Weapons & Equip Allow pets to open and close doors


The Destroyer
As it is right now, whenever you enter a building in Terraria, your pet lags just far enough behind you that they get stuck outside when you close the door. This leads to them bouncing up and down unless you walk far away enough to make them phase through the wall. It's a nitpick, but this drives me utterly insane and I usually just turn pets off because of it. I think a simple change would be to allow pets to open and close doors or simply phase through them, following the player at a closer distance.
Another good solution is to use platforms instead of doors; it only takes 1.5 wood for 3 platforms, whereas doors cost 6 wood each.
Why not have all doors have a built in pet door? Maybe they have to be made at a heavy work bench for that. This would allow pets to simply walk through no problem.
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