tModLoader Elements Awoken

What would you like me to add into the game?

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Refined Drakonite gear is IMO overpowered beyond belief. For something so easy to get in early hard mode, it is waaaaaaay too strong. I had precisely one dps accessory and the full refined drakonite armor and refined drakonite gun and I did over 1k dps with it.

The set was so good that I couldn't find anything good enough to replace it until I beat the Moon Lord.

Maybe get rid of the mobs that drop the stuff? Or make them not spawn until Plantera is defeated, because you can't craft Refined Drakonite until after you killed Plantera.

Also, how the hell do I get Infinity Crystals?
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Refined Drakonite gear is IMO overpowered beyond belief. For something so easy to get in early hard mode, it is waaaaaaay too strong. I had precisely one dps accessory and the full refined drakonite armor and refined drakonite gun and I did over 1k dps with it.

The set was so good that I couldn't find anything good enough to replace it until I beat the Moon Lord.

Maybe get rid of the mobs that drop the stuff? Or make them not spawn until Plantera is defeated, because you can't craft Refined Drakonite until after you killed Plantera.

Also, how the hell do I get Infinity Crystals?

That's why you check out the Discord server. Because that is a bug which was fixed already.
Also, Infinity Crystals are made out of Cracked Infinity Crystals and Neutron Fragments.

Speaking of bugfixes, is out.
- NPC overhauls - Both Storyteller and Alchemist have new sprites and also, Alchemist can now be toggled off with editing the mod file.
Oinite's Discordant Staff - A dev weapon dedicated for Oinite12, our moderator on the discord server! It's a pretty cool magic weapon.
- Bugfixes - Greater Drakonite monsters no longer spawn pre-plantera. And some other little bugs fixed. Unfortunately, the DOTV lag is not fixed yet. This will happen with an future update.
- Some other stuff I probably forgot

It's available on the mod browser now!
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Right, I got a few things I want to say:
Music, something this mod did on par if not better than calamity is gone. Alot of the awesome tracks that fit into Terraria's retro-esc theme were remade to sound like some generic AAA thing. the General idea is, I don't like it, at all, and I can't go back to an older version either.

Reggy's New theme sounds like you gave the old retro theme a western twist, I joke you not it sounds western. It's alright, but I'm learning towards the orginal being better.
Permafrost's remix is, terrible, I hate it. It ruins the chilling feeling you got when you orginally fought this boss, can we please get the original back.
Infernace's theme is a major improvement, nailed that "final boss before prehardmode" feeling.
Scourge fighter's new theme doesn't have anything the old theme has. The old theme had the feeling you were facing something not from this world, it's just kinda there now and honestly ear raping with that alarm sound. Which is sad, since such a nice theme I would listen to just afk is gone.
Every other theme, changed or not, seems fine.
Right, I got a few things I want to say:
Music, something this mod did on par if not better than calamity is gone. Alot of the awesome tracks that fit into Terraria's retro-esc theme were remade to sound like some generic AAA thing. the General idea is, I don't like it, at all, and I can't go back to an older version either.

Reggy's New theme sounds like you gave the old retro theme a western twist, I joke you not it sounds western. It's alright, but I'm learning towards the orginal being better.
Permafrost's remix is, terrible, I hate it. It ruins the chilling feeling you got when you orginally fought this boss, can we please get the original back.
Infernace's theme is a major improvement, nailed that "final boss before prehardmode" feeling.
Scourge fighter's new theme doesn't have anything the old theme has. The old theme had the feeling you were facing something not from this world, it's just kinda there now and honestly ear raping with that alarm sound. Which is sad, since such a nice theme I would listen to just afk is gone.
Every other theme, changed or not, seems fine.

> None of these tracks ever suited Terraria's retro style.
> Regaroth's theme is actually good, on par with the original tbh
> Permafrost's theme is still the same, just a bit more upbeat.
> Infernace's theme is a improvement, I agree.
> Scourge Fighter was NEVER meant to be something not from this world. It's a destroyer-prototype-robot, what do you expect? Also, it's old version sounded like a remix of Nova Corruption, the old Celestial theme.
Right, I got a few things I want to say:
Music, something this mod did on par if not better than calamity is gone. Alot of the awesome tracks that fit into Terraria's retro-esc theme were remade to sound like some generic AAA thing. the General idea is, I don't like it, at all, and I can't go back to an older version either.

