Portfolio/Multi-Topic A crude amassment of 1.4.5 Suggestions (Long)


Official Terrarian
Recently I've been playing through terraria with a friend, and I noticed alot of small (or medium sized things) that I feel could be improved as a whole...
Let's get started Shall we!
(oh, and all the pictures shown below have alt text, if you have trouble reading!)

A Gif used to tease the cultists back in 2015, that was nearly 8 years ago! Gosh, I'm old..


I. Cultist
It's well known that the Cultist's drops are subpar, it's the only major boss without a treasure bag, and by extension an expert mode drop.

Due to 1.4.5's expanding scope, I wouldn't be surprised if this were to be finally implemented, but here's my take on the Expert Mode Drop at least.

All expert mode drops in my opinion should be useable for the entirety of the game (i.e Worm Scarf & Brain of Cthulhu) or for a good chunk of the game (Shield of Cthulhu --> Ninja Gear) in order to entice players to struggle more for the rewards. If they were outclassed easily, why bother?
However, the cultist is near the end of game progression, meaning its usage would be limited. However, my idea for the drop is this a sort of "damage build up"

For example, this accessory would be incredibly useful for the pillars, due to the low amount of enemy variety. My idea would me having it so you have a streak, like a combo in fighting games basically. The more you kill an enemy in a row, the more damage you would deal for it, like a 1.1x multiplier. If you take 10 seconds without killing/dealing damage, die, or kill another enemy your combo resets. The current multiplier would be seen on your effects bar below your hotbar.
Something along the lines of this:
A picture of a buff I made with the lunatic Cultist on it, the Text below says; Multiplier: 1.1x I say below: The Multiplier Text would go along where the time goes when you drink a potion

The "Multiplier" Text would go along where the time goes
when you drink a potion

This drop would help with the pillars, and give a good accessory for those who like/need to farm for enemies. It can't be abused early game due to it's late appearance in progression, nor cheese moonlord due to its necessity to kill an enemy once to have any sort of effect. I'd like to call it the "Cultists Wrath", or something along those lines.
TOTALLY not a pixel artist, but I took the nose of the cultist, and mode it into some kind of blade, I think it looks cool.

Made out of the Nose of the cultist, sort of looks like a double edged blade, but I think it's kinda cool.


II. Expert Boss Drop Reworks
I mentioned above that I think that all Expert mode drops should be used for a big chunk, or all of progression.

Now, I think most expert mode accessories fit this criteria perfectly, however I find some to be outclassed very quickly and/or need some love given

I am going to cover basically all accessories which deal damage, as due to the type of progression in this game, makes them more useless than average.

First off, the

Bone Glove.

Bone Glove Demonstration I stole from the Wiki

Skeletron is the last boss before the WOF in an average progression playthrough, and early Hardmode Outclasses the damage output of this, so my idea for a rework is to scale the damage/increase armor penetration slightly for a few stages of progression.
For example

Post WOF: 35 Damage
Post 1 Mech Boss: 40 Damage
Post Mech: 50 Damage
Post Plantera: 55 Damage

The damage not really scaling exactly to how weapons damage scales for progression is on purpose, because I don't want this to be a "Freebie" in terms of damage, but to not be outclassed the moment those ancient spirits are released. Another idea for it would be to scale it via the weapon damage, but that could get incredibly broken fast, so I don't recommend it


Hive Pack

Hive pack can't really be demonstrated(Can't find a gif of it online) so take this gif of the Queen Bee hovering instead

Tell me, Expert mode players, how often do you use the hive pack?
It would be a good boost for Beenades for the WOF, but in Expert & Especially master, the DPS for Beenades is lackluster for the fight.
Now, my rework strays from the original entirely. This is an incredibly experimental idea, and if anyone has feedback about it, comment below!

Now, hear me out, Sudo-Rocket Jumping.

Gif of Soldier from TF2 Rocket Jumping, and dying near the end of the gif. (He is also the least fun class to play when you're not doing trolldier)

I've got your attention now, don't I?

Now, This won't (actually) be rocket jumping. If any of you have played Jump King I'm thinking of something similar. Basically, you hold down the jump button to charge a high jump, and you launch after a second, you can tilt left or right, or just up when you launch. You can boost in the air to gain more height by pressing jump up to 3 times, the boosts would be instant in air.. This won't prevent fall damage, to not outclass the Horseshoe for Pre-Hardmode
Fledgling wings will be mentioned later on, but for a little tease, they should be removed from Pre-Hardmode. I'll explain later.
Once the player jumps, bee's fly out of the bottom, visually the force of those leaving would be the actual boost.

If you've been playing close attention, you might be thinking. "Didn't you say these shouldn't be outclassed instantly? Queen bee is in a very close progression spot to Skeletron!"
And you'd be right, the reason why I mentioned rocket jumping at the start is because I think there should be a very high speed cap attached to it, like 200 mph (So jousting stick cheese doesn't happen AGAIN). The player should have a sort of Rocket-Jump-esque movestyle once the player has initially launched, allowing the player to traverse the ground if they bunny-hop on the ground. The timing would be precise, but not frame-perfect. Basically, this is a side-grade to the wings, while being less powered to entice regular players to either have both equipped, or just wings, and not underpowered enough to be useless after wings are added, and have some really cool uses. And if wings & The hive pack were to be equipped at the same time, the effects of the hive wings would go first, then the wings would glide down.


Bone Helm, Volatile Gelatin, & Spore Sac



If the devs were to take anything out of the section, it would be this. These three do the exact same thing, defend the player, each is literally a direct upgrade from the next, and they don't feel special at all. Even if my ideas were not taken into account, I feel like they should at least be looked at.

I'm going to be going over to re-work Deerclops & Plantera here, as one of these bosses should keep the same use, and since Queen Slime is an optional boss, having something like this makes the most sense
(Deerclops is also optional, but since it only despawns when a day has passed, and not a player death, it's easy to obtain really early on)

Bone Helm

So, the Bone Helm. This rework is simple, you know the shadow hands? Make it a building accessory! The shadow hands "Place blocks" for you, making your building speed 100% Faster. No, I've never played don't starve, so I couldn't think of a rework that fits the crossover well, but this is the best I could think of.

