**REPORTED** Happiness


Steam or GOG
Single Player/Multiplayer
Operating System
Windows 10
Terraria Version
Controls Used
I've got my Goblin, Demo and Dye man in a cavern city all together. The goblin only gives a 10% discount, despite being in a liked biome, having a liked npc nearby and not being overcrowded. Had the same issue earlier with having Merchant, Nurse and Guide in the forest - only 10% discount from merchant. Very annoying since I can't get my cavern pylon now.
Based on 1.4.1 patch notes he should be getting -5% from space and -6% each from liked biome and npc, resulting in a ~15% price reduction.
Demo screenshot is from, merchant was in 1.4.1 (I changed the layout since then, too lazy to retry now)
There is no 5% space bonus with 3 NPCs present.

So in this scenario, he only had a bonus from the Biome and the NPC.

However, I see there are some minor discrepancies on my end with the numbers here . . . it looks like some sort of rounding issue might be cutting a percentage point or two, so I'm going to evaluate that.
There is both a bonus for extra space, and a penalty for crowding.

At 2 neighbors, he has neither the bonus or the penalty.

No neighbors or 1 neighbor = Bonus
2 neighbors (3 people total) = No bonus or penalty
3 or more neighbors (4 or more total) = Penalty

I'm going to rewrite the changelog to be more clear about this, however, as there has been some confusion.
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