Other Literature Esther's Literature Library


Stardust Pillar
I have a lot of lore suddenly, so I'm gonna remove what used to be said here. I write stuff whenever I have time and ideas, and also energy, I first write it in a document, then it goes here when it's finished. Enjoy.

I'll update these lists soon-
  • Backstories:​
    • Minol​
    • Nirel​
    • Hivenil​
    • Eynoil​
    • Ellion​
    • Evi​
    • Antasy​
    • Navy, technically​
  • FR Dragon Lore:​
    • Azila​
    • Saia​
  • Lore Stories:​
    • Voidin Mainland (From Alain’s perspective)​
    • Voidin Subland (From Evi’s perspective)​
    • Digital World (From Citrus’ perspective)​
    • Mooncrest Island (From Maho's perspective)​
    • [Name Pending] (From Acia's perspective)​
  • World maps for all lore worlds​
  • The basics​
  • Organizations:​
    • The Pokémon Mission Organization (PMO)​
    • Shadow Warriors​
    • [Insert name for that organization that Yvette works for]​
  • Currency
  • Weapons (Ones that have a lot to explain listed below)
    • Paintbrushes
      • Effect Sigils
    • Wands
    • Channeling Weapons
  • Technology
  • Summons
  • Map and Teams
  • Assists
WIP stuff:
  • Protectors
  • EoL Lore
  • Qualities
  • Souls
    • Respawning [Potential Renaming of this thing]
  • Creatures
    • Phantom Wisps
    • Nightstar Wisps
    • Digi Wisps
    • Void Spirits and Void Shapers
    • Elemental Ferrets (Yes, I’m keeping these guys)
  • Luna’s Research Notes
  • Magic System
    • Combinations
    • Wings
      • Effect Trails
    • Instruments
  • Rooted Corruption (WIP, though it’s just the notes so far)​
  • Rage Beams
  • Culture stuff
    • Specifically, nature guardians. It’s mostly just a cultural tradition.
  • Magic System​
    • Utility Magic (If Added)​
  • Currency​
  • Basics​
  • Arcana Info, Culture, Etc.​
    • The Pokemon Reference thingy​
  • Weapons​
  • Technology​
  • Creatures other than Arcana​
    • Wisps. There’s a lot of these...​
  • Magic System (Please, brain, do not make this too complicated, we need to code this at some point)​
  • World Map (Actually high priority for once, needs to be high-quality as well (at least for the land HW takes place in))​
  • Currency​
  • Creatures​
  • Culture Stuffs​
Sub-Lore Thing: Fading Kingdom
To-Do List:
  • World Map (Again, needs to be high-quality, and remember to at least make the HK inspiration noticeable I guess)​
  • Creatures (Avoid repeat mentions, just mention the ones specifically from here)​
  • Culture Stuffs​
  • Culture Stuff
  • Magic System (Runes with unique effects that can be combined with the runes your allies can use)
    • Sub-Category: Because this isn’t done with any runes, I need to remember to explain how mind control works separately from the main magic system stuff. Not super important for the time being, though.
  • Weapon Types
  • Other Ability Stuffs?
  • Currency
  • Technology​
  • Weapon Types​
  • Culture Stuff​
  • Currency​
  • Magic System​
  • Emotional Embodiments​
  • Magic System​
  • Creatures​
  • Can’t think of anything else right now but probably forgetting something​
  • Magic System​
    • Solar and Lunar Gems​
  • Other Ability Stuffs​
  • Currency​
This spoiler is for things that don't belong to specific worlds.
Many worlds in the universe are connected to others, leading to portals between them appearing sometimes. The more closely worlds are connected, the more frequently those portals appear.
There are worlds that aren’t connected to others, which are usually referred to as an “isolated” world.
Worlds with a lot of connections are referred to as “bridging points”, though that term is also used for a world that connects one world to another indirectly.
Known Connections
Here is where I’ll list which of my worlds are connected to which other worlds. This is partially for the sake of everyone else here as it can get a bit confusing otherwise.
Floralis is a bridging point, connected to the following worlds:
  • Rainzen
  • Malvine
  • Veanlin
  • Alghan, and also the Fading Kingdom which I’m counting with Alghan for now
  • Aquaria
  • Relentia
  • Ardenna (For those who don’t know, this is the name I gave to the world that the main Pokémon games, anime, and manga take place in)
  • Evarisse (For those unaware, this is the PMD World in my universe)
  • [Planet Popstar, presumably? Not certain about this one yet though so it’s just a note.]
  • Streamia (I don’t exactly OWN this world, but it’s a bit complicated to explain why I don’t.)
For minor worlds from my list, which don’t have much lore of their own, I’ll keep them separate. Floralis is connected to the minor worlds Outpost Theta and Minso.

Rainzen is connected to Floralis and Taelon.

Malvine is connected to Floralis and the Kingdom of Sky (From Sky: Children of the Light). It is also connected to Minso.

Antel’s only known connection is to Veanlin, but that creates a bridging point indirectly connecting Antel to all worlds that Floralis is connected to, as well as Floralis itself. Portals are rare, though.

Veanlin is connected to Antel, bridging it to Floralis indirectly.

Alghan is connected to the Fading Kingdom (Portals to that world are very rare, however, so the connection is assumed to be distant), Floralis, Streamia, and Taelon.

Taelon is connected to Rainzen and Alghan.

Vemiio is an isolated world with no known connections.

Aquaria is connected to Floralis and Relentia.

Relentia is connected to Aquaria and Floralis.

Ethazion’s only known connection is to Streamia, but it is indirectly bridged to Floralis through that world. Portals are very rare, due to the connection being quite distant.

An odd case of a minor world with decent amounts of lore. Apocia was once connected to at least Floralis, but following certain events it became isolated as it lost all known connections.

I will update this whenever I remember to.
Each person has a different teleportation effect, though some can be very similar (They're just never the exact same (As in, can have the same general appearance, but will have a different color if that's the case.)). They can have almost any appearance, too, but the appearance depends on the person. For people with multiple personalities, each personality has a different effect, and it changes depending on who is in control. I think that's about all there is to say about them, though I'll add more if I can remember stuff I forgot to mention. (Forgetfulness sucks)

If someone is teleported by somebody else, the teleportation effect used depends on the situation:
If the person being teleported is conscious, it’s randomly decided, though the chances of one effect being chosen can vary.

If the person being teleported is unconscious, but is on the same team (Which I’ll explain another time) as the person initiating the teleport, the effect of the person teleported is used.

If the person being teleported is unconscious, and isn’t on the same team as the person initiating the teleport, the effect of the person initiating the teleport is used.
Most magic directly requires energy to use instead of mana, though magic weapons still use mana unless the user runs out, in which case energy is still used.
Each magic type has upgrade paths, which a person can decide between as they get better at using that type of magic. They can also lock certain paths in advance if they know they won't choose that path.
Anyone can have up to two magic types, max.
Wind magic is mostly useful for mobility, but can't deal any damage on its own, so it is often used along with some other type of magic, or with projectile weapons like bows.
Upgrades: Dust magic can be used to create smokescreens ((Well, dust-screens, but smokescreens are basically the same thing so I'm just gonna call them that instead)), which is useful for stealth attacks.
Crystallized wind magic allows for more clever movement tricks, or setting up traps. Can be upgraded to Feather magic for extra mobility options and the ability to summon crystal feathers to attack.

Fire magic is capable of dealing close-range area of effect damage, but is much weaker at longer ranges.
Upgrades: Space fire focuses on confusing the target with hard to see flames and/or illusion flames, and is good at AoE damage. Can be upgraded to Aether fire for extra damage, along with making the flames even harder to track.
Hell fire relies on dealing fast single-target damage, and is often used in combination with dark magic, so it is often considered “evil”.

Water magic is great for protecting the user and their allies from slower projectiles, but unless it's launched at a target at high velocities, it likely won't deal much, if any, damage. After all, it's just water.
Upgrades: Crystallized water magic is slightly better at dealing damage due to the sharper edges, but it's still mostly used to slow things down.
Coral magic has two uses: Trapping enemies by summoning normal coral, or damaging them with Fire Coral, which will also inflict Frostburn in colder areas. Can be upgraded to Oceanic magic, which additionally lets the user summon water creatures to attack.

Ice magic is one of the best of the base types for dealing damage at a distance, but mobility is generally limited when using it.
Upgrades: Frost magic can create small dewdrops to freeze into various shapes, with shields being the easiest to do, so it's mostly used defensively.
Snow magic gives the user the ability to summon snowflakes of various sizes, mostly for dealing AoE damage. Can be upgraded to Crystal magic in order to also summon crystals, either to attack or defend by capturing projectiles.

Lightning magic is at its strongest when used at a medium distance, but quickly gets weaker when used at a large distance.
Upgrades: Laser magic attacks are able to bounce off of solid objects, which can be used to disorient enemies and set up hard to avoid patterns.
Shock magic leaves small electrified areas around the point of impact for a few seconds after hitting a wall or floor, dealing extra damage to anyone in those areas. Upgrading to Thunder magic slightly increases the radius of the electrified area, and makes the area harder to see.