Spore Sac

The Spore Sac is a good name for the expert mode's current use. However, I have another radical change. Spores in real life are used for defense, but also Reproduction. I think a good use for the Spore sac would be to cut respawn time by 33%. I know that sounds harsh, but this item is only obtainable in Expert+, and the added time in expert at least is 33% more time. I think the percent could be tweaked, but accessory slots are limited for a reason, and having this as an option would be great.



Biome Picture of the Frost Legion, Taken from the Wiki

That was a lot of stuff right? Well I have something more digestible here! Now, the frost legion is one of the most forgettable, and ignored events. I have a few changes to give more attention.
Also, rename it to the Snow Legion, it makes more sense, and lessens confusion with the Frost Moon. I can understand if this could be controversial, though.

First off, during the Christmas season, it should invade in the same way as the Pirates & Goblins. This will make it so it will actually be fought. Second, The Globe should be craftable. A theoretical recipe should be 5 Snow Blocks, and 2 Glass Blocks. It would be crafted at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil. It can be summoned year-round, however, Santa will not move in unless its Christmas. Third, Re-introduce the exploding snowman. It hops towards the player using the Snowman AI, and when contact has been made it explodes, dealing 100 Damage, it would be the rarest to spawn though.

Now, what would be the reward be?

This is going to be controversial, but the Reward would be, Giving the player access to the Pumpkin & Frost Moon

Now, this wouldn't allow them to be summoned Pre-Plantera, it only requires it to be fought for a piece of the Naughty Present & Pumpkin Medallion.

Introducing.. The SNOWMEN CARROT
(Not to be confused with the Terraria Collectors Edition Reward)
The carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is a root vegetable, typically orange in color, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist,[2][3][4] all of which are domesticated forms of the wild carrot, Daucus carota, native to Europe and Southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly eaten part of the plant is the taproot, although the stems and leaves are also eaten. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its enlarged, more palatable, less woody-textured taproot.

These would only be obtained from the Snowmen, each of them drops 1-2 Carrots, and has an 100% chance of doing so. Each moon crafting recipe only requires one carrot.
Because of this change, I think the Ectoplasm requirement should be dropped to 4, because of the added effort.
This change would probably be controversial, but the frost legion needs some love, and this is my idea to improve it. Ideally there would be a Halloween counterpart to the Frost Legion to get the Pumpkin Medallion, however that's a little too much for this Suggestion clump. Given feedback from the comments, this could be annoying, but due to the cheap recipe of the crafting, and the extremely common drop rate of the carrot, it would only need the player to fight it once for a good chunk of spawns.



I. Fledgling Wings

Make them Journey Mode Exclusive. I have nothing else to say, wings should be a reward for beating the wall of flesh. I never liked this change ever since it was added in 1.4.1

II. Invasion Start Rework

Goblin Invasion Banner from the Wiki

The Pirate & Goblin Invasion's after you've beaten them once have little no purpose. You're minding your business grinding and then; "GOBLINS ARE INVADING FROM THE WEST!" You've already fought them, so it's a slog. After you've killed them once, make them only summon with the Summon Item. For example. if you've killed the Goblin army already, the only way for it to come back is with a use of the Goblin Battle Standard. This also applies with the Frost Legion Rework above when it spawns
naturally in December.

III. Happiness Changes

This is a little controversial, but I think that NPC prices shouldn’t be lowered from overcrowding, or at least raise the limit to 5 NPC’s. I always found pylons more of a reward for spacing out NPC's and catering to their needs, but since they can be overcrowded, I find this to be forced onto the player, if the player wants to have convenience, then they should sacrifice pylon availability.

So, that's all the Ideas I can come up with in my noggin. I probably have more inside that head of mine, so this won't be my last post for 1.4.5 (or beyond!) But I conclude this with a thanks. Even if you didn't agree with anything I said, reading through all of this means a lot. This was a multi-hour project of mine, so there probably will be a few mistakes here and there. If anyone has constructive criticism, please comment below! Thank you, again!​
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This took AWHILE, be surprised if anyone would read this fully lmao. I'm most proud of the Lunatic Cultist Idea, I think that's a really unique take on what it could be used for.
I think most of the Expert Drops are fine, I don't think everything needs to be "Rockstar" quality, seeing as how spoiled for choice Players are with Accessories already. For example:
  • I think Hive Pack is really, really good if you plan to run Bee Gear - Classless. I personally think it's a "Win Button" on every difficulty but Legendary.
  • I personally don't think that Bone Glove ever stops being useful, especially in situations where an extra 20 or so points of piercing DPS, is all you need to one-shot certain Mobs.
    • For me, it's one of those items that you kinda break-out every-so-often when needed, but you likely won't run it through the entire play session.
    • Same for Volatile Gelatin, though pairing it with Bone Glove is also pretty effective.
  • I still hold the opinion that Lunatic Cultist should drop an item that gives you the Frostbite debuff on all Weapon-types. It's not too OP and the gimmick itself is decent enough to run until Moon Lord.
Aside from some minor nitpicks, I do think these are some interesting suggestions, especially for the Frost Legion. I keep forgetting that they exist too, heh. :) 🤷‍♀️
I can see where you’re coming from, Personally I find the bone glove a waste of a slot quickly tbh, it’s conceptuonslly good, I use it myself sometimes, but once hardmode hits it just gets outclassed due to enemy HP & defense. I think expert mode drops should be a reward for going through the extra challenge, what’s the point if it’s outclassed after a short while? I also never go full “bee gear“, so I can’t really disagree with your stance on that, but I feel like it still shouldn’t be used for a few niche purposes, though. Also, that is a really expansive rework, so I can understand if it’s a bit much, I think it’s a really cool idea, though. I think the cultist dropping a frostbite accessory could be cool, but I don’t think it’s a good “expert mode” drop. Maybe if the cultist gets a bunch of drops, like other bosses.

