Terraria Community Forums

Lucky I guess
I never had to go through one of those classes. I did however have to go through a puberty class for one day when I was like 10. I did not like that.
lucky bastard
you got away with just puberty classes
What did you do?
everything since we couldn't do gym
so it was health all year
@poptarts guess I’m a lucky bastard and you’re the poor bastard. Damn that must’ve sucked
Dark Sunshine
Dark Sunshine
Oof, that really sucks
Health was online for me, and PE was just recess
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I can think of things in certain classes that could be changed but nothing that could be completely removed (basically the entire education system in a nutshell), if I were to add anything though a class to teach basic things such as paying taxes or just general time management (for jobs and other time consuming tasks) would be pretty useful.
Mushy Chlorophyte
Mushy Chlorophyte
I'raab in Arabic, it's utterly useless.
Also we don't have Sex Ed ;).
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@Unreal_Megashark I apologize if this comes off as a tad bit hostile but I feel inclined to say that sex education classes(and other classes similar) are extremely important, however uncomfortable they may be. Imagine the amount of unprepared or conservative parents that would have kids be left unprepared for intercourse without any education on it (sorry but character count will draw this out)
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(it's probably a whole lot more embarrassing not knowing what to do when the time comes than it is to have it taught in class), or imagine how screwed it would be if suddenly all these strange things happened to you and your and body and you didn't know why, I can't even imagine the amount of STDs that have been prevented because of it.
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Likely the best reason these classes to exist is for people (both male and female) to learn about the menstrual cycles of females, I don't know about you but if you but I'd say whether you're a struggling teenager, a single dad or a caring partner being educated on that is of extreme importance. (Should've said this before but this is the final post.)
Dark Sunshine
Dark Sunshine
That's why I'm somewhat glad those classes exist, I guess
Damn Train
Damn Train
Elemental Δ
Elemental Δ
Hmm... Can't say I have an answer, considering I was homeschooled all my life.
Mushy Chlorophyte
Mushy Chlorophyte
@Romantic a Mimic Mug the Then, explain how 50 Islamic countries, China, India, Italy, Poland, and many other countries do not have mandatory Sex Ed.

All I know is that menstruation is briefly taught in biology, nothing more.
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@Sir Mushias Chlorophytas Cultural differences, I don't have a huge understanding of what I'm about to say so correct me if I'm wrong. In Islamic culture isn't sex considered more sacred? Since they're very devout to their religion I'd imagine far more parents would rather be the ones teaching it when they feel their children are mature enough.
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I know that STDs are common there, not sure how menstruation's seen. When it comes to China I know they have massive censorship issues, it wouldn't surprise me if that's what's going on. India has a serious HIV problem, so they're getting Sex Ed now (yay). Don't ask me about Poland, Italy or other more developed nations, I've got no clue and they (probably) have no excuse.
Personally, I think Sex Ed isn’t something that schools should teach at all, it’s something that parents should teach when they feel the time is right for their kids. If anything it’s just another waste of taxpayer money
I forgot that existed
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