Dark magic is extremely powerful at melee range, but like Lightning magic it’s not great for long-range combat. It is commonly considered evil, though a decent amount of people use it for good.
Upgrades: Shadow magic is one of the most dangerous magic types in the world, as its main effect is essentially mind control. It’s very hard to tell if someone is being controlled through the energy created by Shadow Magic (fittingly called Shadow Energy) without special equipment or abilities. It isn’t only used for evil, though, as there are a few who use Shadow Magic to help fight evil instead of aiding it. ((Sidenote: I’m planning on making an entire section for stuff related to this magic type))
Crystallized dark magic is primarily used to counter attacks from enemies, by first blocking with the crystal and then retaliating with the energy inside. Can be upgraded to Void magic, giving the user’s attacks the ability to directly damage the target’s soul.

Light magic is mostly a ranged magic type, focusing on long-range attacks that deal a decent amount of damage when used properly.
Upgrades: Crystallized light magic is similar to Crystallized wind magic, in that it allows for delayed attacks and traps by creating crystals with large amounts of light.
Mirage magic can create illusions to distract enemies and confuse them while the caster attacks them. Can be upgraded to Radiant magic, which is capable of cancelling out various forms of mind control.

Druidic magic is used to summon plants around the user. It’s mostly used as a defensive magic type, but it does have some offensive capabilities.
Upgrades: Petal magic increases the offensive capabilities of Druidic magic by swapping out the plant summoning for sharp petals and leaves to launch at enemies. Can be upgraded to Blossom magic, bringing back plant summoning and letting the user summon flowers that act as throwing stars.
Overgrown magic is a very versatile magic type, ranging from AoE debuff attacks to healing allies depending on the type of plants summoned.

Celestial Magic is capable of giving the user’s allies buffs to aid in combat, as well as creating small stars to attack. These stars can be summoned very rapidly to make battles into what is essentially a bullet hell.
Upgrades: Time magic lets the user slow down their projectiles or their perception of time, along with seeing slightly into the future if needed.
Music magic makes buffs easier to apply by reducing the time it takes to do so, and allows the user to give themselves weak buffs as well. Can be upgraded to Harmony magic to add the ability to inflict weak debuffs to enemies, and further boost the user’s buffing capabilities.
Some magic types, when used together, can have different effects than they do when used individually. This section will explain every combination type in detail.

Darksoul Magic (Shadow Magic + Void Magic): The only magic type that is inherently evil. When a Darksoul spell hits its target, it doesn’t just damage their soul, but it also corrupts it, essentially reversing their personality, which is extremely difficult to counter, and almost impossible to resist. (Soul Corruption is explained in more detail in the Soul lore section)

Trickster Magic (Music Magic + Shadow Magic): A difficult magic type to use, but a powerful one when mastered. While it only fully affects those that can properly hear sound, when it takes effect, it’s similar to Shadow Magic on its own, but far harder to resist, at the cost of the effect only lasting for a short time.

Jungle Magic (Oceanic Magic + Druidic Magic): Can be used to summon land-based animals to attack in addition to water animals. If combined with Wind Magic as well, airborne animals can additionally be summoned.

Dream Magic (Mirage Magic + Harmony Magic): Buffs allies who are affected by the illusions created by the Mirage Magic used in the combo, but debuffs enemies that are affected by those same illusions, while also essentially trapping them in a dream for a short time.

Fog Magic (Wind Magic + Water Magic): Whenever a Fog spell is used, it causes a very dense fog to cover the nearby area for a while, lowering visibility a lot until it goes away.

Force Magic (Ice Magic + Void Magic): Like other combination types involving Void Magic, Force Magic is quite a dangerous magic type when used by the wrong people. Force spells don’t damage the target’s soul, but are capable of disconnecting it, limiting their abilities and emotions. (Soul Disconnection is explained in detail in the Soul lore section, like Soul Corruption.)

Auroral Magic (Ice Magic + Light Magic): A very defensive magic type compared to most others. Auroral spells can’t deal any damage period, but they help reduce damage the user and their allies take from both physical and magical attacks.

Mirror Magic (Crystal Magic + Light Magic): Allows the user to create mirror-like shields, which can reflect various types of projectiles and severely disorient others nearby.
Wings are created when any type of Wind magic is used at the same time as any other type of magic. They allow flight, but dissipate after a few minutes. Their appearance depends on both the secondary magic type, and the caster’s personality.
Wind wands [(I promise I’ll explain these as soon as I can)] can also be used to create Wings, but doing so means their flight capabilities and duration are lowered.
Coming... once I think of the most common ones for each type. Might take a while...
In Floralis, every region has a Protector, chosen by nature. Their duty is to defend their home region from major threats, as well as nearby regions if their protector is unavaibable for any reason.

Protectors have a higher chance of having access to a Quality (Explained below), but it isn’t guaranteed they’ll have one.
Floralis’ original Empress of Light, Cerulea Ashrose, died hundreds of years ago, but her descendants are still here to this day. They can be both female and male (In which case they’re called a Warrior of Radiance), and often each specialize in a few of the attacks used by their ancestors. They also have access to a more powerful form of Radiant magic, though they only use that as last resorts.

Usually, each descendant stays in a different part of the world and only meets up with the others for emergencies. Even still, due to there currently only being four members of the family, some Hallow biomes are left to be defended by the less powerful creatures native to the area.
Qualities are special abilities a person can get at birth. Some are passive, while some need to be activated by the user. They aren’t genetic, and it’s currently not known what decides if someone has one.

Examples of Qualities are certain magic types gaining special properties (such as being able to purify corrupted areas), communicating with various creatures, and crafting weapons or accessories without an anvil or workbench.

Not all Qualities have names, but the ones that do usually describe what the Quality does.
All living beings have a soul, with no exceptions. They’re often difficult to damage, let alone destroy, but if destroyed, that being will be killed instantly.

Souls can take various forms, often depending on the owner’s personality. In the case of multiple personalities, the soul is split into a few pieces, each belonging to one personality.
Each soul also has a different color, though it’s not known what it depends on or affects (if it affects more than one thing) other than visual indications of certain Qualities being active. There is one exception to this though: darkness. Or black, if we’re going to argue that darkness shouldn’t be a word used to describe a color, but this is my lore writing and I’m using it like that so deal with it.
Put simply, the darker a soul is, the more evil a person is. There is usually some color no matter what, though, and the amount of darkness can change. A completely black soul on the other hand…
That’s a sign of a soul that has been corrupted through Darksoul Magic ((Which I’ll explain eventually, still working on that though)). These usually reverse major positive traits of someone’s personality, and either amplify or ignore negative traits. A friendly, outgoing person could become a distant force of evil, while a kind, distant person could become a bit of a risk-taker to be a threat.

While it is difficult, it isn’t impossible to damage a soul. If it is damaged, it will usually heal over time, or somebody else can heal it at the cost of damaging their own soul instead.

Souls can be disconnected from the body, usually as a result of getting hit by a Force Magic spell, but there have been reports of other things causing disconnections too.
If a soul is only partially disconnected, then the victim will have more trouble using any abilities (Like magic or, if they have one, their Quality), and will struggle to feel emotions too.
If a soul is completely disconnected from the body, the victim will not be able to use any of their abilities at all, and will be unable to feel any emotions as well. In the event that this happens, the soul will go back to a place that to that person has a lot of personal value until the person themselves goes there as well to retrieve their soul.

Soul disconnection does in a way have a few benefits. Disconnected souls are far more difficult to damage or otherwise affect compared to connected ones. There have been instances of someone partially disconnecting their own soul to protect it from damage and negative effects, and there have even been cases of someone completely disconnecting their own soul to achieve the same thing.
[OOC Note (pun not intended): this section will be written from a first-person perspective.]​
Notes for my research about Shadow Magic and Shadow Energy.

General Info​
Shadow Magic is one of the upgraded forms of Dark Magic, capable of taking control of those hit by it (Unless they’re immune) through a form of energy, known (fittingly, or boringly in my opinion) as Shadow Energy.

Shadow Energy seems to take control of someone by altering their personality to make them consider the caster to be an ally when they normally would be considered an enemy, also making them consider the caster’s enemies as their enemies as well (even if they’d otherwise be considered allies). It can have a more noticeable effect in some cases, likely depending on the caster’s skill at using magic. The energy stays until removed by someone else, though it is possible for the affected person to have some control over their actions, even if it requires some effort.

Currently discovered counters to the energy’s effects are:
Bright (Often magical) lights, such as the Pokémon move Flash. This is usually the most accessible counter. (Purple also managed to use an Ultrabright Helmet a while ago, which impresses me.)
More powerful Shadow Magic can also be used to counter the effects, though this is obviously very situational.
Radiant Magic, one of the upgrades to Light Magic, is a counter as well, but because it’s a rarely used magic type, we don’t know anyone who has access to it. Some friends in the Phantonia region have agreed to help find someone who can use Radiant Magic, though.

Shadow Energy is usually invisible without the right equipment or abilities, and doesn’t appear to interact much with physical objects after taking effect. It is possible to use it in more solid forms like chains or arrows, though.

