tAPI Getting Started with Modding

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So I followed your instructions and got my......... Ehrm, CS0006 error, complaining that FNA.dll is missing.
Anyone care to tell me what's up with that? I'm not calling myself a modder but I'm **** good at copying and pasting text.
how do i add a required pickaxe power to my MeowZium block that spawns in the world???? whats the code and do i put it in the .cs file in tiles or placeables?
While making a ranged weapon, I'm getting the error that "using TAPI;" is not a valid thing and I'm missing something.
This is a tAPI tutorial, so if you are not using tAPI for modding, then "using tAPI" will not work. If you are using tModLoader, then you should be looking for a tModLoader guide.
How do I make an accessory give immunity to buffs?

I'm confused about the 'buffImmune' array because it is supposed to be used on the json rather than the cs and I couldn't find any example of player effects on json files. Could someone give me an example showing where in the json file I'm supposed to put it and how it is supposed to be ordered and wrote?

I'm not sure about the .json vs. .cs thing but this seems to work for me in a .cs file

player.buffImmune[BuffID.<insert buff here>] = true; // immunity to whichever buff
i know that this thread hasn't been touched in years but...would this still work in 2020? I have ideas for mods but I hear that tApi is outdated and no longer works for the latest versions of terraria. I am also aware of tmodloader which does have guides but i dont know where to start, as much of it looks very daunting. tApi looks to be more approachable but im not sure about it's credibility in 2020.
i know that this thread hasn't been touched in years but...would this still work in 2020? I have ideas for mods but I hear that tApi is outdated and no longer works for the latest versions of terraria. I am also aware of tmodloader which does have guides but i dont know where to start, as much of it looks very daunting. tApi looks to be more approachable but im not sure about it's credibility in 2020.
Hi there @MoonlordB0i, you will probably have a lot better success going with tMoadLoader which is current and supported. You can find out more info about it and how to get started here:

why are you necroing? also tAPI is discontinued, use google.
Hi @Sandstone, in the future it would be appreciated if you see something like this to just report the post instead of replying to it. Thanks. :)

Since tAPI has been discontinued, I'll close this thread.
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