PS4 Bubble Block and Fishing Issues


I’m having two bugs with the PS4. One is my bubble blocks are solid. I do not pass through them; it is like they are regular bricks. @Loki is there any word on whether this is on the radar for a fix? This affects a lot of arenas.

My second issue is with fishing. Previously I had built a massive indoor fishing area with multiple biomes represented inside it for compact fishing without enemy distraction. I built close to the Surface/Underground shift so that I could have a platform at 4’ underground and another platform above it at 4’ surface, which allowed me to fish up both underground and surface fish from the same body of water depending on where I stood. The artificial lake itself runs from about 8’ underground to about 16’ underground, but the fish reeled in were determined by where the player was standing. That worked fine until the update. I created a new world and re-built my fishing area, using exactly the same design that worked previously. However, now I only pull up underground fish no matter where I stand. I’ve even dangled from the ceiling, which is around 14’ above surface level. I fish up underground-exclusive fish no matter where I stand, and surface-exclusive fish never (I really do mean never—I spent 2 full days doing nothing but fishing) show up. It seems the new console version is determining the fish by the depth of the water rather than the depth of the player. Is this the new norm or is this a bug that will be addressed in the future? I would really like to know because this is going to majorly impact how my fishing areas have to be (re)designed. I’d love to know if anyone else has had this problem. Thanks for the time!
I’m having two bugs with the PS4. One is my bubble blocks are solid. I do not pass through them; it is like they are regular bricks. @Loki is there any word on whether this is on the radar for a fix? This affects a lot of arenas.

Known issue. Not at the top of the list - much bigger "fish to fry" ahead of that.

It seems the new console version is determining the fish by the depth of the water rather than the depth of the player. Is this the new norm or is this a bug that will be addressed in the future?

This is by design. If the old console versions operated differently, then that was either a bug in those versions or an unknown "design decision" that Engine made on their own.

From the wiki:
The height requirement (Sky/Surface/Underground/Cavern) is set by the height of the surface of the water, not by the position of the player. This can be taken advantage of by creating two adjacent pools of water on different layers. This allows the player to fish in either while standing at the same spot.
Known issue. Not at the top of the list - much bigger "fish to fry" ahead of that.

This is by design. If the old console versions operated differently, then that was either a bug in those versions or an unknown "design decision" that Engine made on their own.

From the wiki:
Thanks! The fishing thing is a bit surprising because I designed it after another player's multi biome and surface depth post that I thought was PC based, but it could be I was mistaken. I appreciate the response. Been loving the update so far. I still think the text needs to be bigger and the inventory less transparent but I've definitely overall gotten used to the new layout. My son just started playing on our 360 and the "old" graphics were quite jarring. Made me laugh.
Thanks! The fishing thing is a bit surprising because I designed it after another player's multi biome and surface depth post that I thought was PC based, but it could be I was mistaken. I appreciate the response. Been loving the update so far. I still think the text needs to be bigger and the inventory less transparent but I've definitely overall gotten used to the new layout. My son just started playing on our 360 and the "old" graphics were quite jarring. Made me laugh.

Right on - glad to clear that up.

On the transparency bit - are you playing zoomed in at all? My own personal play experience (I do not have a devkit, so I am experiencing it live alongside everyone else on my XB1) is that the inventory is fine unless you zoom in AT ALL... if you do that, then the opacity of everything (inventory, buff icons, etc) goes to crap.
Right on - glad to clear that up.

On the transparency bit - are you playing zoomed in at all? My own personal play experience (I do not have a devkit, so I am experiencing it live alongside everyone else on my XB1) is that the inventory is fine unless you zoom in AT ALL... if you do that, then the opacity of everything (inventory, buff icons, etc) goes to crap.
Yes, I am zoomed in. It's a bit of a catch 22. I can't see what I'm doing if I don't zoom because everything is so small (though depending on what I'm doing I loooove being able to see so far away), but if I zoom the UI goes to pot. Here's hoping in the future we just get a slide bar in settings that lets us tweak transparency.
Known issue. Not at the top of the list - much bigger "fish to fry" ahead of that.

This is by design. If the old console versions operated differently, then that was either a bug in those versions or an unknown "design decision" that Engine made on their own.

From the wiki:
Any idea when the bubble blocks will be fixed such as in a near hot fix or so on? And also can you give me the rng to get your armour set. It’s much better than my reds set ;)
Any idea when the bubble blocks will be fixed such as in a near hot fix or so on? And also can you give me the rng to get your armour set. It’s much better than my reds set ;)

Not sure, to be honest. Lots of other stuff PW is working on. Sorry.

I have epic bad luck. Trust me, you do NOT want my RNG. :p
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