Shadow Imbuements​
Shadow Magic can be used as a weapon imbuement. These are known to backfire and affect anyone that touches the weapon, and as a result are sometimes used as a weapon of their own (by putting the imbuement on an enemy’s weapon, that enemy would then fall under the caster’s control and would stay under their control until either the imbuement is removed/replaced or the weapon is discarded/stored somewhere safe until the first solution can be used).
So far we don’t know of a consistent way to get rid of Shadow imbuements safely, with the closest thing we have being something known as a Null Imbuement (Which can’t be replaced by any other imbuement and will replace the imbuement of a weapon it comes into contact with) and someone resistant enough to properly control their actions while under the same effects and get rid of the problematic weapon’s imbuement.
Coming... Someday. (Currently it's just Pokedollars and (Terraria)Coins)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon (I'm so sorry for all these spoilers btw but my brain likes seeing digital things being sorted to the edge of the observable universe)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon (Maybe)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon (I almost forgot to put these in my to-do list, but then I remembered that I do have a decent amount of lore for them already, so I put it into the list)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon ("Soon", I have a lot of lore for these guys-)
Coming Soon
Flow is a type of energy in Antel, found all around the world. It is commonly found in the form of bluish-green crystals, but there’s always bits of Flow in the air as well.
Flow can be manipulated and controlled with the right equipment and/or practice, and those that are able to control Flow are referred to as Wielders.
Because Flow isn’t common (Or doesn’t exist) beyond Antel, if a Wielder needs to do something in another world they usually bring a decent supply of Flow crystals to use during their journey, and a staff in case they run out.

Uses of Flow include, but are not limited to, summoning creatures, mind control, creating barriers, powering up weapons, and telekinesis.
Coming Soon
Petals are the main currency in Antel, with four “tiers” of Petals: Snow, Cobalt, Fire, and Platinum, with Snow Petals being the least valuable, and Platinum Petals being the most valuable.
There are many types of weapons in Antel, usually divided into various categories. The categories are: Melee, Ranged, and Magical.

Each category is further divided into “Classes”, which are as follows:

Swords are the most basic melee weapons, being quite easy to wield, and requiring little past combat experience. Claymores are a subclass of swords, being heavier, but dealing more damage.

Shields are commonly used alongside swords or knives, but can also be used on their own with some practice.

Spears are also quite easy to use, and have more range than most swords, though they still require some amount of practice to properly wield.

Boomerangs, though they’re used at a distance, are still a melee weapon. They require quite a bit of practice to use, and good hand-eye coordination is also needed.

Whips are actually the least used melee weapons, usually only used by Wielders that rely on summoning creatures in order to more easily direct those creatures.

Mallots, even though they’re called mallots, are usually just poles with a heavier side to deal damage with. They aren’t used very much, but those that do use them are often very skilled with them.

Flails (Sometimes called maces instead), like mallots, are quite heavy, but with proper aim and use they can be very dangerous weapons.

Scythes are often considered the most dangerous melee weapons due to their range and damage potential, but they’re also decently hard to wield so luckily they aren’t seen often.

Knives are usually thrown weapons that are called back to the user through a specialized glove, but of course they can also be used at a close range in case a quick backup weapon is needed.

Bows and Crossbows both do similar things, but crossbows are used less often than normal ones.

Guns do exist, but are extremely hard to find, so they aren’t used by anyone.

Wands and Staves are mostly used by beginning mages and Wielders to help them with getting the hang of using magic and Flow, though sometimes you’ll see a more experienced Wielder using one to use more powerful attacks.

Magic Guns are pretty self-explanatory. They’re just laser shooters, basically. Not many people use these.

Tomes are similar to wands and staves, though some have spells that are otherwise extremely difficult to cast, so more experienced Wielders tend to use tomes more often than staves.
In this world, each biome has a Flame representing the “will” of that biome. Each Flame resides within someone until they die, after which the Flame will choose a successor. Those that bear a Flame are known as Bearers.
Usually, a Bearer doesn’t even realize that they are one until way later in their life, and generally being a Bearer doesn’t have much of an effect on a person’s life. There are some exceptions, though.
In Veanlin, every magic user is different. No two mages can use the exact same spells, as there is always a difference in their magic. This makes it hard to list the kinds of magic that can be used. However, there are several base “categories” of magic, each with an effect that all spells in that category have.
Fire: Lets the caster see their target for a few seconds, even behind walls or in complete darkness. (Basically the spectral arrow from minecraft)

Ice: Slows the target for a short time. If enough Ice spells land in quick succession, briefly freezes the target before slowing them.

Wind: Most Wind spells have to be charged, and the caster is slower while charging. However, they’re also invisible while charging.

Electricity: Briefly stuns the target, but also has a chance to stun the caster as well.

Light: Creates a path directly ahead of the caster that increases the movement speed of anyone on the path for a little while.

Darkness: Applies a poison-like damaging effect to the target.
Currently I only have these notes, sorry
I'll add more notes whenever I can, and once I have time and not many other writing projects I'll actually write stuff properly

Coming soon
Most of Taelon’s magic system uses magical runes. These can be summoned and unsummoned at will, and have various effects. They can also be combined with other runes (often those used by the user’s allies) for more powerful effects.
Runes can be used for direct attacks (Often with projectiles), assisting allies (Either by protecting them, or giving them buffs), and many other things.

Mages usually focus their skills on two runes at a time, though the maximum a person can use is four. Examples of runes and their effects will be added to this eventually.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
(HEAVY WIP this is literally only a few notes I wanted to put here for reasons)
Mages start off with weak magic, known as Bases, which can then be developed in unique ways.
[Notes and me listing any ideas for Bases and yis:
Bases so far:
Earth: Earth Manipulation, common Enhancements include [WIP]
Crystalline: Crystal Creation, common Enhancements include elemental charges, magnetic crystals (as in, pulling metal projectiles to it to neutralize them), and [WIP]
Heat: Heat Manipulation, common Enhancements include [WIP]
Liquid: Liquid Manipulation, common Enhancements include [WIP]
Spectral: Conjuration and Illusions, common Enhancements include [WIP]
Electricity: Electricity Manipulation, common Enhancements include [WIP]
Prismatic: Light and Darkness Manipulation, as well as attacks with different effects depending on color, common Enhancements include [WIP]
There’s only really two magic types: Solar Magic, and Lunar Magic. Each has its own strengths, and its own weaknesses.
Solar Magic can only be used during the day, unless the user has a Solar Gem, or a solar or lunar eclipse is going on. Solar Mages can directly cast fire-based spells, and it is easier to use utility spells with. However, casting high-damage spells is harder for Solar Mages than it is for Lunar Mages.

Lunar Magic can only be used at night, unless the user has a Lunar Gem or a solar/lunar eclipse is going on. Lunar Mages can directly cast water and ice-based spells, and it is useful for high-damage spells when given time to set them up. On the other hand, utility spells are less reliable for a Lunar Mage compared to a Solar Mage.
Solar and Lunar Gems
Solar and Lunar Gems are small crystals rarely found in caverns. When these are refined and crafted into accessories such as necklaces, they allow the wearer to use the respective magic type outside of the normal time frame. When used for a long time they run out of energy, and need to recharge for a while before being usable again.
I might as well sort all three of the categories together to make this thread look somewhat not messy... (The comics will stay separated for reasons)
Coming Soonish Maybe, I'm slowly working on it in my document
Coming Soon
Coming Eventually but I need to finish the Voidin lore story before I can start on this one
Coming Soon
Coming eventually
-Coming as soon as I actually finish writing Azila's lore story
Coming Soon Maybe
Antasy used to just be a normal person, living a normal life in a small village.
...Until things changed forever, when a strange shockwave hit everyone in the village (and also the rest of the world tbh), including Antasy themselves. And while it did hurt them on the inside, it didn’t seem to have any other effects. The others were clearly affected though, as they appeared to have no emotions left at all, and seemed mindless.
So, Antasy left the village, hoping to find out what happened, and soon decided to set up a temporary base underground with the help of a group of friendly bats.
Eventually, they found out that whoever had caused the shockwave was now targeting other timelines, and, realizing they were possibly the only survivor in the timeline, decided that they had no choice but to try to find and stop the person responsible for this.

It was a rough start. Antasy didn’t have any training for traveling between timelines, resulting in their soul being damaged quite badly whenever they tried, and forcing them to recover. They’d never have enough time to do anything before it was too late at first.
Eventually though, they started to get the hang of it. Sometimes they'd get a few days to train. It wasn't much progress but it was still progress.
Sometimes they'd even get ahead of their enemy somehow, giving them a chance to prepare for later.

And it was only a matter of time before they would cross paths with their enemy.
“Well. You seem… quite familiar.”
“You’re from my timeline, aren’t you?”

“I can tell from the look in your eyes that I’m correct.”
“Why what?”
“I know it was you, who took control of my timeline, and all those others.”
“Why did you take control of them.”

“...That is none of your concern.”
“Yes it is.”
“You took over my home. Practically killed everybody I cared about.”
“If you don’t answer me now, I will force that answer out of you.”

“As if.” Energy started to gather around their hands as they said this. “You have no hope of lasting long if you choose to attack me.”
“We’ll see about that.”

The battle was over with a single move on the enemy’s end.
“I have more important things to do than finish you off.”
“If you somehow survive, let this be a lesson, and your final warning.”

Antasy’s final thought before they lost consciousness was a simple one: <...This isn’t over yet...>
More Coming Soonish
“Well… I guess it’s time I explained my past. Or at least, what I remember of my past.
I would have let this be taken care of by someone else, but there’s a lot to explain so I’d rather do it myself.”
“First things first, I’m Navy. It’s not my real name, but I don’t remember my real name because it’s been a very long time.”
“Hundreds of years ago, I was just a normal person. I had a few close friends, and didn’t really have an interesting life.
…That all changed one day… Someone corrupted my soul, I don’t remember who it was and I’ve tried multiple times to remember. The closest I’ve gotten still didn’t show me anything.
The next day I went to see Platinum, who was my closest friend at the time. I think she noticed something was off, but I didn’t respond to her concerns. I just… attacked her. With no warning or anything…
She thought I betrayed her. And I don’t know if she ever plans to forgive me for it.”

