Terraria Community Forums

The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
Unfortunately 7 warning points is pretty good for what I'm going to have if I keep going at this rate...
Tons of people have warning points, bro
The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
Well apparently I haven't seen these tons of people. Idk.
Unit One
Unit One
@The Slime Worshipper, please don't point out members' warning points. Calling attention to it isn't polite, and for some members it can be a sensitive topic. It's between the member and the forum staff.
The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
Shoot. I'm not doing so well today huh Unit One? I'm gonna have to leave aren't I... It was fun while it lasted!
Dude, you only have to leave if you accumulate 20 warning points and get banned. This was a little mistake, it was forgivable :^)
The Sweeth Slime Guy
The Sweeth Slime Guy
Oh darn I wasn't being serious before! Only 20 warning points? I am like literally doomed D:
You haven't even gotten any yet.. Stop freaking out man, there's a huge difference between the mods telling you to stop and actually getting a warning point.
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