tModLoader Even More Modifiers Relaunch Beta

so.... not sure if its just for multiplayer as that's how i found out. but when i had luck +2 on a ruby melee ring from a mod i forget which but when i made a stinger sword from universe of swords i got 13000something %damage during the day on the wep and then when i made a second one after taking off the ring it rolled 3000%damage 2400 knockback 12000 chance to inflict frostburn. me and my friend are pretty sure it was luck as the modifiers were rolling fine till i got the ring.
so.... not sure if its just for multiplayer as that's how i found out. but when i had luck +2 on a ruby melee ring from a mod i forget which but when i made a stinger sword from universe of swords i got 13000something %damage during the day on the wep and then when i made a second one after taking off the ring it rolled 3000%damage 2400 knockback 12000 chance to inflict frostburn. me and my friend are pretty sure it was luck as the modifiers were rolling fine till i got the ring.
Show me a screenshot of the items
And if you can ,send me the player files.

What other mods do you use? Send me a full mod list
Show me a screenshot of the items
And if you can ,send me the player files.

What other mods do you use? Send me a full mod list

this is the pictures of the items and my char file along with pictures of all the mods we are running. i also only had 2 luck on 1 item before i ended up with a item with 80 somthin luck as it seemed that everytime i rolled a item the numbers would raise by 2 everytime i rolled something.



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this is the pictures of the items and my char file along with pictures of all the mods we are running. i also only had 2 luck on 1 item before i ended up with a item with 80 somthin luck as it seemed that everytime i rolled a item the numbers would raise by 2 everytime i rolled something.

Okay that seems ridiculous. Definitely something wrong there. I will need more that the .plr file from you. Please send the .tplr file as well. It's in the same folder. When I have time, I'll try to investigate.
when i try to upload the tplr file i get this. not sure how to make it work.
The following error occurred:
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension.
Im having the same issue which has been said above. I keep getting these insane dmg bonuses and such and i think it's laging the game when i open any lootbag. Do i send .plr and .tplr to you?


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Update released! v0.1.2.0

  • Fixed mod breaking with Antisocial
  • Fixed rolling insanely high numbers
  • Did a balance pass over all modifiers, they should now roll much more normal/less OP numbers
  • Rolling power is now no longer based on the item (part of rebalance)
  • Certain modifiers with a specific condition (eg. cursed) now are inherently stronger
  • Fixed being able to exploit using cube on cursor and having it not be consumed
I encountered a bug with the mod, I disabled it and I was allowed to access my character once more but as soon as I activated it again, said error returned...
Here is the Runtime error i am having and i have the state of my character backed up if you wish for that to test it yourself.
Edit: Forgot to Add, the error coming up in game is: 'Loot error'

NBT Deserialization (type=System.Object,entry="timeScaleFactor" = null)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagCompound.Get[T](String key)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagCompound.GetAsShort(String key)
at Loot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.RandomDebuff.Load(Item item, TagCompound tag)
at Loot.Core.Modifier._Load(Item item, TagCompound tag)
at Loot.Core.ModifierPool._Load(Item item, TagCompound tag)
at Loot.EMMItem.Load(Item item, TagCompound tag)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.ItemIO.LoadGlobals(Item item, IList`1 list)

Inner Exception:
Invalid NBT payload type 'System.Object'
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagIO.GetPayloadId(Type t)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagIO.Deserialize(Type type, Object tag)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagIO.Deserialize[T](Object tag)
at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagCompound.Get[T](String key)
Hey, I know about the bug. I'll need to look into it later today. I'm hoping I can release an update today that fixes it. ^^
[doublepost=1537529993,1537529762][/doublepost]Actually identified the issue already. IM A FOOL

Updated to v0.1.2.1

Fixed following crash:
'Loot error'
NBT Deserialization (type=System.Object,entry="timeScaleFactor" = null)
Invalid NBT payload type 'System.Object'
before the new update I had made a full maxed luck set of armour where I got close to 50% chance debuffs that could last 8 seconds now with that full set I am rolling slightly better than with no luck at all not sure if that was meant but It has happened and I mean I now get maybe 10% chance debuffs that last a max of four seconds
before the new update I had made a full maxed luck set of armour where I got close to 50% chance debuffs that could last 8 seconds now with that full set I am rolling slightly better than with no luck at all not sure if that was meant but It has happened and I mean I now get maybe 10% chance debuffs that last a max of four seconds
Intended, in changelogs:

Did a balance pass over all modifiers, they should now roll much more normal/less OP numbers

Also, luck has been made more rare. So it's harder to get now. On top of that, luck no longer influences how high stuff is rolling.

To sum it up; luck was not intended to increase rolls dramatically. It is intended to make you LUCKIER when rolling (e.g. see less lower-end rolls)
Thanks for the quick fix with the loot issue!
However something else has occurred and i cannot access my character at all once more or it immediately crashes.

Scenario: Post Plantera, Found the wizard and bought 21 black cubes. Went home and opened the reroll UI. Everything was fine so far.
However, as soon as I placed my 'Ark of the Ancients' from Calamity into the weapon slot, i immediately crashed and continue to crash every time i try and load into any world.

Just tested on a new character and even so much as clicking the weapon slot crashes, even without a weapon on the cursor.
Edit: Every other part of the reroll UI works fine, i can click on them with no issues but the item slot.
Edit 2: The cube UI persists even between characters. Even if they were a brand new character like the one i tested on.

As before, here is the Log:

Method not found: '!!0[] System.Array.Empty()'.
at Loot.UI.CubeRerollUI.UpdateModifierLines()
at Loot.UI.UIRerollItemPanel.PostOnClick(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement e)
at Loot.UI.UIInteractableItemPanel.UIInteractableItemPanel_OnClick(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement e)
at Terraria.UI.UIElement.Click(UIMouseEvent evt)
at Terraria.UI.UserInterface.Update(GameTime time)
at Loot.Loot.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModHooks.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
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