“I went by Glitch for hundreds of years after that. It went on for so long, I just kinda forgot that I wasn’t myself.
Sometimes I’d briefly snap out of it somewhat, but it was so brief every time that I never thought about it much. And it’s not like my host would ever care…
…Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I was kind of possessing others during this. I made a lot of people suffer as a result…
Platinum had made it her mission to kill me for good. I can’t really blame her for that, to be completely honest.”

“I’ll just skip ahead because aside from the things I mentioned there was not much to note about those hundreds of years.
Eventually I ended up with Esther as my host. That’s when things changed completely.
From the start, she was nice to me. Most of the others just didn’t like me at all, while a few didn’t have much of an opinion. But Esther… well, she was still cautious, but she was rarely ever hostile towards me.
…Well aside from telling me to shut up, but considering I kept teasing her about stressful situations to make it worse, I deserved it.
That kindness did something. Those brief moments where I would realize I wasn’t myself, which were rare before that, started happening more often, and lasted longer too. Some of them even lasted long enough to let me ask for help, generally from Mel because for some reason he was there quite often when that happened.”
“I think Mel got very confused the second time you asked him for help in particular.” “Yeah. I felt bad for him back then too.
It started to frustrate me, because I just didn’t understand why I kept feeling like something was controlling me.
Esther also noticed, but every time she tried to ask me if something was wrong I just pushed her away… She didn’t give up, though.

I didn’t really understand why she cared at the time. But I’m glad she did care.“

“Some time during this I also somehow developed a rivalry with Yani, purely because he kept forcing me to take control when I wasn’t in the mood to. I still hate him for that, too.”
“...I’ll let Esther explain the rest.”