Reggy's New theme sounds like you gave the old retro theme a western twist, I joke you not it sounds western. It's alright, but I'm learning towards the orginal being better.
Permafrost's remix is, terrible, I hate it. It ruins the chilling feeling you got when you orginally fought this boss, can we please get the original back.
Infernace's theme is a major improvement, nailed that "final boss before prehardmode" feeling.
Scourge fighter's new theme doesn't have anything the old theme has. The old theme had the feeling you were facing something not from this world, it's just kinda there now and honestly ear raping with that alarm sound. Which is sad, since such a nice theme I would listen to just afk is gone.
Every other theme, changed or not, seems fine.
Sorry, ear raping alarm? How old are your speakers??
Right, I got a few things I want to say:
Music, something this mod did on par if not better than calamity is gone. Alot of the awesome tracks that fit into Terraria's retro-esc theme were remade to sound like some generic AAA thing. the General idea is, I don't like it, at all, and I can't go back to an older version either.

Reggy's New theme sounds like you gave the old retro theme a western twist, I joke you not it sounds western. It's alright, but I'm learning towards the orginal being better.
Permafrost's remix is, terrible, I hate it. It ruins the chilling feeling you got when you orginally fought this boss, can we please get the original back.
Infernace's theme is a major improvement, nailed that "final boss before prehardmode" feeling.
Scourge fighter's new theme doesn't have anything the old theme has. The old theme had the feeling you were facing something not from this world, it's just kinda there now and honestly ear raping with that alarm sound. Which is sad, since such a nice theme I would listen to just afk is gone.
Every other theme, changed or not, seems fine.
come to the discord to give some feedback, dont be too angry or all you will get is a bunch of annoyed people
I try to keep the discord groups I'm in to a minimum; I'm not in any other mod groups. (And I really hate it when the homepage link is a discord link on mod's info)
If joining a discord to give feedback was the point, then what is the point of this thread?

Yeah, I got annoyed because now I can't enjoy the mod the way I did before. I'll prop have 2nd thoughts about updating it in the future if you change void levi or Aqua's theme.

EDIT: now before I come off as ungrateful I do want to point out this is still a very good and underrated/under-appreciated content mod. I remember back when the sprites were... not that great and some of the bosses were either cheap or unbalanced. All that has changed for the better since.
Phenomenal mod. Truly outrageous how underrated this is.
The pre-patch draconite before plantera actually saved my run (i've never broken a demon altar like a scrub. I normally fish crates but completely forgot about them this time haha).

1. Is the Chaotic Gaze bugged? I spent over 600 platinum re-rolling it and can't seem to get the "unreal" modifier.

2. I do think the dragonfire needs a slight nerf to the normal bullet ammunition - it currently does almost as much DPS as the SDMG from the moonlord. Otherwise, with chlorophite bullets, it's a very well suited weapon for what the mod offers.

3. Have you considered collaborating with the "Infinity" mod maker to have "endless" options of your ammunition and buff potions added to the game, like they did with Thorium? Although underrated, your mod if definitely starting to become very widespread and this could help those of us who are in the infinity market.

4. Just my opinion - it's very late game already and also pretty core to some of the boss fights at the stage of the game its for - but have you considered making the "Immortal Resolve" require chaotic flares instead (or in addition to) of void essence? You can get the flares during the void leviathan boss so they would still be obtainable to help with that fight, but it would mean your first attempt or two at the boss would involve some depth. Currently, once you have the resolve, you can just tape down your mouse button and eat dinner while the SDMG takes 8min killing him... Which is fine, but does de-value the encounter if it your first time. This isn't as much of a problem during Azana since she has so many mechanics and a lot of mobility while having a small(er) hit box.

