Design The Dungeon

(you have to put a way to pass the previous floor)
I un-swap all the personalities.

Floor 1530 is a boss fight against the final boss of Dark Souls 2.
As I am an Abyssal Shovel, I just give them such existential dread they flee.

Floor 1531 has Wario sitting in a chair, currently asleep. In order to leave you have to steal some of his money, which will immediately wake him up and cause him to go ballistic.
I tell him that someone stole the golden pot of Luxeville, and he goes to get it back, and I steal some of his money.

Floor 1532 has a version of Kirby who is always hungry.
I tell this Kirby that whatever they eat is stored in a weird pocket dimension inside of themself, and they then eat themself.

Floor 1533 the buffest man you've ever seen? His name? THE LAST BODYBUILDER. To pass, you  must beat THE LAST BODYBUILDER in a flexing competition. (Hint; its impossible). Any attempt at cheating results in a headlock.
I tell this Kirby that whatever they eat is stored in a weird pocket dimension inside of themself, and they then eat themself.

Floor 1533 the buffest man you've ever seen? His name? THE LAST BODYBUILDER. To pass, you  must beat THE LAST BODYBUILDER in a flexing competition. (Hint; its impossible). Any attempt at cheating results in a headlock.
I tell him there's some protein powder somewhere nearby, and he runs away to get it, hereby forfeiting the match.

Floor 1534 has getfixedboi on Legendary mode. To pass, you must beat it.
I tell him there's some protein powder somewhere nearby, and he runs away to get it, hereby forfeiting the match.

Floor 1534 has getfixedboi on Legendary mode. To pass, you must beat it.
(bold to assume that'd work)
I just play a video of someone else doing ut, and I cheat my way on past.

Floor 1535 has you in a arm wrestling match with Scrooge McDuck. And before you say it, no, bribery is not an option. I'm already paying him double whatever you offer.
As several of these floors are empty, I stack everything in such a way that I only need to go through those floors to leave.

Floor 1539 forces you to explain how Aibohphobia is not an evil word (unfortunately, it absolutely is)
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