[I'll finish this up when I can]
To make an extremely long story at least somewhat short here:
Used to be a normal person, ended up having their soul get corrupted by someone (They don’t remember who, and attempts to remember have failed), spent hundreds of years possessing other people somehow under the name Glitch, with this going on for so long that eventually they almost completely forgot about the fact their soul was corrupted, instead being convinced this was just who they were, only occasionally having brief moments where they partially realized something was wrong with them but never thinking about it much.
Eventually Esther became their host, and those brief moments went from rare instances to happening more and more frequently, with some moments even letting them ask for help (Usually from Mel, who in every instance was thoroughly confused about the change in attitude), which caused them to get frustrated at times because they didn’t understand why they felt like something was controlling them.
Insert random rivalry starting sometime during this because Yani kept being a jerk to Esther and Glitch took it personally, and this part also includes the start of the game of tennis with Aden where they keep helping each other out because the other person helped them out-
Eventually Roxas happened, at first Glitch thought things were going to get even worse, but soon after that Roxas noticed them being bothered about something, refused to leave them alone, and was able to finally purify their soul.
That’s when they changed their name to what it is now, after a somewhat awkward failure to remember what their real name was (“In my defense, it’s been hundreds of years!”), and now they’re just trying to start over in a way, making sure people know things are different, and hoping that they’ll be forgiven by the people they’ve hurt.
Coming Soon
<Mel> Hey so I was wondering
<Mel> How come most of the Shaymin from Mooncrest Island are different types?
<Flakey> Idk- Willow said it had something to do with us representing different biomes or smth
<Mel> Wut
<Ebony> Basically each of us has a type and signature move related to a biome, like Blizz representing the snow biome and being ice type
<Myrica> But Wave isn't from Mooncrest
<Myrica> How is he a water type?
<Wave> Plot twist I'm actually a Delta jk, it's probably because I spent a lot of time underwater in the past
<Mel> How were you able to stay underwater for longer than 2 minutes-
<Wave> Practice
<Vest> Or a lot of water breathing potions
<Wave> I couldn't even make those at the time
<Vest> Oh ok
<Vest> Makes sense
<Mel> How- In what dimension does that makes sense
<Vest> This one
<Mel> ...
<Tracy> Can't argue with that
<Flower> The one type I still can't figure out a good explanation for is Scarlet being ghost type
<Tracy> Same tbh
<Vest> Scarlet represents the crimson right?
<Ebony> Yep
<Vest> In that case maybe it's because there's quite a few creatures in the underground crimson that can go through things?
<Lucia> Not to mention the floaty gross looks sorta like a ghost
<Flower> Still doesn't entirely make sense
<Ebony> Maybe there just weren't any better types left and the best remaining option was ghost
<Tracy> Shrug
<Mel> I'm probably a bit late with this comment but regarding there being quite a few creatures in the underground crimson that can go through things
<Mel> The way you worded that implies other creatures can't go through things like doors
<Mel> After all, a door is also a thing
<Vest> When I said things I was referring to walls and stuff
<Mel> As long as something has a pickaxe or drill they could just remove the wall, walk past it, repair the wall and say they went through the wall
<Mel> Same with floors and ceilings
<Vest> Point still stands
<Mel> Ok then
<Maho> Wonderful discussion everyone
<Blizz> W-we went from d-discussing why we're different t-types
<Blizz> To arguing a-about what counts as g-going through things
<Myrica> Average discussion really
--End of log file--
<Michael> I think the best way to describe this chat is 55% stupidity and 43% somewhat normal discussions
<Michelle> But what about the last 2%?
<Michael> The last 2% stopped existing a few months ago
<Michelle> That makes no sense
<Michelle> I’m sure the 2% is somewhere
<Blanche> Well we better go find it before it actually stops existing
<Blanche> Otherwise this chat only has 98% existence
<Michael> Well I’ve been looking for it for a few minutes already and I can’t find it
<Blanche> Well try harder
<Michael> I'm already doing that
<Michelle> I don't think talking here counts as trying harder
<Reona> What the heck
<Reona> I leave for an hour to do a mission and I come back to this
<Blanche> What did you expect to come back to
<Reona> Something at least a little less stupid
<Michael> You need to lower your expectations for this chat
<Michael> Like
<Michael> A lot
<Reona> I refuse
<Michael> Your choice I guess
<Reona> Anyway why are we trying to find 2%?
<Michelle> Because Michael is an idiot and forgot where it is
<Michael> HEY
<Michelle> You have to admit that I have a point
<Michael> Shut
<Michelle> No
<Michael> ;-;
<Blanche> This might be in my top 10 dumbest discussions I've been a part of
<Reona> Same
<Meghan> What did I just walk in on
<Michelle> Michael being stupid
<Michael> Please shut up already
<Blanche> But what if we said n o
<Michael> Reona help me out here
<Reona> How am I supposed to help out
<Michael> ...idk
<Michelle> So do we win the argument or?
<Michael> No
<Michael> We both win and lose at the same time
<Michelle> Fine by me
--End of log file--
<Vest> Wait what
<Vest> Vani why were you in the blue team for literally 5 seconds?
<Vani> There was an attempt at getting me back to normal
<Vani> It worked
<Vani> But I forgot about the spear
<Vest> …
<Cade> What happened
<Cade> Can I have some context
<Vani> ...I got turned evil again
<Cade> Oh
<Esther> The way you asked for context sounded like you were asking for juice or smth
<Cade> Ah yes
<Cade> Context juice
<Vest> What the heck
<Vani> I wonder what context juice would taste like
<Vest> Please no
<Lucia> Context juice is probably one of the most cursed things I have ever seen someone say in this chat
<Lucia> And that's saying something
<Cade> This got weird really fast and it's kinda my fault
<Esther> Mostly my fault for making that comment
<Cade> Fair
<Vani> This went from Vest asking me why I was in the blue team for a moment
<Vani> to Esther mentioning context juice
<Vani> And it took less time than it took for me to get reminded about how much of an idiot I can be
<Storm> This chat is the most cursed yet blessed thing I know about
<Vest> Is it more cursed or more blessed
<Storm> Yes
--End of log file--
<Renn> So what are you guys up to rn
<Esther> Not much in my case
<Esther> Mostly trying to take a break from the constant pain and suffering
<Liin> That got dark extremely quickly didn't it
<Esther> What did you expect from someone who has slight emotional problems
<Liin> Honestly that's fair
<Renn> Can you just put those issues aside for once in this chat
<Renn> I miss when you weren't constantly like this ;- ;
<Esther> I've tried but it's hard
<Renn> Then try harder
<Renn> Please
<Esther> Why do you think I'm staying in Voidin rn
<Esther> I doubt heading back will help with taking a break
<Esther> If anything it'd make it worse
<Renn> Okay good
<Renn> Let's not get more depressed
<Liin> Agreed
<Tyin> Yeah
<Renn> So what are you two up to because so far Esther's the only one who answered
<Liin> I'm just exploring tbh
<Tyin> Not really doing anything atm
<Tyin> What about you
<Renn> I'm trying to figure out what to do
<Liin> I'm not sure if I should be concerned that you don't know what to do
<Liin> Considering you usually always know something to do
<Renn> ._ .
<Esther> Technically chatting here is doing something
<Renn> Fair
<Liin> Is anyone else on right now or is it just the four of us
<Tyin> I dunno-
<Yvette> Hi
<Tyin> That answers that question I guess
<Yvette> Yep
<Esther> Hey Yvette
<Renn> Good to know it's not just the four of us
<Yvette> I have to go in a bit though
<Renn> ;~ ;
<Yvette> Sorry
<Liin> If anyone else is on please post
<Liin> It's a bit lonely with only 4 people
<Michael> Lol no
<Michael> ...Wait
<Esther> You just posted saying you weren't gonna post
<Michael> I just played myself
<Renn> Congratulations
<Renn> You played yourself
--End of log file--
<Dan> Just wondering how everyone’s doing
<Esther> I’m good
<Esther> Aside from not knowing where I am rn
<Mel> I guess I’m doing alright, just worried about some stuff
<Dan> What are you worried about?
<Mel> I’d rather not talk about it
<Dan> Alright then
<Via> I’m also doing okay, but like Esther idk where I currently am
<Esther> Via
<Esther> We’re literally in the same room
<Via> Other than that we don’t know where we are -. -
<Esther> Point still stands
<Via> -. -
<Dan> Can’t you guys just check the map?
<Mel> Mine isn’t working at least
<Esther> Same here
<Via> Yea
<Meghan> Ack
<Mel> You just came in out of nowhere what the
<Esther> Wait
<Esther> You two in the same room or smth?
<Mel> Yea
<Meghan> I have no idea what just happened ;- ;
<Esther> WDYM
<Via> Odd
<Meghan> I have no idea how I got here ;- ;
<Dan> I’m a bit confused now
<Esther> Oh
<Purple> I just got on
<Purple> What happened
<Mel> I have no idea tbh
<Esther> Stuff happened
<Purple> Well stuff happens all the time
<Purple> That really doesn’t say much about what that stuff is
<Esther> It’s complicated
<Esther> And I’d rather not talk about it
<Dan> Why not?
<Esther> Because I’d just end up feeling bad about it
<Esther> And I just want to move on from it asap
<Meghan> Mind if I just made a guess on what happened?
<Esther> I would mind, actually
<Meghan> Okay then…
<Mel> Okay but now I’m kinda curious
<Mel> And at the same time a bit worried
<Via> We’re both worried then
<Ariah> I’ve been trying to make sense of this entire conversation for the past like
<Ariah> 5 minutes
<Ariah> And I’m still confused
<Purple> Welcome to the club then
<Purple> I’m also still confused
<Via> So we have two people who are confused, two that are just not posting anymore, and two that are worried
<Via> Wonderful chat guys
<Esther> I just don’t have anything to say
<Via> You could explain what happened?
<Dan> Yea
<Dan> We might be able to help you feel better about it
<Esther> I already said I don’t want to talk about it - .-
<Mel> This chat confuses me all the time
--End of log file--
<Tivo> Prepare for a random rant
<Laura> Okay
<Tivo> One thing that bothers me about some of the games I play (Especially CrossWorlds) is how inconsistent they can be with gravity
<Tivo> On one hand, sand usually ends up falling
<Tivo> But at the same time you tend to have massive floating islands that are literally made out of rock, and somehow that doesn’t fall down?
<Nari> You’re saying that like we don’t have floating islands irl
<Tivo> Those are at least supported by clouds
<Nari> ...Solid clouds, yeah
<Nari> Which still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense
<Tivo> It at least makes more sense than the floating rock islands that aren’t supported by clouds
<Nari> …
<Laura> You gotta admit she has a point
<Nari> Fine…
<Laura> Maybe we could think about what else could be supporting those floating rock islands
<Tivo> I already tried to come up with an explanation
<Tivo> I could not think of anything
<Laura> How
<Tivo> Literally none of the things I thought about make sense
<Flanelia> What if there’s just a ton of superpowered birds with invisibility potions to keep those rocks in the air
<Tivo> ...That is so stupid
<Tivo> And I love it
<Laura> Why did you have to put that image in my head
<Flanelia> : )
<Nari> This is cursed -. -
<Tivo> Am I the only one here who approves of that theory?
<Viora> Yes
<Viora> Yes you are
<Tivo> :|
<Viora> This is why I’ve given up on making sense of these discussions…
<Nari> Same here
<Esther> Yknow every time I think back to when Evi was still around I realize just how much I actually miss her
<Esther> I’m guessing it’s because she was kinda similar to me in a way
<Esther> Sure she was pretty annoying sometimes but she was also sort of a nice person, even though we were enemies
<Esther> Then again at this point I’ve gotten used to annoying
<Exci> I feel called out…
<Michael> Why
<Exci> Well why do you think
<Michael> …
<Michael> Okay I guess that’s fair
<Divi> Tbh I kinda miss Evi too, even though I barely knew her
<Divi> I hope she’s doing okay
<Esther> I got used to annoying before meeting you actually Exci
<Exci> Wait what-
<Exci> Oh wait
<Exci> Forgot about that Electrike…
<Esther> He has a name you know
<Michael> I have basically zero context about this specific thing
<Michael> And I don’t think I even want context
<Divi> Same
<Esther> Then let’s just move on from the fact I’m more used to annoying than I really should be
<Divi> Yeah
<Divi> I’m actually kinda wondering if anyone’s heard literally anything about where Evi might be
<Divi> Because I’m assuming she’s still alive, and I honestly hope she is
<Esther> Yeah…
<Exci> I feel like you two are the only people here right now that actually even have any context
<Michael> Same here
<Esther> I could try to explain if you guys want
<Michael> It’s fine
<Michael> Sometimes it’s better to have no context
<Esther> ...I want to argue with that but I can’t
<Esther> Either way she was a good rival back then, and definitely a better rival than Jason is
<Cade> You’re lucky Jason isn’t actually in this chat group to see this
<Esther> Yep
<Esther> Means I can safely call him out on the fact he’s a traitor
<Cade> Makes sense
[System] Evi has joined. (Sent by Yvette)
<Evi> Sup
<Esther> …
<Esther> Processing
<Esther> W h a t
<Divi> Um
<Evi> Did I startle you or something?
<Esther> Two questions
<Esther> First of all w h a t
<Esther> Second of all why did Yvette of all people add you
<Evi> That’s a secret c:
<Divi> Well this is awkward isn’t it
<Exci> It’s probably more awkward for Michael and for me
<Divi> True
<Esther> This is awkward for all of us except for Evi
<Evi> I’m not sorry
<Esther> And why did I see that coming.
--End of log file--
<Cade> Hey Vani
<Cade> Where are you right now
<Vani> ...I'll ping my location on the map
<Cade> K
(*a short bit later*)
<Vani> Why did you even ask that?
<Cade> I'm going to get you back to normal
<Vani> ...what
<Cade> You heard me
<Vani> No I didn't
<Vani> We're not in voice chat
<Cade> You
<Cade> Heard
<Cade> Me.
<Vani> Ack-
<Vani> Whatever
<Vani> I doubt you'll have anything to get past the spear issue. Don't expect to win.
<Cade> Don't expect me to lose!
<Vani> Uhhh
<Eriem> I don't like what you're hinting at there Cade
<Vest> I'm confused
<Vest> And a little concerned
<Vani> I'm not sure if I should be scared or not
<Eriem> Probably
<Arith> I really don't like what Cade's implying
<Cade> :)
<Vest> Cade are you okay
<Vest> Mentally
<Cade> Yes
<Reona> I know this is the group chat but
<Reona> this is ridiculous
<Vani> Seriously though how are you expecting to get the spear out of the way
<Cade> I have my ways, I'm just not telling you yet c:<
<Arith> I really don't like what you're implying there
<Mel> Cade
<Mel> Explain yourself
<Mel> Preferably after this is done, or in a private message
<Cade> I'll be fine guys
<Eriem> That better be true
<Vest> Why do I feel like you're hiding something from us
<Cade> I'm not though?
<Vani> yes you are, probably because I'm here
<Cade> -. -
<Arith> I have a lot of questions
<Arith> for all of you
--End of log file--
<Michael> Why does it feel like at least half of the stupid conversations are as a result of things I say
<Reona> Maybe because that is sometimes the case
<Reona> Usually when I get back from a mission to encounter stupid conversations going on I don’t get surprised when I find out it’s you
<Michael> Is that a bad thing or…
<Reona> Idk
<Michelle> Maybe it is but maybe it isn’t
<Michael> That doesn’t help
<Michelle> Have I ever been helpful
<Reona> Visible concern
<Michelle> What?
<Shade> Friendly reminder about the various times you’ve helped us out in the past
<Michael> Yeah
<Michelle> A-
<Michelle> Fine…
<Shade> Wow.
<Blanche> On top of that you very much helped with the 2% incident
<Michael> Can you stop reminding me of that???
<Blanche> But what if we once again said n o
<Michael> Audible facepalm noise
<Shade> Someone explain
<Michael> No
<Reona> Long story short someone forgot to focus on their math homework that day
<Shade> ...What
<Michael> Can we just move on already
<Michelle> No
<Michelle> No we cannot
<Blanche> Not until you find those 2%
<Michael> S t o p
<Blanche> >:)
<Michael> Reona I need help
<Reona> I still don’t know how to help with this
<Lucia> What in the h e c k did I just come online to
<Reona> Basic group chat stuff really
<Lucia> The fact this is basic group chat stuff really just proves that you’re all idiots sometimes
<Michelle> I blame Michael
<Michael> Puts head on desk with extreme annoyance
<Michelle> One day we will win this battle
<Michael> No you won’t
<Blanche> We’ll see
<Michael> Just
<Michael> stop
--End of log file--
<Esther> I swear if Seret ambushes me one more time I’m gonna be hiding out on a floating island for a week
<Cade> What happened?
<Esther> Seret ambushed me again.
<Esther> I honestly have no idea how I got away this time, I think something/someone attacked her but I really couldn’t tell
<Vani> You really need to stop getting ambushed sometimes
<Esther> You’re one to talk
<Cade> Yeah
<Cade> You get ambushed on a near-daily basis Vani
<Vani> Shut up
<Cade> No
<Esther> On top of that 90% of those ambushes end in you falling under an enemy’s control
<Esther> I feel like you’ve been turned evil more times than Noah has and that says a lot
<Vani> And most of the times you’ve been ambushed you almost got killed and had to be saved by someone else
[System] Tyko has joined.
<Esther> Oh hey Tyko
<Tyko> Yo
<Vani> Awkward time to join the chat but hi
<Tyko> Yeah I’m just gonna not ask what I just walked in on
<Esther> Good idea
<Velona> Next time please just give me a call Esther
<Velona> Pretty sure Seret would just leave if I arrived to begin with-
<Esther> If she doesn’t leave when I threaten to call you I will
<Velona> Alright
<Velona> And if she doesn’t leave when I show up then she has problems
<Velona> And I’m not just referring to Nightmel
<Edali> You’re also referring to Emissa and Cirru
<Velona> Among other problems Seret would have
<Tyko> Seret always has problems
<Tyko> Mentally that is
--End of log file--
-Coming once I finish some more pages for the comic that explains parts of Vest's backstory
When the storms lie low,
And the moon shines so,
I can see the clouds before the rain,
Carrying a gift I hope to gain.
(Note: I've been reworking some of the early events lately and some things might change later on too)
So far the entire arc has taken place during summer vacation (meaning school didn't get in the way for any characters that actually go to school)
Though that's starting to come to an end
I'll start at the beginning (of the actual arc, there's stuff that happened before the actual arc started, such as the Warrior's backstory stuff)
Esther and Mirror both have to deal with abusive parents (though in Esther's case she knows they aren't actually her parents, as her biological parents are dead and her foster family is really nice)
Esther ends up mostly spending the day over in the Alola region (don't ask, this arc literally started because of a dream I had, and Alola was involved there) ((Note that I’ll probably end up replacing that with a random island or smth))
While Mirror in the meantime just has to pull herself through the day, usually by just hiding in her room
One night though
both of them end up waking up not in their room, but just an empty void-like area, with a single glassy wall in the middle separating them from the other person
Mirror just kinda ignores Esther at first though, aside from being slightly confused about the situation
Esther in the meantime is both confused and worried about Mirror, but isn't sure what to do or how to help during this first encounter
the next few nights have similar encounters, but after a few of them Esther finally figures out how to talk to Mirror (by holding her hand near the wall, she can communicate with Mirror on the other side)
So she tells them that it's going to be okay
The day after that is actually when TCF gets involved in a way, though it's really quiet and barely anyone's online that day
Mirror somehow ends up on the same TCF as Esther, finds out that they can't access their usual account, makes a new one with a similar username, then posts on their new profile to ask what's even going on
Unit One says hi first, leading to some extra confusion
then Esther notices the profile post, notices the username, makes the somewhat random guess that it's the person she's encountered in her dreams lately, and somewhat awkwardly says hi as well, leading to even more confusion for a bit
Said confusion ends when Esther gathers enough hints from Mirror's posts to confirm that yep, she was right, and just very calmly posts, and I quote: 'So it is you.'
Esther quickly shoves Mirror, Unit One, and Darthmorf (Who had also probably said hi at that point) into a DM to explain what she thinks is going on (with the latter two understandably having basically no idea what the :red: is even going on and just kinda taking Esther's word for it)
Mirror decides that it probably makes the most sense if that was actually the case, then points out that their connection is being cruddy and that they might have to head out soon
And pretty soon after she loses connection