5. More of a general question, where the heck do I get an empty gauntlet? EDIT: Found it. It's sold by the Storyteller.

Just to reiterate, this is a truly remarkable mod. The fact its still a WIP blows my mind considering how much it already offers. Thank you so much for your efforts on this piece art.
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I try to keep the discord groups I'm in to a minimum; I'm not in any other mod groups. (And I really hate it when the homepage link is a discord link on mod's info)
If joining a discord to give feedback was the point, then what is the point of this thread?

Yeah, I got annoyed because now I can't enjoy the mod the way I did before. I'll prop have 2nd thoughts about updating it in the future if you change void levi or Aqua's theme.

EDIT: now before I come off as ungrateful I do want to point out this is still a very good and underrated/under-appreciated content mod. I remember back when the sprites were... not that great and some of the bosses were either cheap or unbalanced. All that has changed for the better since.
thanks for your kind words, if i have time i might whip up a retro music pack that can be downloaded and will include all the old music, and you will be able to toggle which ones you want to replace in a config
thanks for your kind words, if i have time i might whip up a retro music pack that can be downloaded and will include all the old music, and you will be able to toggle which ones you want to replace in a config
That'd be awesome!
Though I will say one other thing, I like how the celestial has 4 different tracks for each phase, that's effort. And I will admit her (him, whatever IT is) at a pretty meh track before.

Not going to say this mod can compete against Calamity (calamity is it's own thing), But it's giving sacred tools (cough I mean, Shadows of Abaddon) a run for it's money.

If I think of anything else (mostly broken stuff if I experience it) I'll let you know here, like always.
how do you get rid of the Calamity potion effect, it doesn't have a timer and rightclicking it doesn't get rid of it either. never does reloading or dying...

you can't make stuff like that permanent without it saying anything about it being permanent

also the numbers are off on those potions too, it says increases spawn rate by 30 on the item but the buff itself says it's 10. same for the other spawn rate potion
how do you get rid of the Calamity potion effect, it doesn't have a timer and rightclicking it doesn't get rid of it either. never does reloading or dying...

you can't make stuff like that permanent without it saying anything about it being permanent

also the numbers are off on those potions too, it says increases spawn rate by 30 on the item but the buff itself says it's 10. same for the other spawn rate potion
Are you on the latest version (
'Kay so... I had some feedback but during this long playthrough with multiple mods I've all but forgotten it.
However, I did just beat Azana and ...
I'm confused.
Spoilery stuff I guess? So Spoiler:
So after beating Azana, the Storyteller (who seems to moreso give you quests than tell stories, his name is a bit off) reveals that he was using you as a pawn and is some superbeing yadda yadda... and sounds very nefarious and like "muahahaha you followed my evil plan perfectly" ... and then just goes back to being Average Town NPC 328.
Is he going to be a bossfight in the future or something? Because if I'm being perfectly honest I've wanted to punch him since like... Very very early on in this playthrough.

Also Azana starts pleading with you at the end of the battle... Asking you to stop, then out of nowhere says you have an insatiable bloodlust when you defeat them.
...Uh... I feel like such a statement should only be included if like... You actually have the option to stop fighting? I tried not attacking at all at that point and just dodged and dodged and dodged until a freakin' town NPC actually managed to kill them because for some reason a couple of the NPCs in my install are overpowered. I can only assume this isn't actually an option, which is majorly disappointing because that would be something I've not seen in a mod before, branching story paths.

...And on the subject of Azana, what's the deal with Deathwarp? I get it's currently the only item that you can craft with their drops but uh...
Why is it called Deathwarp, exactly? "Ripple through time and space" is the tooltip, it says right click to activate the deathwarp...
Time and space. Death Warp. Warp. Space. Warp. You'd think it'd be obvious what you could do... Teleport into an enemy and do super big damage or something (a literal death-warp) or the super lame but at least utilitarian teleporting to your latest death, or even activating a temporary buff that teleports you away if you would take fatal damage, but it's just a spinny laser thing which doesn't even do all that much damage especially compared to its primary attack? I'm admittedly underwhelmed and a bit sad. Granted it is still a very powerful, very very nice spear. Its gimmick seems kinda silly though. Especially with the cooldown. As an endgame weapon, it could at least be a held-down constant attack or something with no cooldown, trading accuracy for radial damage, but I dunno.

