Standalone [1.3] tModLoader - A Modding API

I've released a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac) application that patches TML onto GOG versions of Terraria. It uses mono to run on Linux and Mac systems and might be exactly what you are looking for:

The application is still in beta, so while it *should* work fine, if you run into any problems, post in the application's thread and I'll be happy to help figure out any issues. :)

Could you post the WHOLE script just to make sure?
(you dont have to if you dont want to)
I've released a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac) application that patches TML onto GOG versions of Terraria. It uses mono to run on Linux and Mac systems and might be exactly what you are looking for:

The application is still in beta, so while it *should* work fine, if you run into any problems, post in the application's thread and I'll be happy to help figure out any issues. :)

Could you upload the whole script just so we/I can make sure?
Also, if you see a double post, it was because i couldnt see my post once i posted it.
Could you post the WHOLE script just to make sure?

It is an application, not just a script that could be put in a post, but the C# code is publicly available and a link to the gitlab repo can be found at the bottom of the application's thread's opening post if you want to look at it.
Can someone explain me how would new version of tmodloader work? Do mods (thorium,tremor,calamity etc) need to somehow update compatibility with the new version of tmodloader? thank you
Can someone explain me how would new version of tmodloader work? Do mods (thorium,tremor,calamity etc) need to somehow update compatibility with the new version of tmodloader? thank you
Unfortunately, some very commonly used things in vanilla changed, so yeah.
Can someone help me? I made a bow and an arrow but when i shoot it all i can see is dust projectiles and no arrow. Also arrow travels in a straight line like a bullet.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace KRTP.Items.Meteor
//ported from my tAPI mod because I'm lazy
public class MeteorBow : ModItem
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "Meteor Bow";
item.damage = 21;
item.ranged = true;
item.width = 42;
item.height = 30;
item.toolTip = "";
item.useTime = 35;
item.useAnimation = 35;
item.useStyle = 5;
item.noMelee = true;
item.knockBack = 4f;
item.value = Item.sellPrice(0, 01, 0, 0);
item.shoot = mod.ProjectileType("MeteorArrow");
item.rare = 8;
item.useSound = 5;
item.autoReuse = false;
item.shootSpeed = 6f;

public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(null, "TestItem", 1);

public override void GetWeaponDamage(Player player, ref int damage)
damage = (int)(damage * player.arrowDamage + 5E-06);

public override Vector2? HoldoutOffset()
return Vector2.Zero;
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace KRTP.Projectiles
//ported from my tAPI mod because I'm lazy
public class MeteorArrow : ModProjectile
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "Meteor Arrow";
projectile.width = 14;
projectile.height = 32;
projectile.alpha = 255;
projectile.friendly = true;
projectile.tileCollide = true;
projectile.penetrate = 2;
projectile.light = 0.3f;
projectile.ignoreWater = true;
projectile.ranged = true;
ProjectileID.Sets.Homing[projectile.type] = false;
aiType = ProjectileID.WoodenArrowFriendly;
public override void AI()
projectile.velocity.Y +=[0];
if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0)
Dust.NewDust(projectile.position + projectile.velocity, projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("Fire"), projectile.velocity.X * 0.0f, projectile.velocity.Y * 0.0f);
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 300);
I need some help here, the problem is that when im using TmodLoader the game goes at 1-4 FPS! but the FPS start to increase with the time but it takes too long, this happens only when i move touching ground but if i jump in the air the game goes normally, so i tried disabling all mods, using a diferent version, is always the same... So if anyone can help please...
Can someone help me? I made a bow and an arrow but when i shoot it all i can see is dust projectiles and no arrow. Also arrow travels in a straight line like a bullet.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace KRTP.Items.Meteor
//ported from my tAPI mod because I'm lazy
public class MeteorBow : ModItem
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "Meteor Bow";
item.damage = 21;
item.ranged = true;
item.width = 42;
item.height = 30;
item.toolTip = "";
item.useTime = 35;
item.useAnimation = 35;
item.useStyle = 5;
item.noMelee = true;
item.knockBack = 4f;
item.value = Item.sellPrice(0, 01, 0, 0);
item.shoot = mod.ProjectileType("MeteorArrow");
item.rare = 8;
item.useSound = 5;
item.autoReuse = false;
item.shootSpeed = 6f;

public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(null, "TestItem", 1);

public override void GetWeaponDamage(Player player, ref int damage)
damage = (int)(damage * player.arrowDamage + 5E-06);

public override Vector2? HoldoutOffset()
return Vector2.Zero;
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace KRTP.Projectiles
//ported from my tAPI mod because I'm lazy
public class MeteorArrow : ModProjectile
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "Meteor Arrow";
projectile.width = 14;
projectile.height = 32;
projectile.alpha = 255;
projectile.friendly = true;
projectile.tileCollide = true;
projectile.penetrate = 2;
projectile.light = 0.3f;
projectile.ignoreWater = true;
projectile.ranged = true;
ProjectileID.Sets.Homing[projectile.type] = false;
aiType = ProjectileID.WoodenArrowFriendly;
public override void AI()
projectile.velocity.Y +=[0];
if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0)
Dust.NewDust(projectile.position + projectile.velocity, projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("Fire"), projectile.velocity.X * 0.0f, projectile.velocity.Y * 0.0f);
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 300);
Just remove the whole "projectile.alpha" line. You don't necessarily need it. If you want to keep it there, just adjust the value for the alpha to be 0.
So I just got tmodloader v0.8.3.5 but I had the tmodloader before in version There's still mods that are on there and whenever I go into Terraria, it say's there a mod that was fit for a previous version. When I click the Continue button it only crashes me. How do I fix this? By the way I'm on a Mac OS
Anyone here know about the sound bug on the Mac? Where during random times some sounds go missing and the background music doesn't change? It hasn't been fixed since the first 1.3 update of Terraria and I have tried to see if it was a vanilla Terraria problem but it seems to be some sort of mod problem (I have multiple mods installed, not sure if tModLoader or the mods I have installed).
Anyone here know about the sound bug on the Mac? Where during random times some sounds go missing and the background music doesn't change? It hasn't been fixed since the first 1.3 update of Terraria and I have tried to see if it was a vanilla Terraria problem but it seems to be some sort of mod problem (I have multiple mods installed, not sure if tModLoader or the mods I have installed).

I've had this issue on my mac for some time and I believe it is a problem with tmodloader. There are several issues with tmodloader. The ones that irritate me the most are the sound issues on the mac, and the inability to place modded items on weapon racks/item racks/armour stands. In saying that, we do need to be patient and wait for the maker to fix these issues in their own time :)
So I have this idea for a mod, anybody know if it's possible for a buff/debuff to apply a heat distortion effect to the screen, like the ones you see in the desert and the underworld?

Also please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong here, it's my first post :happy:
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