(also yea, the frost legion really needs some love)
...Personally I find the bone glove a waste of a slot quickly tbh, it’s conceptuonslly good, I use it myself sometimes, but once hardmode hits it just gets outclassed due to enemy HP & defense.
I still think that you're severely undervaluing the Bone Glove, that piercing, and ricochet effect really come in clutch, especially in the HM Dungeon! Aside from Melee Class, obviously, I think that Ranger really gets some good milage out of this Accessory, especially when using 'punchy' Weapons [i.e. shotguns] with huge spread and high knockback! :) 🤷‍♀️
I still think that you're severely undervaluing the Bone Glove, that piercing, and ricochet effect really come in clutch, especially in the HM Dungeon!
I might be, I’ll try it out in a playthrough or some testing. I don’t have too much experience with it To be honest, but I appreciate the feedback!
Recently I've been playing through terraria with a friend, and I noticed alot of small (or medium sized things) that I feel could be improved as a whole...
Let's get started Shall we!
(oh, and all the pictures shown below have alt text, if you have trouble reading!)

View attachment 425155


I. Cultist
It's well known that the Cultist's drops are subpar, it's the only major boss without a treasure bag, and by extension an expert mode drop.

Due to 1.4.5's expanding scope, I wouldn't be surprised if this were to be finally implemented, but here's my take on the Expert Mode Drop at least.

All expert mode drops in my opinion should be useable for the entirety of the game (i.e Worm Scarf & Brain of Cthulhu) or for a good chunk of the game (Shield of Cthulhu --> Ninja Gear) in order to entice players to struggle more for the rewards. If they were outclassed easily, why bother?
However, the cultist is near the end of game progression, meaning its usage would be limited. However, my idea for the drop is this a sort of "damage build up"

For example, this accessory would be incredibly useful for the pillars, due to the low amount of enemy variety. My idea would me having it so you have a streak, like a combo in fighting games basically. The more you kill an enemy in a row, the more damage you would deal for it, like a 1.1x multiplier. If you take 10 seconds without killing/dealing damage, die, or kill another enemy your combo resets. The current multiplier would be seen on your effects bar below your hotbar.
Something along the lines of this:
View attachment 425380
The "Multiplier" Text would go along where the time goes
when you drink a potion

This drop would help with the pillars, and give a good accessory for those who like/need to farm for enemies. It can't be abused early game due to it's late appearance in progression, nor cheese moonlord due to its necessity to kill an enemy once to have any sort of effect. I'd like to call it the "Cultists Wrath", or something along those lines.
TOTALLY not a pixel artist, but I took the nose of the cultist, and mode it into some kind of blade, I think it looks cool.

View attachment 425390

II. Expert Boss Drop Reworks
I mentioned above that I think that all Expert mode drops should be used for a big chunk, or all of progression.

Now, I think most expert mode accessories fit this criteria perfectly, however I find some to be outclassed very quickly and/or need some love given

I am going to cover basically all accessories which deal damage, as due to the type of progression in this game, makes them more useless than average.

First off, the

Bone Glove

View attachment 425392

Skeletron is the last boss before the WOF in an average progression playthrough, and early Hardmode Outclasses the damage output of this, so my idea for a rework is to scale the damage/increase armor penetration slightly for a few stages of progression.
For example

Post WOF: 35 Damage
Post 1 Mech Boss: 40 Damage
Post Mech: 50 Damage
Post Plantera: 55 Damage

The damage not really scaling exactly to how weapons damage scales for progression is on purpose, because I don't want this to be a "Freebie" in terms of damage, but to not be outclassed the moment those ancient spirits are released. Another idea for it would be to scale it via the weapon damage, but that could get incredibly broken fast, so I don't recommend it


Hive Pack

View attachment 425398

Tell me, Expert mode players, how often do you use the hive pack?
It would be a good boost for Beenades for the WOF, but in Expert & Especially master, the DPS for Beenades is lackluster for the fight.
Now, my rework strays from the original entirely. This is an incredibly experimental idea, and if anyone has feedback about it, comment below!

Now, hear me out, Sudo-Rocket Jumping.

View attachment 425415

I've got your attention now, don't I?

Now, This won't (actually) be rocket jumping. If any of you have played Jump King I'm thinking of something similar. Basically, you hold down the jump button to charge a high jump, and you launch after a second, you can tilt left or right, or just up when you launch. You can boost in the air to gain more height by pressing jump up to 3 times, the boosts would be instant in air.. This won't prevent fall damage, to not outclass the Horseshoe for Pre-Hardmode
Fledgling wings will be mentioned later on, but for a little tease, they should be removed from Pre-Hardmode. I'll explain later.
Once the player jumps, bee's fly out of the bottom, visually the force of those leaving would be the actual boost.

If you've been playing close attention, you might be thinking. "Didn't you say these shouldn't be outclassed instantly? Queen bee is in a very close progression spot to Skeletron!"
And you'd be right, the reason why I mentioned rocket jumping at the start is because I think there should be a very high speed cap attached to it, like 200 mph (So jousting stick cheese doesn't happen AGAIN). The player should have a sort of Rocket-Jump-esque movestyle once the player has initially launched, allowing the player to traverse the ground if they bunny-hop on the ground. The timing would be precise, but not frame-perfect. Basically, this is a side-grade to the wings, while being less powered to entice regular players to either have both equipped, or just wings, and not underpowered enough to be useless after wings are added, and have some really cool uses. And if wings & The hive pack were to be equipped at the same time, the effects of the hive wings would go first, then the wings would glide down.


Bone Helm, Volatile Gelatin, & Spore Sac

View attachment 425416


If the devs were to take anything out of the section, it would be this. These three do the exact same thing, defend the player, each is literally a direct upgrade from the next, and they don't feel special at all. Even if my ideas were not taken into account, I feel like they should at least be looked at.

I'm going to be going over to re-work Deerclops & Plantera here, as one of these bosses should keep the same use, and since Queen Slime is an optional boss, having something like this makes the most sense
(Deerclops is also optional, but since it only despawns when a day has passed, and not a player death, it's easy to obtain really early on)

Bone Helm

So, the Bone Helm. This rework is simple, you know the shadow hands? Make it a building accessory! The shadow hands "Place blocks" for you, making your building speed 100% Faster. No, I've never played don't starve, so I couldn't think of a rework that fits the crossover well, but this is the best I could think of.

