PC [] Oddity with World Generation

While making a world I asked one of my friends on steam to give me a random alpha numeric sequence for the world seed.
He gave me this, 28v12ehg3nsd, and I used a world map viewer to see how the world generated and I couldn't believe what it had generated.
World oddity.png

As you can see the jungle is beside the spawn area and not the desert.
Has anyone ever had this happen to them before?
While making a world I asked one of my friends on steam to give me a random alpha numeric sequence for the world seed.
He gave me this, 28v12ehg3nsd, and I used a world map viewer to see how the world generated and I couldn't believe what it had generated.
View attachment 148804
As you can see the jungle is beside the spawn area and not the desert.
Has anyone ever had this happen to them before?

Yup the new world I spawned Thursday has ice a screen or two right and jungle 2 or 3 screens left. Corruption is all the way next to both beaches. Ice and jungle almost meet up underground. Good bit of pits i had to build over to.
I've got a world where the jungle generated on the spawn point, in the middle of the world. The desert, snow and dungeon were all on the left. There was nothing on the right. (Unfortunately, I can't share this because it was pre-1.3.4, so no seed available.)

Oddities like this in the world generation helps make things very interesting and fun! Especially for explorers.
Bad thing about a town in the jungle is all the frogs croaking. Will drive you froggy. I have a teleport playthrough where I started in the jungle with lavapits. Frogs everywhere. Can't go to the surface till I defeat the wall of flesh. Figured I would use beenades and bees knees. But being expert and no life regen potions, I can't quite kill the queen. May need a bigger arena. I have no idea what the surface looks like.
I like the idea of the world seed keys, especially given this world and I had had similar thoughts about doing a jungle town for my NPCs (prior to seeing this world) even if it is a darned hard start. Part way through a summoner run so might do this as ranger or mage, I've played too much warrior/melee to be fair so need to try new ways of playing.

Part of what I would also look at doing is the musroom biome between the ice and jungle biomes.
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