EDIT: AH YES, I remember the feedback. I'm afraid it's negative.
PLEASE add a config option to disable the pre-boss effects.
The universal status effects you get after defeating certain bosses, before defeating other ones. If you're playing any decently sized modpack or whatever, it forces you to do the EA bosses ASAP after their effects activate due to being excessively over the top often. (The one that gives you extended Chilled constantly is the absolute worst and I want to lock whoever thought that was a good idea in a freezer with the only way to get out being to wait for a snail to very very slowly move onto a switch.)

But yeah, that was my single biggest gripe with the mod.
Some other gripes include certain bosses not dropping anything for some classes, despite being considered part of progression (i.e. Knockoff Galaga (I forget what it's called but it's the ship thing) dropping no melee weapons at all, if I recall correctly)

The music and some of the bosses feel quite a bit like you're trying to be Calamity, too. In that the bosses talk to you and stuff, and it even has the signature Dokuro Bells in some tracks. Azana's first form in particular made me instantly think of Calamitas, and I'm sure there were others that I felt were a tad odd. The Void Leviathan for example feels like an attempt at remaking the Devourer of Gods but somehow mildly edgier. Not saying this is a particularily bad thing but if I wanted to play Calamity I'd play Calamity. Dunno if the similarities were intentional or not, but I definitely feel the vibe of Calamityesque. Even some of the late game weapons feel 100% Calamity in their over the top projectile counts and the like.

On an entirely different note; bugs. I didn't experience many in my playthrough thankfully, however two pretty glaring things stood out.
I think it was from this mod but it may have been Spirit- There's some spear that does chain lightning between enemies? I feel like that was this mod. It was having some... Issues with Piercing Projectile Fix. It seemed to try chaining to the enemy it was coming from, leading to every strike making a single enemy take the damage multiplied by umpteen instead of chaining. I was getting over 80K DPS without any armor or accessories equipped. May be a good idea to have some logic stopping it from chaining back to the same enemy... Unless how the chain projectile works is just fundamentally incompatible with PPF... Which would be unfortunate because that mod is so nice.
Again sorry if that's not this mod I don't recall quite right. May have also been Beyond The Forgotten Ages... but I don't think it was?

One really odd one is that once I defeated Azana for the first time, upon respawning them with another summoner, they will always start in their final "phase". All their text will come up on screen at once, to the last line before being defeated, and with health to match (like 1/20th of their health remaining, even when freshly summoned) which is a tad odd. That could be some weird inter-mod interaction too, but it didn't happen with any other boss from this mod, or any other mod.
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In the past version of this mod, it was possible to summon an undocumented boss by "challenging" the storyteller.

So I do think that's what's going to end up happening here.

Oh jeez, I didn't realize Calamity copyrighted good boss design and music?! hmmmmm.
But seriously that's like saying your boss can't have a Harpy Queen because Dan Yumi did it first.
In the past version of this mod, it was possible to summon an undocumented boss by "challenging" the storyteller.

So I do think that's what's going to end up happening here.

Oh jeez, I didn't realize Calamity copyrighted good boss design and music?! hmmmmm.
But seriously that's like saying your boss can't have a Harpy Queen because Dan Yumi did it first.
Oh, I see. Now I'm curious to find footage of that boss.

And as I said, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I just find an unusual amount of similarities between this mod and Calamity, and I feel like it must have been at least partially intentional. I was encouraging trying to go a bit more different, assuming it was intentional, again. If not, then perhaps I was just seeing strange patterns where there were none.
I don't consider a mod being tangentially similar to another mod to be a bad thing, so long as both mods do what they do well. And this mod, for the few issues I didn't like, for the greatest part, does that very well.

I'm sorry if my message came across as rude. It was very late when I wrote it and I couldn't put my thoughts into text particularily well at the time.
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