Spore Sac

The Spore Sac is a good name for the expert mode's current use. However, I have another radical change. Spores in real life are used for defense, but also Reproduction. I think a good use for the Spore sac would be to cut respawn time by 33%. I know that sounds harsh, but this item is only obtainable in Expert+, and the added time in expert at least is 33% more time. I think the percent could be tweaked, but accessory slots are limited for a reason, and having this as an option would be great.



View attachment 425533

That was alot of stuff right? Well I have something more digestable here! Now, the frost legion is one of the most forgettable, and ignored events. I have a few changes to give more attention.
Also, rename it to the Snow Legion, it makes more sense, and lessens confusion with the Frost Moon. I can understand if this could be controversial, though.

First off, during the Christmas season, it should invade in the same way as the Pirates & Goblins. This will make it so it will actually be fought. Second, The Globe should be craftable. A theoretical recipe should be 1 Frost Core, 5 Snow Blocks, and 2 Glass Blocks. It can be summoned year-round, however, Santa will not move in unless its Christmas. Third, Re-introduce the exploding snowman. It hops towards the player using the Snowman AI, and when contact has been made it explodes, dealing 100 Damage, it would be the rarest to spawn though.

Now, what would be the reward be?

This is going to be controversial, but the Reward would be, Giving the player access to the Pumpkin & Frost Moon

Now, this wouldn't allow them to be summoned Pre-Plantera, it only requires it to be fought for a piece of the Naughty Present & Pumpkin Medallion.

Introducing.. The SNOWMEN CARROT
(Not to be confused with the Terraria Collectors Edition Reward)
View attachment 425558
These would only be obtained from the Snowmen, each of them drops 1-2 Carrots, and has an 100% chance of doing so. Each moon crafting recipe only requires one carrot.
Because of this change, I think the Ectoplasm requirement should be dropped to 4, because of the added effort.
This change would probably be controversial, but the frost legion needs some love, and this is my idea to improve it. Ideally there would be a Halloween counterpart to the Frost Legion to get the Pumpkin Medallion, however that's a little too much for this Suggestion clump.



I. Fledgling Wings

Make them Journey Mode Exclusive. I have nothing else to say, wings should be a reward for beating the wall of flesh. I never liked this change ever since it was added in 1.4.1

II. Invasion Start Rework

View attachment 425567

The Pirate & Goblin Invasion's after you've beaten them once have little no purpose. You're minding your business grinding and then; "GOBLINS ARE INVADING FROM THE WEST!" You've already fought them, so it's a slog. After you've killed them once, make them only summon with the Summon Item. For example. if you've killed the Goblin army already, the only way for it to come back is with a use of the Goblin Battle Standard. This also applies with the Frost Legion Rework above when it spawns
naturally in December.

III. Happiness Changes

This is a little controversial, but I think that NPC prices shouldn’t be lowered from overcrowding, or atleast raise the limit to 5 NPC’s. I always found pylons more of a reward for spacing out npcs and catering to their needs, but since they can be overcrowded, I find this to be forced onto the player, if the player wants to have convenience, then they should sacrifice pylon availability.

So, thats all the Ideas I can come up with in my noggin. I probably have more inside that head of mine, so this won't be my last post for 1.4.5 (or beyond!) But I conclude this with a thanks. Even if you didn't agree with anything I said, reading through all of this means alot. This was a multi-hour project of mine, so there probably will be a few mistakes here and there. If anyone has constructive criticism, please comment below! Thank you, again!​
Jesus Christ, this is the most well-thought-out thing I have read, this is more thought out than many books I have read.

Also, maybe the Spore Sack could give the "confusion" debuff as if it could be acting like cordyceps. Hmmhhh?????
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  • Love
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Jesus Christ, this is the most well-thought-out thing I have read, this is more thought out than many books I have read.

Also, maybe the Spore Sack could give the "confusion" debuff as if it could be acting like cordyceps. Hmmhhh?????
Haha, thanks. It‘s mostly in the formatting, that is what took the most time. I already had most of the ideas in my head.
This is a good suggestion as a whole. I immensely agree that the Bone Helm, Volatile Gelatin, and Spore Sac issue should be changed. In most cases, you're wasting an accessory slot for slightly unreliable DPS... and even when it is helpful, it doesn't feel like a gratifying reward for playing in expert mode at all. Maybe you could fuse all three of them into an item that just launches neutral-damage projectiles everywhere or gives you a big projectile shield, because I do like their main idea.
I have to disagree about the hive pack, though. I personally find that as long as you own a bee gun, you don't even have to optimize much at all to make it a great item throughout most of Pre-HM, whether exploring caves or fighting bosses. Although I don't usually play Master Mode so maybe it's not as useful there...
The lunatic cultist idea is really interesting and I like the kill combo idea, but I feel like people would instantly cheese it with statues or something.
Actually, people are always complaining about how much of a drag fighting the pillars is... What if there was a special buff you had when close to a pillar that essentially does the same thing as the kill combo effect? Enemies keep coming, so the more you kill as fast as you can, the stronger you get -> the faster you'll defeat the pillar? That could make it more interesting...
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I think that Lunatic Cultist drop idea is great. It would absolutely cut down on the monotony of the Pillars, and would make farming events in the postgame much easier. Very good idea. The Bone Glove idea is also good.

I disagree that the Hive Pack needs to get reworked at all. The increase to bee damage is very substantial, and if you're using bees in your build it's a fantastic DPS increase. It does exactly what it needs to do. If anything, we just need more bee items to let it shine.

I'm also not sure about the Bone Helm/Spore Sac reworks. Volatile Gelatin is an upgrade to the Bone Helm, and the Spore Sac is an upgrade to that. Removing the Bone Helm's currently functionality gives builders/fishers no good source of passive defense in pre-Hardmode, which is not a niche currently filled by anything else. (No, Summons don't count. No pre-Hardmode summon attacks through blocks.) And making the Spore Sac cut down respawn time just seems a bit... unnecessary. You need to have the Spore Sac on when you die for it to be beneficial, and most of the time that won't be the case.