The next night is when the Warrior gets introduced (which is also why I decided to press enter a second time, to kinda separate things a bit more nicely and split it into "chapters")
They show up at the Border while Esther and Mirror are there, with the wall now separating three sections instead of two
Though they first just observe without saying anything
Esther is just confused the next day, but decides not to worry about it too much for the time being and just heads back to Alola as she usually does
She happens to meet someone else who happens to be there at the time to train, that being Lira
And the two decide to climb one of the mountains as a team, because why not (Along the way Pachy the Pachirisu from my OC list also joins in btw, because yes)
Esther does have to go back home pretty early on though, because it's getting late and she doesn't want to take risks
That night Lira has a pretty strange dream, I won't try to explain it though
but Pachy has a similar dream
So the next morning Lira tells Esther about it before they get going
About halfway to the top Esther suggests taking a break to rest and maybe plan ahead
A minor event happens (OOC it's just to waste some time) which keeps the three busy for about an hour probably
And by the time they're done it's getting late again and Esther needs to get some rest too, so she gets ready to head back home
But she notices something near the base of the mountain, and decides to go check that out first, encountering a somewhat injured Meloetta
She doesn’t have anything with her to help it though, so she instead helps it get to a slightly safer place so it can safely recover during the night
That Meloetta introduces itself as Arila btw
Esther then goes home for the night

(Nothing much happens this night, aside from some semi-ominous foreshadowing)
I’ll quickly focus on Mirror first here
basically right as she gets up in the morning she has a pretty harsh hallucination that kinda just emotionally damages her a bit, but in the process she also briefly manages to use water magic (though it doesn’t do anything), so now she’s also just confused again
she has a quick talk with her sister before deciding to spend the day outside at a river about a 10 minute walk from her house so she can just get her thoughts sorted again
As for Esther’s morning… *Inhales* *Exhales* this is gonna be a lot to explain haha-
First thing Esther does after basic morning stuffs at home is check on Arila, who has recovered pretty much completely already
The two talk for a few minutes to properly introduce themselves to each other (As there wasn’t really much time in the evening and stuff)
and then decide to head outside of the cave that they were in
But as they do so, someone appears nearby through teleportation
Esther is understandably on edge right away because trust issues and it generally isn’t a good sign if someone teleports into the same area as the one you’re in
The new person doesn’t explain much when Arila asks them who they are, but does clearly hint at their plan to kill Esther right then and there
Which Arila does not approve of, so she attempts to attack them with Shadow Claw to protect Esther (As if that’d do much anyway lmao)
The attack is just blocked though, and the person just asks Arila if she was expecting that to work before launching her HARD
They then turn to Esther while preparing something
Esther tries to ask what they want from her, but gets no response
Anyway, Justin happens to be nearby to think about his past or smth when he notices Arila getting friken yeeted
So he quickly uses some portals to catch her and cancel out the momentum from the launch and stuff (or well, he mostly just redirects the momentum so he mostly gets thrown vertically instead of horizontally, but still)
And in the process, he notices Esther nearby, right as she gets hit by a laser-like attack that causes her to pass out pretty much right away (She’s almost dead now btw)
He quickly makes sure Arila is okay, tells her to stay there, and runs to where Esther is knowing that she’s in danger and stuff
Justin’s arrival slightly annoys the new person, which, fair enough, but anyway Justin asks them what they want with Esther, finally getting a sort-of explanation (They’re trying to destroy Esther’s soul/break her emotionally, fun)
Justin does not agree with this, actually roasts the person (Arila’s reaction to that is just *concern* btw), and tells them to :red: off before he kills them
This actually kinda startles them, and they decide this isn’t worth it and leave because they’re just wasting their time now
Once they’re gone, Justin tries to wake Esther up, but fails (again, she’s nearly dead right now, I don’t think that’s gonna do much)
Arila comes over to check if Esther’s alright, and doesn’t see any actual injuries, which worries her
Justin tries again, fails, then wonders out loud what’s wrong
That question is answered by someone else who happens to be there now, and they explain that Esther's soul is badly damaged before walking over to her to fix that
Justin asks who they are, and they just tell him that he can call them the Warrior while also focusing on healing Esther as much as possible
After a few seconds of silence the Warrior gets up and tells Justin and Arila that Esther should be fine and she should hopefully wake up soon
Which, after a few sorta awkward minutes of just silently waiting, she does, though she is still pretty exhausted
After getting a basic explanation about what happened after she passed out, she realizes Lira’s probably getting worried by now considering how long she’s been away
But because of previously mentioned still being exhausted there’s not really any way to easily get back to where Lira is waiting, and she has no idea what else could be done to let him know she’s… mostly okay
The others also don’t have many ideas
Cue convenient arrival of Lira’s Skarmory, who was sent out to go check on the situation
Esther tells the Skarmory that she’s mostly alright but might take some time to catch up because she can’t really teleport or use magic right now, then gets ready to just take the normal route up the mountain while Skarmory flies back up
The Warrior in the meantime decides to go check on Mirror (though they don’t directly mention her, instead stating they’re going to check on “someone else”)
Esther’s plan quickly becomes catching up with Lira before the end of the day, so off she goes I guess
Anyway back to Mirror's situation
While she’s thinking about stuff including what happened in the morning, someone (the Warrior but Mirror doesn’t know that yet) walks over to her and asks her if she’s doing okay
Mirror nods, before realizing it’s the person she saw recently at the Border and deciding to ask who exactly they are, getting the same answer that Justin got earlier, and she decides not to ask further questions for now
The two talk for a little while, giving Mirror a chance to actually explain what’s on her mind, and the Warrior does briefly show slight concern when she mentions the hallucination from that morning, so they ask her to explain a bit more
And when she does, they seem a bit more concerned for a moment before going back to being basically emotionless, telling Mirror to watch out and tell them if that happens again
The two afterwards just sit there silently for a while, before Mirror decides to head home again
The Warrior tells her to be careful for now, then leaves as well
Not much else happens for the rest of the day, though Esther does in fact catch up with Lira and Pachy about an hour before she has to go home, so she takes the time to explain why she was away for so long
And that’s about it for this day in total

