Terraria Community Forums

Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
the mini nuke minigun from fallout 4
Evil Ghost Lady
Evil Ghost Lady
The Ice Cream Sandwich Creepers mod for Minecraft.
You know I gotta go with the "Killing the Kids" mod for Skyrim
Dark Sunshine
Dark Sunshine
oh gosh uh
idk jurrassicraft?
Peanut sauce
Peanut sauce
prob spirit mod for (duh) Terraria.
A toss up between the Avali Triage and Elithian Alliance, both are mods for Starbound. Avali Triage adds in one of my favorite fictional races in games and Elithian Alliance adds in quite a bit of much needed content in an otherwise relatively bare game.
Mug Not Found
Mug Not Found
I don't think I can answer this question without mentioning multiple mods, just today I became one with my chair and played a massive Celeste mod for hours on end (specifically the spring 2020 colab). Modders just put huge amounts of time and energy into their work, just because they love what they do, I can't show my appreciation enough.
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