I also agree that the Frost Legion needs attention, but your idea doesn't make it better to fight the Frost Legion, it just adds an extra mandatory step to fighting the Frost and Pumpkin Moons. This would only make the Frost Legion worse, because other content becomes gated behind another event that did not become more interesting or worthwhile to engage with. There's a reason that no events are currently locked behind other events.

And I'm sorry, but these last three ideas are where I disagree the most.
  1. Fledgeling Wings do not need to be locked into Journey mode, because they hardly qualify as wings to begin with. The Horseshoe Balloons will likely do more for you than the Fledgeling Wings will, and the only advantage the wings have in pre-Hardmode is gliding. Not to mention Fledgeling Wings are quite rare, so for most playthroughs this wouldn't matter anyway. It's very acceptable for the worst wings in the game to be in pre-Hardmode.
  2. I agree that random invasions can be annoying, but somehow I don't think that making them never happen again unless summoned isn't the way to go. This would result in most new players fighting each invasion once and then never doing it again and wondering why. This would also mean that they never get the Shadowflame weapons from the Hardmode Goblin invasion. I'm with you that they need some kind of answer, but this is not the way.
  3. Removing price penalties from overcrowding is not a good change either. Half of the point of the NPC happiness system is that it affects prices. It's a system that is logical and it works, and deciding who to put where and with whom is an interesting part of the game. And "sacrificing Pylons for convenience" makes no sense - Pylons are as convenient as it gets. It's not as though any of this is hidden, either. The NPCs will literally tell you if they're overcrowded or unhappy.
Overall, I get where you're coming from on most of these suggestions, but your proposed solutions are iffy. The Lunatic Cultist accessory is a great idea, though.
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This is a good suggestion as a whole. I immensely agree that the Bone Helm, Volatile Gelatin, and Spore Sac issue should be changed. In most cases, you're wasting an accessory slot for slightly unreliable DPS... and even when it is helpful, it doesn't feel like a gratifying reward for playing in expert mode at all. Maybe you could fuse all three of them into an item that just launches neutral-damage projectiles everywhere or gives you a big projectile shield, because I do like their main idea.
I have to disagree about the hive pack, though. I personally find that as long as you own a bee gun, you don't even have to optimize much at all to make it a great item throughout most of Pre-HM, whether exploring caves or fighting bosses. Although I don't usually play Master Mode so maybe it's not as useful there...
The lunatic cultist idea is really interesting and I like the kill combo idea, but I feel like people would instantly cheese it with statues or something.
Actually, people are always complaining about how much of a drag fighting the pillars is... What if there was a special buff you had when close to a pillar that essentially does the same thing as the kill combo effect? Enemies keep coming, so the more you kill as fast as you can, the stronger you get -> the faster you'll defeat the pillar? That could make it more interesting...
The thing with statues is that it would only affect the enemy that comes out of the statues, once you kill another enemy, the combo resets. Maybe the buff doesn’t affect enemies spawned with statues if it gets added.. I’m personally leaning towards it should but with a lesser multiplier, but I wouldn’t complain if it didn’t. And the accessory only being useful for the pillars makes the use incredibly niche, not something worthy of an expert mode reward. I admit the Hive pack rework was probably too far fetched, the main issue again is the niche use of it, and its dps potential isn’t very good past wall of flesh. I also don’t play master mode either, but I did write it with my mind, so maybe it’s not as underpowered as I thought, but I know in expert it’s kind of useless after awhile, not expert mode worthy imo. I see where you’re coming from tho.
I think that Lunatic Cultist drop idea is great. It would absolutely cut down on the monotony of the Pillars, and would make farming events in the postgame much easier. Very good idea. The Bone Glove idea is also good.

I disagree that the Hive Pack needs to get reworked at all. The increase to bee damage is very substantial, and if you're using bees in your build it's a fantastic DPS increase. It does exactly what it needs to do. If anything, we just need more bee items to let it shine.

I'm also not sure about the Bone Helm/Spore Sac reworks. Volatile Gelatin is an upgrade to the Bone Helm, and the Spore Sac is an upgrade to that. Removing the Bone Helm's currently functionality gives builders/fishers no good source of passive defense in pre-Hardmode, which is not a niche currently filled by anything else. (No, Summons don't count. No pre-Hardmode summon attacks through blocks.) And making the Spore Sac cut down respawn time just seems a bit... unnecessary. You need to have the Spore Sac on when you die for it to be beneficial, and most of the time that won't be the case.

I also agree that the Frost Legion needs attention, but your idea doesn't make it better to fight the Frost Legion, it just adds an extra mandatory step to fighting the Frost and Pumpkin Moons. This would only make the Frost Legion worse, because other content becomes gated behind another event that did not become more interesting or worthwhile to engage with. There's a reason that no events are currently locked behind other events.

And I'm sorry, but these last three ideas are where I disagree the most.
  1. Fledgeling Wings do not need to be locked into Journey mode, because they hardly qualify as wings to begin with. The Horseshoe Balloons will likely do more for you than the Fledgeling Wings will, and the only advantage the wings have in pre-Hardmode is gliding. Not to mention Fledgeling Wings are quite rare, so for most playthroughs this wouldn't matter anyway. It's very acceptable for the worst wings in the game to be in pre-Hardmode.
  2. I agree that random invasions can be annoying, but somehow I don't think that making them never happen again unless summoned isn't the way to go. This would result in most new players fighting each invasion once and then never doing it again and wondering why. This would also mean that they never get the Shadowflame weapons from the Hardmode Goblin invasion. I'm with you that they need some kind of answer, but this is not the way.
  3. Removing price penalties from overcrowding is not a good change either. Half of the point of the NPC happiness system is that it affects prices. It's a system that is logical and it works, and deciding who to put where and with whom is an interesting part of the game. And "sacrificing Pylons for convenience" makes no sense - Pylons are as convenient as it gets. It's not as though any of this is hidden, either. The NPCs will literally tell you if they're overcrowded or unhappy.
Overall, I get where you're coming from on most of these suggestions, but your proposed solutions are iffy. The Lunatic Cultist accessory is a great idea, though.
Admittedly, only used it with beenades, I’ll test it out with full bee gear and see it’s dps in expert/master. I still think it’s uses are too niche, though. I still think the rocket jump idea could be cool, even if it‘s not related to the queen bee.

