down their Seattle Space Needle noses at us like we're somehow inferior humans just because we aren't into MLG.
Mille Marteaux
Mille Marteaux
It depends on if the player is inexperienced or being apathetic, really.

If you own up to your inexperience with the content, then whatever. I'll happily help them to the best of my ability. We all have to learn somehow, and experience is the best teacher.

If somebody refuses to try and learn and instead lashes out calling their peers tryhards, then they're not being a team player. That's a problem.
Mille Marteaux
Mille Marteaux
You need to communicate with your teammates in a team-based game, and if you aren't performing to your peer's expectations, then it's on all parties involved to come to a middle ground compromise and talk to each other on how to improve.
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