Toxophilite [East]
Sentries have always been viable, even in 1.3.5, I think the better word is probably "streamlined" [like most changes in 1.4.4].Since sentries are finally viable, are you going to tier them one day?
A lot of players have just had really bad fundamentals for a long time, a very long time actually. However, seeing as how we practically have a brand new "Master Mode+", I don't see an issue with any of the newer, more streamlined changes. Sentries behaving similarly to how they do during OOA Invasions, only makes sense honestly.
You're practically the "King/ Queen of Whips" at this point [LoL], but I suspect that Sanguine Staff was such a crutch, that nearly every tier-appropriate Armor would also take a hit as well, right??Having more & stronger Sanguine bats on an otherwise Mage setup was what made the Forbidden Armor seem strong on paper, but now that Sanguine Staff is nerfed It's harder than ever to justify using it for how rare it is. Maybe a setup that involves whip stacking Blade Staff w/ Cool Whip while waiting for mana to regenerate could be strong, but tests would be needed.
That being said, I do think it should be considered just how much DMG potential lies in stacking Nimbus, Clinger Wall and Ancient Sand Storm 25%/25% [and maybe even a Sentry or two]. I don't plan on campaigning for this Armor Set or anything, but I've already seen the complaints about Summoner being neutered in this update, even if some of use know better...
EDIT: Also, more Buff Slots, so every Mana Power advantage can be used, along with the new and improved Mana Bottle/ Lamps.