With those three reworks, the main thing that bugs me is that they all function the same, not their behavior. You make good points about the bone helm, but it doesn’t take much grinding to be semi-tanky for builders to not die, or they can play in journey mode. And not all builders play in expert+ anyways, due to the increased difficulty. I am not a builder, though. If any builders were to follow up and say their opinion on this, that would be great. Just an assumption I’m making from my experience. For fishers… they can just build a box to keep enemies at bay, with summons. And the volitile gelatin would still be the same regardless. The spore Sac idea could be busted with auto pause, but most players in the middle of boss fights don’t have that type of reaction, and for those grinding but keep dying, it would be useful to lower the annoyance of that.

After thinking it over, I 100% agree with what you said on the frost legion. That would be incredibly annoying. My thought process was that both were optional. I think they need more special drops, but I still stand by that it should be spawnable outside of Christmas.

I 100% hard disagree on the fledgling wings, I never liked the fact it was in Pre-Hardmode. I know they suck, but wings are rocket boots + Horeshoe in one accessory, would lessen the need for accessory management. I can see where you’re coming from however.

For invasions I see how that would be confusing for new players, the thing is, you mostly get everything you need from your first attempt. And I see no reason how the guide can’t mention something like that. You can even get the pirate map easily from just fighting ocean creatures. The best of both worlds would be a toggle with an item, but I think that’s a little too much.

I knew that the happiness would be controversial, and I agree with your points after thinking it over. However, I think overcrowdedness should atleast be increased to 4, though.
Did some testing. Master Mode Pre-Mech Gear. Bone Glove. Useless, does virtually nothing. Hive Pack? Well, When decked out with full bee gear, It does stuff. With a Bee gun, and some beenades it does decently well. Not worth the effort mind you, but with a wasp gun, it was really good. That is Post plantera though, and I imagine the Hive Pack isn't pulling the weight.
I don't thin kI've changed the opinion on this, It's decent, but only in a niche setting that only really benefits a sub-class. Not worth an expert mode drop. This feels like a rare drop from the Queen Bee Instead.
I have to say that the idea I resonate with the most is the concept of happiness change. If NPCs are living with people they like, why do they become unhappy when others are nearby? Perhaps some NPCs could have a preference for living near others, while some prefer to live alone.

On another note, I find the rocket jump idea interesting. However, I would still like it if having a beehive on your back would allow you to befriend all the bees, as long as you don't destroy their home, of course.

Currently, the goblin army spawns 10 times less often after being defeated. I think this is an acceptable solution, although having a way to prevent them from spawning would be even better.
I have to say that the idea I resonate with the most is the concept of happiness change. If NPCs are living with people they like, why do they become unhappy when others are nearby? Perhaps some NPCs could have a preference for living near others, while some prefer to live alone.

On another note, I find the rocket jump idea interesting. However, I would still like it if having a beehive on your back would allow you to befriend all the bees, as long as you don't destroy their home, of course.

Currently, the goblin army spawns 10 times less often after being defeated. I think this is an acceptable solution, although having a way to prevent them from spawning would be even better.
One reason why I am so for about the change about is because, I Played a world by myself recently, got to skeletron in progression. THE ARMY SPAWNED THREE TIMES IN THE PLAYHTHROUGH!!!!!!! It's incredibly annoying. I know that is a very rare case, but the fact it happened annoyed the crap out of me
For your proposed idea, I think its cool, but it's basically a bee Royal Gel.
With those three reworks, the main thing that bugs me is that they all function the same, not their behavior. You make good points about the bone helm, but it doesn’t take much grinding to be semi-tanky for builders to not die, or they can play in journey mode. And not all builders play in expert+ anyways, due to the increased difficulty. I am not a builder, though. If any builders were to follow up and say their opinion on this, that would be great. Just an assumption I’m making from my experience. For fishers… they can just build a box to keep enemies at bay, with summons. And the volitile gelatin would still be the same regardless. The spore Sac idea could be busted with auto pause, but most players in the middle of boss fights don’t have that type of reaction, and for those grinding but keep dying, it would be useful to lower the annoyance of that.

After thinking it over, I 100% agree with what you said on the frost legion. That would be incredibly annoying. My thought process was that both were optional. I think they need more special drops, but I still stand by that it should be spawnable outside of Christmas.

I 100% hard disagree on the fledgling wings, I never liked the fact it was in Pre-Hardmode. I know they suck, but wings are rocket boots + Horeshoe in one accessory, would lessen the need for accessory management. I can see where you’re coming from however.

For invasions I see how that would be confusing for new players, the thing is, you mostly get everything you need from your first attempt. And I see no reason how the guide can’t mention something like that. You can even get the pirate map easily from just fighting ocean creatures. The best of both worlds would be a toggle with an item, but I think that’s a little too much.
The issue with your point about builders is that not all who build do so by making a "building world" or play in Journey mode. Plenty of people, I might even say the majority of players, like to build over the course of their regular playthroughs. Especially in the cases of those who play on high difficulties, they'd like to keep enemies off of them by any means necessary while idling. The Bone Helm isn't supposed to kill anything, it's just supposed to keep them away, which it does pretty well thanks to its fast attack speed and good knockback. I'm not saying it couldn't be buffed, but I don't think it needs to have its whole mechanic changed.

I do absolutely agree that the Frost Legion needs improvements. I was thinking of making a post about that soon, actually. As it is, your idea for crafting a Snow Globe is good.

