Gotta Go Fast!


So I had this idea when I was thinking about/planning to make my own custom map. I noticed that most of the threads on the forums had a prefix for what type of custom map it was. Adventure, survival, parkour, puzzle, PvP, etc... I kind of feel like my map idea should fall under a different category. Maybe its time we added a new category?
Based on the title of this thread, some of you might already have an idea of what I'm going for with this custom map.

I have built all the parts needed but the odd thing is that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. So there is still a few bugs to work out but here is what I have so far.

This is the start line where the player is spawned in to the map. Later there will be a chest with all the items the player can use in the map. Not sure yet what all of them will be. Mostly items that make the player run fast.
Start Line.jpg

When the player has all their gear on and is ready to start, they flip the 'Start Timer Sequence Switch' and then they are given a countdown. The 'Start Line Wall' blocks the player from leaving the start area before the countdown finishes.

Once the wall is open this is the part where you "Gotta Go Fast" and run through the level and get to the goal as quickly as possible.
Goal Line.jpg

After the player crosses the goal line they will see a 'Goal' message and then can use the teleporter to enter the 'Timer Room'.

The 'Timer Room' will have a display that shows how fast the player completed the map and a reset switch to reset the timer as well as the start sequence and other things in the map.
Then the player can use the teleporter to the left side of the Timer Room to go back to the beginning and try again if they want to.
I might also add in a room where players can put a sign with their time on it like I did for score in my Duck Hunt mini-game map.
Timer Room No Wires.jpg

Timer Room Normal View

Timer Room With Wires.jpg

Timer Room Wire View

At this point I'm not sure what the problem could be. The timer sometimes works and I can see how many secs it took when I enter the Timer Room and other times when I enter the Timer Room its all 0s and not on. Like it reset it self or just never started. It might have something to do with the way dummy ghost work that I don't know about but I'm sure it can't be that the player is too far away because a dummy ghost doesn't work like mobs and despawns if the player is too far away. Also I know stop watches in real life go up to .99 before hitting 1 sec but that is not possible because the game runs at 60 ticks per sec, so the timer actually goes from .00 to .59 before hitting 1 sec. The torches don't flash fast enough to see this of course. You only see it hitting about 2 numbers flashing really fast, or part of the numbers. But it can be stopped at numbers .00 to .59.
It seems like when I use a character with very fast gear it has a much higher chance of not working. And if I go very slow and cross the goal line very slow it almost always works. I don't think I could be going too fast for a player sensor to fail. So if I can fix this one little glitch then we can make this a thing.

So my goal with this type of custom map beside making a new category/prefix (Let's call this type a 'Speed Run' map) is to make the schematics for the timer, start and goal so that any map maker can use these in TEdit to make their own Speed Run maps that they can post for others to play. And have it be easy enough that even people with zero understanding of wiring and logic gates can use them. All they would need to do is connect a few wires.

Feel free to ask any questions, post your thoughts on what you think about there being a 'Speed Run' category for custom maps in Terraria, and thoughts/suggestions for what the problem could be with the timer sometimes working and sometimes not working.

Update 1/21/18

Fixed the problem, at least I hope so.
I added a download of the map so far so you guys can try it out.

Update 3/5/18
Well, no one has replied to this thread and only 11 people so far have downloaded the demo map I posted. Maybe people will be more interested in making their own speed run maps. So I'm also going to add in the TEdit schematics for all the parts needed to build your own speed run map.

This new diagram should help with some of the changes that were made since the first post.
Speed Run Diagram.jpg

Keep in mind that the Dummy Ghost Engine must be near the player when they spawn in or at some point before they start their speed run to spawn the Dummy Ghost into the game. I would recommend just putting it within 100 blocks of the start line.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have about how all the parts work and fit together.
And if you make a really cool map you can post a few screen shots here on the thread with a map download so others can try out your map. `:)


  • Green Hill Zone Act 1 beta v0.1.wld
    138.1 KB · Views: 2,229
  • Speed Run Map Making
    3.5 KB · Views: 389
  • Green Hill Zone Act 1 beta v0.2.wld
    144.1 KB · Views: 1,609
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Update 1/21/18

Okay, so I think I have fixed the problem. It turns out the dummy ghost was the problem, just as I had thought. There was something about the dummy ghost engine that I didn't know about. The really weird thing is that for a dummy ghost engine to start up the player needs to first get within spawn range of the dummy, only then will it work.
I tested this by starting on a map with a switch and torch on one end and a dummy ghost engine on the other end. If you flip the switch to turn on the engine nothing happens. The torch the output of the engine is wired to won't blink. But if you run all the way to the engine side within spawn range of the dummy, then run all the way back to the switch. You can then turn the engine on and off. It's like the dummy ghost first needs a player near by to spawn in, then after that the dummy ghost doesn't despawn when you get out of range. It's really weird that it works that way.
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Update 3/5/18
Well, no one has replied to this thread and only 11 people so far have downloaded the demo map I posted. Maybe people will be more interested in making their own speed run maps. So I'm also going to add in the TEdit schematics for all the parts needed to build your own speed run map.
Maybe you should have this thread moved to the released section. I didn't notice it till now because I typically only look at the released section.

This does look kinda cool though. Having the mechanisms easily copied/available is especially nice.
Maybe you should have this thread moved to the released section. I didn't notice it till now because I typically only look at the released section.

This does look kinda cool though. Having the mechanisms easily copied/available is especially nice.

Yeah, maybe I should, but also I really should first finish the demo map. I was thinking about trying different blocks because the normal dirt and grass in Terraria just doesn't look much like the Green Hill Zone. So I need to figure out what blocks/paint works best. And also finish adding in all the trees because there are none after about the half way point of the level.
I have another map I'm working on that is my own original map. It's very heavily inspired by Sonic levels. Also I might change the gear around. Not sure what I want for the default gear for speed run maps to be. Other maps could have different gear for them, but I would like to first come up with a good standard set. I was also thinking about making a set of gear that fits better for a Tails and Knuckles style of game play. XD
So I still kind of feel like this project is not at all done.
You really should check the WIP forums more often.
Hey, nice use of Terraria mechanics.
I was wondering if the timer could be reversed so I could have a countdown of, for example, 2 minutes.

Keep up :)
Hey, nice use of Terraria mechanics.
I was wondering if the timer could be reversed so I could have a countdown of, for example, 2 minutes.

Keep up :)

Yeah, it can easily be reversed to count down. I just haven't needed to use a timer to count down. Maybe some time I will build a bomb with a count down version of the timer and have it set off some Explosives when it hits zero.
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Wow, this is really cool, i think you should make multiple timed obstacle courses that get harder every time. Well done on the wiring!
Well, I did upload all the TEdit schematics so others could make their own maps. I do plan to make more some day when I have more time. I have an idea for my own original map that is somewhat like a Sonic level, but different.
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