Awful videogame ideas into great ones

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Go round telling people their ideas don't seem logical and teasing them because they can't do the LLAP sign! Now with added ear pointiness.

Getting beat up till you die simulator
Said computer is the only way to turn off the nuke launch sequence!!

Emoji Adventures!
(Most of these are simulators)
Become an emoji and travel through the world of texting which includes but is not limited to: stalkers, fangirls, clingy exs, idiot teens, smart teens, medicore intelegence teens, and robots!

Ice sculpture: be the ice!
Now you can literally chill with your friends by being an ice sculpture! Get paid 2.45 an hour too!

Weed Whacking Simulator
Whack those weeds and avoid your neighbors ankles! Sorry, did you need that limb?

Race along side your angry Russian friends in an adventure to beat them in a race, then rub it in their angry Russian faces!

Fantastic Fudge Factory!
You work in a factory, making the word Fudge all over again and put it in peoples heads! You also make chocolate fudge stuff! And do RPG sh:red: !!

Looking At Screen Simulator
This version you get to clean up after the devil! Devilish fun!

Auctioneering Animals. Speak fast!
Star wars jedis must make their way through the giant land as tin characters. Even small people can have big advetures! new and improved with disco music!
sheep have taken over the land of the goats! Join the goats in the most epic battle of all history!

wall simulator
Be a person! Run from the creeps! Run from the pasta! Oh yeah and you'd better run from the creepypasta's too!

The littlest orange crayon
Experience a game like no other that lags constantly which leeches your other video game lags, to maximize performance and cut out lags while you are playing other (and more important) games.

Video game programming simulator
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