The Fledgeling Wings only do parts of what the Rocket Boots and Horseshoe Balloon do. They have worse verticality, worse horizontal movement on the ground, worse flight time, and are rarer than either of those other items. They only saves inventory space if you'd rather have them than a horseshoe balloon, which not everyone would. Other wings are Rocket Boots + Horseshoe, but not the Fledgelings. I just don't see the point in wanting all wings to be Hardmode exclusive, since the Fledgeling Wings aren't unbalanced, nor do they overshadow the other options. If you simply support Hardmode wing purity, I doubt I can sway you, but let's not pretend it's a noble cause.

But you don't get everything you need from your first attempt. Invasions are notorious for not giving you what you want the first time. On average, you'll fight 2-3 Goblin Warlocks in a single hardmode Goblin Invasion, and depending on what class you're playing, each one only has a 1/3 chance to give you what you want. RNG is cruel. The Pirates in particular have absolutely brutal drop chances for anything truly valuable. I think you're right that having some way to disable invasions would be preferable, but having them happen only once by default is not a good solution.
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The thing with statues is that it would only affect the enemy that comes out of the statues, once you kill another enemy, the combo resets. Maybe the buff doesn’t affect enemies spawned with statues if it gets added.. I’m personally leaning towards it should but with a lesser multiplier, but I wouldn’t complain if it didn’t. And the accessory only being useful for the pillars makes the use incredibly niche, not something worthy of an expert mode reward. I admit the Hive pack rework was probably too far fetched, the main issue again is the niche use of it, and its dps potential isn’t very good past wall of flesh. I also don’t play master mode either, but I did write it with my mind, so maybe it’s not as underpowered as I thought, but I know in expert it’s kind of useless after awhile, not expert mode worthy imo. I see where you’re coming from tho.
The statue thing, yeah that seems obvious, sorry.
I actually meant that maybe the Pillar kill combo thing could just be a feature implemented into the game without needing any special items... just to make the battle more fun and less monotonous in general.

Hive pack, 100% agree that it becomes much, MUCH less useful in Hardmode, but IMO being able to breeze through all of pre-HM past queen bee makes the accessory worth it- getting it pre-skeletron (it's tough though, queen bee is hard) is amazing because it's easy to beat skeletron with it and then the dungeon itself is really easy to explore all of a sudden. I guess, yeah the issue with it losing value after that is no more bee weapons besides Plantera's wasp gun, which is hard to obtain and isn't my favorite weapon at that point.
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Recently I've been playing through terraria with a friend, and I noticed alot of small (or medium sized things) that I feel could be improved as a whole...
Let's get started Shall we!
(oh, and all the pictures shown below have alt text, if you have trouble reading!)

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I. Cultist
It's well known that the Cultist's drops are subpar, it's the only major boss without a treasure bag, and by extension an expert mode drop.

Due to 1.4.5's expanding scope, I wouldn't be surprised if this were to be finally implemented, but here's my take on the Expert Mode Drop at least.

All expert mode drops in my opinion should be useable for the entirety of the game (i.e Worm Scarf & Brain of Cthulhu) or for a good chunk of the game (Shield of Cthulhu --> Ninja Gear) in order to entice players to struggle more for the rewards. If they were outclassed easily, why bother?
However, the cultist is near the end of game progression, meaning its usage would be limited. However, my idea for the drop is this a sort of "damage build up"

For example, this accessory would be incredibly useful for the pillars, due to the low amount of enemy variety. My idea would me having it so you have a streak, like a combo in fighting games basically. The more you kill an enemy in a row, the more damage you would deal for it, like a 1.1x multiplier. If you take 10 seconds without killing/dealing damage, die, or kill another enemy your combo resets. The current multiplier would be seen on your effects bar below your hotbar.
Something along the lines of this:
View attachment 425380
The "Multiplier" Text would go along where the time goes
when you drink a potion

This drop would help with the pillars, and give a good accessory for those who like/need to farm for enemies. It can't be abused early game due to it's late appearance in progression, nor cheese moonlord due to its necessity to kill an enemy once to have any sort of effect. I'd like to call it the "Cultists Wrath", or something along those lines.
TOTALLY not a pixel artist, but I took the nose of the cultist, and mode it into some kind of blade, I think it looks cool.

View attachment 425390

II. Expert Boss Drop Reworks
I mentioned above that I think that all Expert mode drops should be used for a big chunk, or all of progression.

Now, I think most expert mode accessories fit this criteria perfectly, however I find some to be outclassed very quickly and/or need some love given

I am going to cover basically all accessories which deal damage, as due to the type of progression in this game, makes them more useless than average.

First off, the

Bone Glove

View attachment 425392

Skeletron is the last boss before the WOF in an average progression playthrough, and early Hardmode Outclasses the damage output of this, so my idea for a rework is to scale the damage/increase armor penetration slightly for a few stages of progression.
For example

Post WOF: 35 Damage
Post 1 Mech Boss: 40 Damage
Post Mech: 50 Damage
Post Plantera: 55 Damage

The damage not really scaling exactly to how weapons damage scales for progression is on purpose, because I don't want this to be a "Freebie" in terms of damage, but to not be outclassed the moment those ancient spirits are released. Another idea for it would be to scale it via the weapon damage, but that could get incredibly broken fast, so I don't recommend it


Hive Pack

View attachment 425398

Tell me, Expert mode players, how often do you use the hive pack?
It would be a good boost for Beenades for the WOF, but in Expert & Especially master, the DPS for Beenades is lackluster for the fight.
Now, my rework strays from the original entirely. This is an incredibly experimental idea, and if anyone has feedback about it, comment below!

Now, hear me out, Sudo-Rocket Jumping.

View attachment 425415

I've got your attention now, don't I?

Now, This won't (actually) be rocket jumping. If any of you have played Jump King I'm thinking of something similar. Basically, you hold down the jump button to charge a high jump, and you launch after a second, you can tilt left or right, or just up when you launch. You can boost in the air to gain more height by pressing jump up to 3 times, the boosts would be instant in air.. This won't prevent fall damage, to not outclass the Horseshoe for Pre-Hardmode
Fledgling wings will be mentioned later on, but for a little tease, they should be removed from Pre-Hardmode. I'll explain later.
Once the player jumps, bee's fly out of the bottom, visually the force of those leaving would be the actual boost.