Nothing special this night at all, so I’ll skip straight to morning
Mirror is still a little bit shaken by what happened the day before, but that accidentally helps her as she completely fails to pay attention to her father being a jerk to her, only realizing after he leaves her room, and just not caring for now because she didn’t even hear 90% of the things he said
So she just decides to try and make the most of the day for now
Esther in the meantime just has a normal morning before heading out as usual
Meanwhile though, somewhere deep inside of a dungeon of sorts, Navy wakes up on their own, realizing they’re alone pretty quickly before Roxas very casually joins them, to their relief because they dislike being alone after what they’ve been through
The two talk for a bit, then agree that they should try to find a way out of the dungeon
Navy then realizes that they currently do not have even a single weapon, and just hopes that there won’t be too much combat needed
At first Exel and Yvena were just known as "the assistants", which is still a part of their lore
Remember how I said a while ago that their names were based on Xerneas and Yveltal?
Yeah they're kinda like assistants for those two
Xene is probably the most evil character I have
She tried to kill Esther when they asked her a few questions due to not trusting her entirely, and would have succeeded if Exel didn't find them after
Solar, Vortex, Nebula and Stardust were originally being controlled by the Lunatic Cultist before Esther and Volnia (who never became an OC but was also in that dream, which I still remember for having the most bull:red: BoC fight ever) kicked LC's :red:
the BoC fight had spinny top things instead of creepers, so we had to destroy them to reach phase two, but they took a bajillion hits to break, also BoC had lasers
And while Cade wasn't a part of the dream I'm gonna mention, Jason's betrayal happened in a dream that was kinda like a Calamity Mod run but different in a way, and Cade is from the same world as the one from that dream, meeting Esther soon after Jason betrays her
Jason betrayed Esther because of something that happened during a boss fight, because he was stubborn and refused to believe Esther when she explained why she wasn't being targeted at all with a specific attack
A bit more about End's Beginning bc y not
A little bit before Esther, Dan and Purple arrive there, enemies start getting more aggressive, with some being unaffected and eventually teaming up to help the heroes (the current known unaffected creatures are Finny the Snow Flinx, Twinkle the Ice Bat, Duke Fishron, a blue slime called Droplet, and several harpies (the three that are in my OC List are in that group (Arith, Eriem, and Yuri))
Finny and Twinkle start off befriending Vio and helping him get to the surface
Arith and Eriem reach a safe village after wandering around the sky for a while
Yuri makes it to that village (called Skyheart) soon after
And Duke Fishron gives Vest a place to stay at the start
alright so
Earlier I said that Ruby isn't the original EoL
that one died a few hundred years ago
but her descendants are still here to this day
and Ruby is one of them
there's also male descendants, which are referred to as Warriors of Radiance instead
There's currently only a few descendants, so some hallowed areas are purely being defended by creatures like pixies and gastropods most of the time (with the latter mostly staying hidden and sniping any threats)
so the threat is something known as Rooted Corruption
which can corrupt almost any living thing and take control of it
while being able to seriously injure those that can't be controlled by it
So far there's been several times where it almost spread into Floralis, but whichever Empress or Warrior (which I mentioned before ofc) happened to be the closest to the location it tried to spread to has been able to prevent that so far
you're amazing at bows compared to me

oh btw
technically I have worked on lore but it might not be canon
it's one of the 50 thousand arcs from dreams
this time Xene is once again proving herself to be... extremely dangerous
by the way

what I mean with this is
She's literally mind-controlling Navy at the moment
Gonna have to point out that that's extremely difficult to do, but very dangerous for Esther if successful
in other words
oh no
alright so
current status for the more notable characters I'm putting in the arc
Rensley (One of Esther's classmates in the arc) Is currently the main person helping Esther not lose control
Rythimi and Evien are trying to find Nexus and Lively respectively (Which isn't going well)
Jason reluctantly agreed to help Esther emotionally
Snowfall learned about the situation and is trying to find Xene to take her on directly (that's totally not gonna go terribly wrong haha)
Esther is uhh, doing alright I guess
and Renn and Shade are just trying their best to help

o no indeed
Also Maxi is keeping an eye on another classmate to make sure he doesn't try anything stupid
okay so
Basically, adventurers have a map that displays icons representing others in their team, as long as they aren't in areas where they can't be seen on maps.
Most people are in teams, and they usually can't manually change which team they're in:
Blue: Basically anyone who fights for a good cause
Purple: Anyone who is clearly evil
Green: Pokémon in general
Yellow: Kinda inbetween Blue and Purple
Red: Same as Yellow, but mostly for double agents

There's a team list that lists who is in what team, as long as the person checking the list has met those people.
He used to be a part of Streamia's royal guard (yes that existed)
But was forced into hiding because someone spread lies about him
Then he kinda became a sort of rogue for a while while trying to come up with a way to prove that those lies were lies
which is why he started collecting Looplets and Emeras (his main focus is getting the Eight Treasure Looplets, which, and I quote their description from PSMD according to Bulbapedia, "only the strongest are said to be able to obtain", and most of them are given to the player by legendaries, so if he gets them he's basically proving that he's a good guy)
At one point while he was resting in a forest he notices Due kinda just getting bullied for a bit before Esther shows up
He then realizes there's no way Esther would survive getting launched at a tree (which Marth was threatening to do)
pulls out a defense boosting Emera and throws it at Esther, activating it to boost her defense
just enough for her to survive
and after that he joins her team because he hopes it'll help prove himself as a good guy
So basically (I start so many things with "so basically" now that I think about it-)
Malis has Shadow and Void Magic
And because of that he also has Darksoul Magic, though he doesn't use it very often
He can also dimension/timeline hop pretty easily and without damaging his soul (which is what would happen if someone without any training tries doing so)
And there's also one more ability that allows him to basically edit timelines, but he can only use it if there's literally nobody in that timeline who actually has a chance to stop him (Esther and Mirror have a chance, but in most of the other timelines he got rid of them pretty easily
in this timeline they're just kinda refusing to give up, partially thanks to the Warrior helping them, but also because of their other friends)
While Xene is still my most evil character (as she literally tricks people into thinking she's good, and then tries to kill the people that are suspicious of her while passing it off as them "having things to do")
Malis is easily my most powerful
Though Amulet used to be really powerful as well
and I feel like if I both had more ideas for them and if they weren't always holding back basically all of their abilities, Cosmos would probably be pretty powerful as well
Okay so basically
The Warrior can also dimension/timeline hop easily, though they couldn't do so when they first decided to go after Malis, which meant they were always too late because they had to recover after each jump
they can also heal souls without taking as much damage
and they can check the status of someone else's soul, and make it visible to anyone who is nearby

Cosmos just never feels comfortable using any of his abilities
I have so many random tiny bits of lore tbh
for some reason I specifically know that Blanche needs glasses as a human
because otherwise she has literally no depth perception
Another random bit of lore
Syvvian got his notebook/spellbook from a sorcerer named Xander (whose name is pronounced like Zander)
I might not develop Xander enough to add him to the OC list
but he is the one who gave Syvvian the book
Summons are mostly bound to the summoner (So as an example, Cacao (Astrum's Caustic Dragon summon) is mostly bound to Astrum), but they can be separated, either willingly or accidentally
Either way, if the summoner and summon are far away from each other, the summon can take damage (Normally, like in-game, they're invincible), and if they get killed it also hurts their summoner (but they can be resummoned, just that they probably won't be willing to fight for a bit)
They're also completely mute, can't make any sound, though they can communicate (likely via telepathy, but not sure yet) with their summoner, and all other summons (Cacao has "talked" to Talonclaw (Vani's raven in Aftermath Adventures) several times already)
And they do have personalities and their own soul
The latter right now
it would just make sense for there to be other methods, especially considering I have one character (Ellion) who is implied to have a partially disconnected soul basically permanently (As he can't learn magic and has very little emotion all the time), but who very likely has never even seen a void mage before

also with the way I plan to have combination types work, technically Asuri could protect herself or her friends against Malis, as long as she recognizes a void spell quickly enough to intercept it with an ice spell, which would turn it into a force spell, which would disconnect the soul of whoever gets hit (if someone were to get hit in the first place) rather than damage it, which in turn would protect it from further damage
wouldn't work if Malis were to use darksoul magic though, sadly
but still something to think about considering how fast Asuri can be
Technically Xene actually has more powerful Shadow Magic than Malis does, though it isn't that big of a difference
Xene has just practiced
a lot
Well technically it can also work in their favor, if they need to resort to countering Malis' shadow magic with more powerful shadow magic
they'd just need to be good enough at convincing enemies to help out to convince Xene to help out
which in reality means: Just find Atu and leave the convincing to her-
If there's time to burn then there's also the option of using the sorta-redeemed bad guy to fight the not-redeemed bad guy
Fall technically could beat Xene in terms of shadow magic power, he just needs time to set up a strong enough crystal to pull it off

Atu is a literal child and she would be quite likely to successfully convince Xene.
Anyway back to that thing about Asuri technically having a way to panic-defend her friends
one thing that helps is that she knows how to recognize void spells and several other magic types as well
before she got involved in the battle against Malis, she was a magic researcher
she still does that if she has the time, too

