Weapons & Equip Carrying chests as backpacks and introduce chest placer/remover for extra slots/relocating chests with items


This concept is simple. The players may carry chests as their backpacks in a separate slot. The items in the backpack chest is always shown so players can check and use/move the items in the chest backpack just as how they do with their inventory. This will not block the current interaction with placed chests, however, as players can still open them and store/take items normally. And after certain game progress, players will have access to a item (a chest placer/remover) that allows them to pick up a placed chest with items (as a backpack with items when their "chest backpack slot" is empty) and place a chest with stored items from the "chest backpack slot". This also solves the current problem of inability of relocating chests with items as the picking/disposing procedures can be used to change the location of a placed chest. Placing or picking up a "chest backpack" is impossible without that item to prevent accidental disposal of the chest backpack as well as make the interactions with chests not being confusing. Making it obtainable after a certain progress so the player will not have access to it so easily, which may ruin the game balance.

If these "extra slots" are still unbalanced, the mechanism may change to that the players will only have hot-bar and special utility (coins/ammo/armor/etc.) slots while lose the 40-slot main inventory. On this occasion, the player spawns with a chest backpack (probably a wooden chest), so they will still have the same amount of slots as before. When a medium core character die, they respawn with a empty chest backpack (just like how they respawn with copper equipment now). And the difficulty for the chest placer/remover may be reduced, as the chest backpacks no longer provide extra slots on this occasion.
Isn't this just a more powerful money trough/void bag?

Just notice this.
If these "extra slots" are still unbalanced, the mechanism may change to that the players will only have hot-bar and special utility (coins/ammo/armor/etc.) slots while lose the 40-slot main inventory. On this occasion, the player spawns with a chest backpack (probably a wooden chest), so they will still have the same amount of slots as before.
this could be easily unbalanced by putting chests inside of chests.

Not really. This backpack chest occupies a special new slot (like armor/ accessories/ pet/ etc. ). Chests can’t be stacked in that slot, meaning that only one chest can occupy the slot and thus be used as a backpack (like how stackable dye items work currently). You are still allowed to place chests in your ordinary inventory in stacks, however, on this occasion, these chests are all empty.

To make it clear, the extra slots are associated with characters rather than chests. The eqquiped chests just enable new slots. Since inventory data is independent to eqquiped chests, the so called “backpack in a backpack” issue will never happen.

(Actually, you may even swap your eqquiped chest with another chest in your inventory without the placer/remover tool, while the contents are unaffected, like the chest-swap action in the introduction video of block swap feature. But beyond this, no direct interaction with the backpack chest slot is allowed. For example, you can’t simply remove the chest by clicking it in the inventory interface. You will need the placer/remover to do so.)
Not really. This backpack chest occupies a specia new slot (like armor/ accessories/ pet/ etc. ). Chests can’t be stacked in that slot, meaning that only one chest can occupy the slot and thus be used as a backpack (like how stackable dye items works currently). You are still allowed to place chests in your ordinary inventory in stacks, however, but on this occasion, these chests are all empty.

To make it clear, the extra slots are associated with characters rather than chests. The eqquiped chests just enable new slots. Since inventory data is independent to eqquiped chests, the so called “backpack in a backpack” issue will never happen.

(Actually, you may even swap your eqquiped chest with another chest in your inventory without the placer/remover tool, while the contents are unaffected, like the chest-swap action in the introduction video of block swap feature. But beyond this, no direct interaction with the backpack chest slot is allowed. For example, you can’t simply remove the chest by clicking it in the inventory interface. You will need the placer/remover to do so.)
This seems unnecessarily complicated for something that doesn't really have that much of an impact and could easily just be a much simpler system (like a consumable item similar to the demon heart that adds more slots.)

Also, if chest contents are unnafected, you still could put chests inside of other chests, they just wouldn't be backpacks.
This seems unnecessarily complicated for something that doesn't really have that much of an impact

Actually, my idea is a solution to 2 problems. One is the inventory problem, and the other is the non-empty chest moving problem. Currently, if you need to move a chest with something in it, you need to 1.empty your inventory 2. loot all things from the chest 3.mine the chest 4. place the chest 5. dispose all things to the chest 6. pick up your original inventory item. Things may even get worse if you don't have extra chests to store your current inventory or the chest contain stackable things that you have same things in your hot-bar. But with my proposal applied, you may just treat them as a whole, and things will not get messed.

And again, for the "chest in chest" issue, it is never a problem. You cannot place a non-empty chest into your inventory. (You are unable to mine non-empty chest, and the placer/remover prevents you from picking a chest when you have already equipped one). And placing empty chests in inventory is not breaking the game balance because you can do it already.
Actually, my idea is a solution to 2 problems. One is the inventory problem, and the other is the non-empty chest moving problem. Currently, if you need to move a chest with something in it, you need to 1.empty your inventory 2. loot all things from the chest 3.mine the chest 4. place the chest 5. dispose all things to the chest 6. pick up your original inventory item. Things may even get worse if you don't have extra chests to store your current inventory or the chest contain stackable things that you have same things in your hot-bar. But with my proposal applied, you may just treat them as a whole, and things will not get messed.

And again, for the "chest in chest" issue, it is never a problem. You cannot place a non-empty chest into your inventory. (You are unable to mine non-empty chest, and the placer/remover prevents you from picking a chest when you have already equipped one). And placing empty chests in inventory is not breaking the game balance because you can do it already.
It does seem unnecessarily complicated nonetheless, and people probably will just craft multiple chest movers (and put them inside chests) to circumvent that and make it OP anyway.
craft multiple chest movers to circumvent

Multiple movers have no extra effect. It is just like using multiple piggy banks won’t give you more than 40 extra slots.

And for the complicated thing, this may because my expression is not very good. Sorry, I’m not an English speaker. To simplify it, it is just similar to the backpack system in DS. You take it then it is a backpack, and you drop it then it is a chest.
Multiple movers have no extra effect. It is just like using multiple piggy banks won’t give you more than 40 extra slots.

And for the complicated thing, this may because my expression is not very good. Sorry, I’m not an English speaker. To simplify it, it is just similar to the backpack system in DS. You take it then it is a backpack, and you drop it then it is a chest.
That literally just makes it a more powerful piggy bank.
That literally just makes it a more powerful piggy bank.

Not that much. Besides the function piggy bank/money through have (+40 slot), it only adds the function of moving chests. (This is one of my major purpose if you say it as OP.) I also proposed a compromise in case it being really OP. Using 40 slots in exchange of this backpack feature item will not alter the number of available slots, thus the current playstyle will not be changed.
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