Grinding. Hacking. Duping. How do you play?

Grinding, hacking, or duping?

  • I play the the way it was intended and so should you.

  • Who has time to play just give me everything.

  • I just dupe with friends once i get the item.

  • I love a good grind. GIGGITY!!!

  • Whatever i'm in the mood for when i boot up.

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Legit 95% of the time, just like I do with most games, until I start hitting the very end of the "End game" stuff.

Like for example in this game, I wanted to obtain the best pre fixes for the Magnet Sphere and the Scourge of the corruptor (Mythical and Godly, respectivly).

And so did I. After ALT + F4 a few times due to running out of money.

Please note I didnt do this ever before, and I just took whatever the Goblin gave to me and played with it anyway and spent a fair amount on money on then as well...

But as I said. Thats sort of over when I get to the very end of the game´s life. Then mostly EVERYTHING counts, and leave the unfunn stuff out. Grinding more money with no other objectives in mind (No bosses to kill, no Localitations to go) is just senseless IMO, I rather skip that unfun part.

So yeah basically, like I said, Legit almost the entire way until I get to the very End Game and stuff starts to get inconvenient!
Just depends on my mood really. If I want to build a ton of things I usually just fire up an inv. editor and build away, if I want to experience stuff all over again I just start up a new world and character and play legit.
I generally play legit, at least the first time through a certain chunk of content (like Hardmode on my current playthrough, since I last played during 1.0). That said, I don't have many qualms about occasionally using resources I accumulated back at that time on my first main character, especially if it's to address a glitch in the game, like losing my first platinum - oh hell no.

I mean, I have the Builder's Workshop, I could just grab a ton of post-Plantera gear if I wanted, but that'd defeat the whole purpose. Since coming back to Terraria after over two years off, I've had a ton of fun just starting a brand-new character and world and playthrough through the progression more or less normally. I do sometimes grab a fun cosmetic item from my old stash, but I don't give myself Rocket Boots before I've forged an Iron Pickaxe or drop tons of gold / platinum on my new characters; that'd take all the enjoyment out of experiencing the new-to-me progression changes that Relogic implemented since 1.0.
Grinding is kind of mind-numbingly fun for me, I don't know why. I would choose the first option if it weren't for the "and so should you" part, because I don't give a crap how other people play. That is, as long as you aren't ruining servers/ cheating in pvp. That's when I get mad.
Part of me wanted to make more options but i felt 5 was already exessive for my first pole.
RNG pissing me off and being a :red:=all items map
RNG being decent=legit
Key mold/ankh shield grinding time=cheat engine speed hack (same for solar eclipse)
I don't cheat on terraria ever there is no point to collecting every item unless you earn them... Trading is acceptable though RNG is a hate/love situation
I agree, Dragath. To find really rare birds I don't mind switching to alternate worlds, though. And one time, after spending futile hours digging shafts in deserts in hopes of finding a pyramid, I resorted to using TEdit to check worlds for pyramids. Worldgen, Y U NO Sandstorm in a Bottle?
I don't edit in items or dupe (sans liquids) or use a program to peek at the map. I will, however, create grinders or autofarms in game to help farm stuff like keymolds, ectoplasm and other stuff. I utilize the liquid duping setup sometimes and other times I wont.
I use inventory and map editors often because I admin the wiki and need to test and research. I also use cheat engine to speed-test.

When I play for play, I do it legit. Cheating makes games boring very quickly, for me.
Since I mainly like to build, I hax in all my stuff.
I mean, who as the time to grind for all that? I'd rather have fun building than just sit at my computer doing other things while Terraria runs in the background.
Apparently plenty of people have the time to do that. I'm not going to tell you that there is no point in playing if you hack in all of your stuff because you mentioned the way you play. But other people do have fun in long grinds.
I don't know how to hack and cheat so I play legit. It's just that good feeling younger when you struggle your arse off for the decent reward at the end. Beat destroying Skelton with death sickle on your first playthrough smh
Ok, so at first I was playing legit on my Xbox One, then a friend help me beat WOF then he gave me a possessed hatchet and left even though I din't want it. Then I got all the way up to adaminate (or however it is spelled) by playing legit and using the hatchet as a weapon against the mobs, then the next day he joined and started duping and I could not stop from just taking it all and using it.
by playing legit and using the hatchet as a weapon against the mobs

Then that isn't legit. Possessed Hatchet right after Wall of Flesh is like replacing your copper shortsword with a Night's Edge to start with. You were doing far more damage than players are supposed to by that point.
Then that isn't legit. Possessed Hatchet right after Wall of Flesh is like replacing your copper shortsword with a Night's Edge to start with. You were doing far more damage than players are supposed to by that point.
I'm saying i played legit in every other aspect than using the possessed hatchet
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