My unova lore stuff team is honestly my favorite regional team so far, and that's saying a lot
because the loadout is essentially:
Too forgiving for their own good
The guy who tries to be a loner but is really bad at it
and the guy who somehow befriended his trainer's enemy later on

Looking forward to starting the kalos lore stuff though, because that loadout is
f r e n
tiny smart-:red:
the loner again
and one very polite zappy fox

They are
they really are
f r e n is a character returning from my original lore, too
the kalos group will also include some of the pokemon from my pokemon sword team, including another girl that is too nice for her own good, someone that is too good at confusing people by accident, the other forms of the foxo, and more.
And it'll also include Arvy the Mew from my brilliant diamond team (canonically owned by my lets go eevee trainer) and evolved shiny foxo
Each of my lore teams/groups for the pokemon anime lore stuff so far has had at least one member return from the previous region, too, except Kanto and Johto because of some details.
Kanto and Johto, Esther only really helps Ash and co from hiding with Via along for the ride.
Hoenn, technically Via returns but she stays out of the group.
Sinnoh, Peronell and Nivora from the Hoenn team head to the region on their own in case their help is needed.
Unova, Signa and Jano (the latter of which joins the Sinnoh Team at some point) head to the region on their own, and Jano ends up joining the group for a currently undetermined amount of time after perhaps accidentally getting in Seret's way?
Kalos, Clarel from the unova team rejoins Esther's team later on.
And for Alola my plan is to have Koru from the Kalos team be Esther's starting member for the Alola team.
Also here's a quick fun fact about Jano
his name is based on Servine's Japanese name
I honestly do love all of the regional teams and their members btw
the interesting thing is that the Hoenn team has known each other and Esther for quite a bit longer than the other teams, because that team was set up during a past adventure
though Ilara and Alen have also known Esther for longer than the rest of their respective teams, Ilara because past adventure and Alen because long-time fren
Alen's return is probably the thing I'm looking forward to the absolute most for the early kalos lore stuff, because it'll be one of those rare times where Esther temporarily breaks character and shows actual genuine happi
it's just rare for Esther to show genuine happi outside of Seabreeze
but she wouldn't care about being her current-day calm self
she'd be genuinely happi to see Alen again
that's like one of my favorite details about Esther as a Pokemon trainer
she has an affinity for water types yes
but she has some incredibly strong bonds with the three rock types that she's owned (Milo, Everest, and Alen)
Also funny is how she's canonically had like 3 pseudo-legendaries so far (Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and post-Buck Hill Goodra (because I do plan to have the Buck Hill team members evolve during the plotline, which will probably also mean the BH team will be one of the strongest full teams any of my characters has had (as it has 2 pseudos (Hydreigon and Goodra) and 1 legendary (Lunala))
Esther does not at all care about being the best trainer out there or winning any leagues
She became a Pokemon Trainer because she wasn't confident that she could take on the enemies she'd face alone
So here's yet another fact about Esther as a Pokemon Trainer
there are currently no known members of her team (including ones that she released later) that were caught after a battle that wasn't requested by the Pokemon themselves, and a lot of her known team members (including released ones) joined without a battle to begin with, for example after she helped them in some way
So. Parallel is pretty much Esther from another universe.
The main difference in terms of events in that universe compared to the main one is that when Parallel encounters Marth for the first time (while he's battling Evien and Rythmi, and winning), she sides with Marth instead of with Evien and Rythmi, convincing him to spare the duo, and afterwards she chooses to join his side properly (To the extreme annoyance of a certain Dedenne who casually makes it their mission to be annoying).
Parallel eventually starts having some moral conflicts and wondering if she made the right choice by joining Marth's side, as well as occasional emotional conflicts regarding if she's even helpful (as her pacifism tends to mess things up even when Trixy (previously mentioned Dedenne) doesn't), with this eventually leading to Antael's creation.
Later on Parallel ends up traveling to this universe hoping to start over, Antael follows and joins this universe's version of Marth, and that's roughly about it for explaining stuff as far as I'm aware with my extremely limited ability to think right now.

Salad for helping me out with fire magic upgrades:
m-my idea
since its t-terraria
2 types of f-fire magic
space fire and hell fire (names a-are bad ik)
s-space fire is more focused on looking cool (big flash) and also aoe
hell f-fire is evil and edgy a-and is more single target
Elemental for helping me finish up water magic and druidic magic:
It could include attacks related to coral or Sea anemone?

Maybe... Overgrown?
(Why not?)
maybe it could grow plants around areas and those plants can do special things? (example: an attack making an area of plants that poison targets, or one that makes an area that heals teammates)
(Oh oki)

A massive thank you to @Simple.
You helped a lot with shaping my main lore world early on (mid-2020, mostly), and while most of it hasn't stayed, some of it has (Such as Shadow Energy sometimes being harder to get rid of (in case you don't remember where this came from, one time Solaris said something about that)), and it wouldn't feel right for me not to thank you for this.
Can I make a character that is from [Insert world here]?
Of course! As long as you let me know and credit me for the world, seeing people use characters based on my lore makes me happy!

Can I make a character that is a [Insert one of my own species here]?
Like with worlds, of course you can! Just credit me for the species and try to respect the lore to the best of your ability. (I'll try to get species lore written down eventually, I promise...)
Obviously, if lore points in a species make you personally uncomfortable, then I'm not going to stop you from ignoring that lore point. Personal enjoyment of a character is more important to me than all the lore being respected!

[Insert thing here] from your lore confuses me.
If you're confused about any part of my lore, please ask me questions! I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer them, but I can always try to answer them and sometimes it even helps me actually get things written down better!
Also, don't worry about it, my own lore confuses me all the time (To the point where I sometimes have questions in my document about things I haven't figured out).

I'll add more to this list over time.
Last edited:
A massive thank you to @Simple.
You helped a lot with shaping my main lore world early on (mid-2020, mostly), and while most of it hasn't stayed, some of it has (Such as Shadow Energy sometimes being harder to get rid of (in case you don't remember where this came from, one time Solaris said something about that)), and it wouldn't feel right for me not to thank you for this.
No problem!
I have a few questions.

What's the difference between energy and mana?
Void magic can damage souls but I'm not sure what that means or what the effects of that are. If someone's soul is damaged by it right before they die do they end up in some afterlife missing an arm or something? And can a soul recover from this damage?
What does crystallized light magic mean? Is that light forced to act like a solid object by catching it in some sort of energy/mana field and holding it in place like the magnetic field that holds a lightsaber together?
It seems to be implied in the Magic System section that some people here travel between planets. Are all of these lore worlds in the same universe? What are petals? Assuming they aren't just flower petals, why are they called that? Does the word mean something else here?
I have a few questions.

What's the difference between energy and mana?
Void magic can damage souls but I'm not sure what that means or what the effects of that are. If someone's soul is damaged by it right before they die do they end up in some afterlife missing an arm or something? And can a soul recover from this damage?
What does crystallized light magic mean? Is that light forced to act like a solid object by catching it in some sort of energy/mana field and holding it in place like the magnetic field that holds a lightsaber together?
It seems to be implied in the Magic System section that some people here travel between planets. Are all of these lore worlds in the same universe? What are petals? Assuming they aren't just flower petals, why are they called that? Does the word mean something else here?
I'll try to answer these later today, I just got out of bed so I need to wake up now.
I'll try to answer these later today, I just got out of bed so I need to wake up now.
Alright, I'm awake now. I wrote everything in colornote so there's no BBCODE or anything.
What's the difference between energy and mana?
Energy is someone's physical energy, so if someone just got back from exercising then they can't use magic as well until they rest, while mana is just Terraria's mana with no changes.

Void magic can damage souls but I'm not sure what that means or what the effects of that are. If someone's soul is damaged by it right before they die do they end up in some afterlife missing an arm or something?
If someone's soul is destroyed then that person will likely die instantly, but if it's damaged when they respawn it gets healed instead.

And can a soul recover from this damage?
Yes, usually if someone else heals it at the cost of damaging their own soul, though it also heals over time

What does crystallized light magic mean? Is that light forced to act like a solid object by catching it in some sort of energy/mana field and holding it in place like the magnetic field that holds a lightsaber together?
Crystallized light magic is similar to Crystallized wind magic, in that it allows for delayed attacks and traps by creating crystals with large amount of light. (And now I get to add that to my document, ha-ha!)

Spoiler: Antel

It seems to be implied in the Magic System section that some people here travel between planets. Are all of these lore worlds in the same universe?
Yep, aside from a few that just can't be in the same universe (Such as the worlds Alt and Parallel are from).

What are petals? Assuming they aren't just flower petals, why are they called that? Does the word mean something else here?
Petals are basically metallic or crystal petals, and are Antel's currency.
I should really get to work on Veanlin Lore things today...
Added in all of the to-do lists that I've had in my document, mostly just so people can see that I am terrible at not procrastinating.
I'm surprised that the summary thingy has been going so well so far considering the arc is a total mess that I'm currently reworking instead of progressing-
I've updated this again even if it was just adding Navy's backstory summary to the thread.
Part 1 of the backstory I showed in my previous post is finished and has been added to the main thread!
sometimes editing the OP with large blocks of text makes it freeze for a few seconds, I slightly regret not reserving any posts either-
Started work on part two of Antasy's backstory!

And yes, I may or may not have left part one off at the point I did just so I could start part two with a meme.
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