drain the pixel dude

I could associate anything with your question of why?

Why make this thread?
Why are you irrelevant?
Why am I asking this question?
Why do you wear glasses?
Why do you coat yourself in vaseline every night?

In all serious, you're probably asking about why I made this thread and that's because I want to be relevant in this forum again.
I could associate anything with your question of why?

Why make this thread?
Why are you irrelevant?
Why am I asking this question?
Why do you wear glasses?
Why do you coat yourself in vaseline every night?

In all serious, you're probably asking about why I made this thread and that's because I want to be relevant in this forum again.
"Why." is a question that always gets asked in almost every FAQ.

Why are you so good at pixel art.
Because every night, on 11:34 pm, I kneel down and pray to the pixel gods, I offer them pizza and cola. If they're cheeky, they sometimes want cold ranch doritoes.

I'm good at pixel art for the same reason why everyone else that's good at something is good at the thing they're good at. I practice, I think I've been pixelling for two (?) years now. I've been making pixel art very on and off at these times, but practice is what makes me good.

I also sometimes blatantly steal the art styles of idols cough zoomo cough, but yeah.
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