If you've been playing close attention, you might be thinking. "Didn't you say these shouldn't be outclassed instantly? Queen bee is in a very close progression spot to Skeletron!"
And you'd be right, the reason why I mentioned rocket jumping at the start is because I think there should be a very high speed cap attached to it, like 200 mph (So jousting stick cheese doesn't happen AGAIN). The player should have a sort of Rocket-Jump-esque movestyle once the player has initially launched, allowing the player to traverse the ground if they bunny-hop on the ground. The timing would be precise, but not frame-perfect. Basically, this is a side-grade to the wings, while being less powered to entice regular players to either have both equipped, or just wings, and not underpowered enough to be useless after wings are added, and have some really cool uses. And if wings & The hive pack were to be equipped at the same time, the effects of the hive wings would go first, then the wings would glide down.


Bone Helm, Volatile Gelatin, & Spore Sac

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If the devs were to take anything out of the section, it would be this. These three do the exact same thing, defend the player, each is literally a direct upgrade from the next, and they don't feel special at all. Even if my ideas were not taken into account, I feel like they should at least be looked at.

I'm going to be going over to re-work Deerclops & Plantera here, as one of these bosses should keep the same use, and since Queen Slime is an optional boss, having something like this makes the most sense
(Deerclops is also optional, but since it only despawns when a day has passed, and not a player death, it's easy to obtain really early on)

Bone Helm

So, the Bone Helm. This rework is simple, you know the shadow hands? Make it a building accessory! The shadow hands "Place blocks" for you, making your building speed 100% Faster. No, I've never played don't starve, so I couldn't think of a rework that fits the crossover well, but this is the best I could think of.

Spore Sac

The Spore Sac is a good name for the expert mode's current use. However, I have another radical change. Spores in real life are used for defense, but also Reproduction. I think a good use for the Spore sac would be to cut respawn time by 33%. I know that sounds harsh, but this item is only obtainable in Expert+, and the added time in expert at least is 33% more time. I think the percent could be tweaked, but accessory slots are limited for a reason, and having this as an option would be great.



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That was alot of stuff right? Well I have something more digestable here! Now, the frost legion is one of the most forgettable, and ignored events. I have a few changes to give more attention.
Also, rename it to the Snow Legion, it makes more sense, and lessens confusion with the Frost Moon. I can understand if this could be controversial, though.

First off, during the Christmas season, it should invade in the same way as the Pirates & Goblins. This will make it so it will actually be fought. Second, The Globe should be craftable. A theoretical recipe should be 1 Frost Core, 5 Snow Blocks, and 2 Glass Blocks. It can be summoned year-round, however, Santa will not move in unless its Christmas. Third, Re-introduce the exploding snowman. It hops towards the player using the Snowman AI, and when contact has been made it explodes, dealing 100 Damage, it would be the rarest to spawn though.

Now, what would be the reward be?

This is going to be controversial, but the Reward would be, Giving the player access to the Pumpkin & Frost Moon

Now, this wouldn't allow them to be summoned Pre-Plantera, it only requires it to be fought for a piece of the Naughty Present & Pumpkin Medallion.

Introducing.. The SNOWMEN CARROT
(Not to be confused with the Terraria Collectors Edition Reward)
View attachment 425558
These would only be obtained from the Snowmen, each of them drops 1-2 Carrots, and has an 100% chance of doing so. Each moon crafting recipe only requires one carrot.
Because of this change, I think the Ectoplasm requirement should be dropped to 4, because of the added effort.
This change would probably be controversial, but the frost legion needs some love, and this is my idea to improve it. Ideally there would be a Halloween counterpart to the Frost Legion to get the Pumpkin Medallion, however that's a little too much for this Suggestion clump.



I. Fledgling Wings

Make them Journey Mode Exclusive. I have nothing else to say, wings should be a reward for beating the wall of flesh. I never liked this change ever since it was added in 1.4.1

II. Invasion Start Rework

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The Pirate & Goblin Invasion's after you've beaten them once have little no purpose. You're minding your business grinding and then; "GOBLINS ARE INVADING FROM THE WEST!" You've already fought them, so it's a slog. After you've killed them once, make them only summon with the Summon Item. For example. if you've killed the Goblin army already, the only way for it to come back is with a use of the Goblin Battle Standard. This also applies with the Frost Legion Rework above when it spawns
naturally in December.

III. Happiness Changes

This is a little controversial, but I think that NPC prices shouldn’t be lowered from overcrowding, or atleast raise the limit to 5 NPC’s. I always found pylons more of a reward for spacing out npcs and catering to their needs, but since they can be overcrowded, I find this to be forced onto the player, if the player wants to have convenience, then they should sacrifice pylon availability.

So, thats all the Ideas I can come up with in my noggin. I probably have more inside that head of mine, so this won't be my last post for 1.4.5 (or beyond!) But I conclude this with a thanks. Even if you didn't agree with anything I said, reading through all of this means alot. This was a multi-hour project of mine, so there probably will be a few mistakes here and there. If anyone has constructive criticism, please comment below! Thank you, again!​
I must be honest, if you require the pumpkin moon/frost moon require an ingredient from the frost legion, then you should make it very easy to spawn the frost legion, so instead of frost cores, perhaps consider making it require chlorophyte? It's already very difficult to get frost cores due to the uncertainty of blizzards, and requiring those to spawn in the frost legion would make the process of gathering materials for the spawns of the moons incredibly more tedious and difficult.
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I must be honest, if you require the pumpkin moon/frost moon require an ingredient from the frost legion, then you should make it very easy to spawn the frost legion, so instead of frost cores, perhaps consider making it require chlorophyte? It's already very difficult to get frost cores due to the uncertainty of blizzards, and requiring those to spawn in the frost legion would make the process of gathering materials for the spawns of the moons incredibly more tedious and difficult.
At the time, I thought it would make more sense since the frost core was a hardmode Snow biome thing, but I think it makes more sense if it was crafted at a Mythril Anvil, I'll edit the post to reflect that.
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