Buddy...its a revengeance change...you can literally choose *not* to use them. And the same update is adding *several* new enemies, so take your trolling elsewhere.
Lol, it's funny how you think i'm trolling. You are seriously THAT triggered right now.
This isn't just a change but a nerf on the player for being strong or "too powerful" when it is the mod dev's own fault for making it that way. Nothing is wrong with a basic game mechanic, he only added this debuff post-ML because he hates it when people beat his mod. He has an ego, which I don't like. It is frustrating, and he should take criticism to heart rather than ignore it and continue to roll this mod downhill like a boulder doomed to bowl off an eventual cliff.
Whether or not I can "choose" to use them is not the point of the discussion, but that it is a poor design choice. I'd be fine if he did something else to present new challenges for the player rather than add something that PUNISHES the player for progressing. It's not fair for those who are less-skilled or not intermediate like myself (granted, revengeance, but there are those still looking for a better challenge). I still have trouble paying attention to my surroundings in certain situations even in vanilla, but that's the typical bull
The cherry on top is that this dev has NO intention of EVER listening to those who criticize him for these decisions. I remember when hoiking was removed and the community made a fuss about it and messaged Red to please bring it back, and he did because not only did players do it for funzies; but also for the fact that players benefited STRATEGICALLY from it.
Removing health regen when it is something that benefits the player in certain situations (almost ALL the time) is SUBTRACTING from the player rather than adding something for them they can actually do something about. This is out of player control entirely when MOST situations the player is presented with, they can still take control of it. Negative health regen does NOT present a fair challenge. Rather a mechanic that can KILL the player if they are not aware of the mechanic in the first place (which Drew did a poor job of explaining [he never did] on his front page and hid it among the forum posts).
Nerfing life regen yet again....I think I'm going to be done with this mod once I officially have beaten everything. Nerfing the player instead of adding new enemies or biomes for a debuff like that......Yup. This mod is seriously going down hill continuously with poor design choices like this.
Not an opinion, rather a fact. Most mod devs have pretty much turned on drew at this point due to his way of thinking and lack of the ability to handle criticism.