Help with bestiary entries in getfixedboi UPDATE (again): It is done!


I am in the home stretch of finishing the bestiary entry on the everything seed, however I have hit a complete roadblock on the final two entries.
Entry 113, Grebe
Entry 118, Jungle Turtle

Has anyone got these entries in their getfixedboi worlds? If so I would like to know the location they might have spawned. I know their general biomes and the fact that they are critters, so to look in towns. However the world not having a true surface and other quirks of the seed make meeting these conditions especially hard. Any help with getting these critters to spawn in my world is appreciated.
They both spawn near bodies of water and normally on the surface. It's possible due to there being no natural surface biomes for the desert and jungle on that seed that it might require building an artificial desert and jungle biome on the surface away from infection. I would try that.

The desert biome I think requires more sand blocks to artificially create the biome compared to jungle grass needed for an artificial jungle.

This is what your average "getfixedboi" world will look like, starting above the mushroom layer that spans across hell that is called the "fake surface" you'll find your regular surface critters there (you can see the change between underground desert and surface desert).
Sorry, the main focus of my question was 'has someone actually done this before? I want to see how they spawn'
I have used all of this information already to get many of the other entries. But the base information is not enough to get these final spawns. By everything I know I should meet the criteria, even moving my spawning areas to the middle third to not get ocean spawns.
I appreciate helping with the theory of getting them to spawn, I am really after solid proof that it is even possible at all any more. I must be getting something wrong but despite all my troubleshooting there is something I am still not properly doing, so I would like to know the conditions another person has the entry in order to compare my own.
I will post an update tomorrow of what areas I have tried for the spawn in. Thanks again for the help.
Sorry, the main focus of my question was 'has someone actually done this before? I want to see how they spawn'
I have used all of this information already to get many of the other entries. But the base information is not enough to get these final spawns. By everything I know I should meet the criteria, even moving my spawning areas to the middle third to not get ocean spawns.
I appreciate helping with the theory of getting them to spawn, I am really after solid proof that it is even possible at all any more. I must be getting something wrong but despite all my troubleshooting there is something I am still not properly doing, so I would like to know the conditions another person has the entry in order to compare my own.
I will post an update tomorrow of what areas I have tried for the spawn in. Thanks again for the help.
I double checked to be sure, and I can get both the Grebe and Jungle Turtle to spawn on a Zenith world, though it took a fair amount of time. Grebes seem to only spawn in towns, Jungle Turtles can spawn both in and out of them - though they're very likely to get killed outside.
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I appreciate helping with the theory of getting them to spawn, I am really after solid proof that it is even possible at all any more.
I mean, I personally haven't chased 100% bestiary in GFB since I value my sanity but I do know that a lot of the 1.4.4 hotfixes were focused around making 100% bestiary possible in all of the secret seeds. I don't doubt it's doable it will just take time.
Greetings again, to whoever is here now. I have decided to bring back this instead of making a new post about it, I have returned with an update and another ask for help for finishing these entries.
First, I apologise for my behavior earlier about this topic, I was not being very specific and I was very frustrated at the lack of progress. I really should not have taken it out on the people who were trying to offer assistance.

I will start with good news, after my break from this nightmare I have got one of the entries! Instead of waiting for a jungle turtle to spawn, I got 5 regular turtles and created a turtle statue, this statue can spawn fake jungle turtles which still count towards the entry. Now only one remains!

I have tried a few methods for getting a grebe to spawn, to the best of my knowledge I must be in a desert biome in a town, and have water for the grebe to spawn in. However this knowledge alone has not given me a grebe spawn.
Here are some screenshots of zones I have tried/am trying to use to spawn one.

This is my first test for getting a grebe spawn, it is set in the 'fake surface' of the GFB world's cavern layer, note the lack of background walls. I set up dams and flooded most spawnable pieces of land here, making sure it was close to a desert town to maximise critter spawns.
I tried using a duck statue to spawn one, similar to the turtle statue, but it only spawns regular and mallard ducks. I have to get this one to spawn naturally.
One piece of information that I have been using to tell if I am getting close is the appearance of pupfish, pupfish are another desert critter which spawn in water, but apparently at a higher ratio than grebe or under another unknown condition I may have met that I have not satisfied for the grebe.
I know that this area can spawn critters, but after a long time of waiting here, catching/killing critters to allow others to spawn, no grebe has appeared.

After the failure of my first attempt to spawn a grebe, my main theory for why it failed is because I was not at the surface. So I cut out the desert from my surface and purified it all using a clentaminator (later shimmered into terraformer) that I migrated from another world. Allow terraformer in DDU/GFB after moon lord please.
But anyway, after cleaning it all up, I did the same for flooding and setting up a town here, standing in the middle at the pyramid caused nearly all of the spawns to be critters, most being even more pupfish, I own 93 pupfish and have killed another 256 in my boredom. This leads me to believe that a grebe spawn is achievable in this area, but I am missing an important step to spawning one.
I have a theory on how to spawn one, which I have not tested yet as of writing this: While researching turtle and jungle turtle spawns, I read that regular turtles spawn only in water that is a certain depth level (2+ deep I believe?) and if the tile beneath is mowed or regular grass. Perhaps grebe need a specific tile below the water to spawn? Though currently the block under the water is sand and I do not imagine a different tile possibly being it, though it is worth considering. Maybe grebe instead need lilypads or desert cattails nearby to spawn, similar to dragonflies?
If anyone has an idea on getting one to spawn, a theory on what I could do to make one spawn, a record or a getfixedboi/don'tdigup world with the grebe entry or any other help please let me know.
I am incredibly grateful for Kazzymodus testing if they spawn at all, and confirming it is possible, however following all that I know before and have been told this grebe still eludes me.
Thanks for reading.
If you're curious about exact spawning specifics, there was this spreadsheet made by dinochess14 that goes into specifics about spawning mechanics. Switch to the tab "An Endeavor to Document Spawning Mechanics" and then ctrl + F "Grebe" you should find all of the listings for the exact way the game calculates a Grebe to spawn.

NPC spawning - Google Sheets
If you're curious about exact spawning specifics, there was this spreadsheet made by dinochess14 that goes into specifics about spawning mechanics. Switch to the tab "An Endeavor to Document Spawning Mechanics" and then ctrl + F "Grebe" you should find all of the listings for the exact way the game calculates a Grebe to spawn.

NPC spawning - Google Sheets
Thank you for sharing this with me. I am not the best with pseudocode but thankfully I had a friend nearby who translated it into a language I understand without even asking.
Using that, I finally got the grebe spawn. I am still uncertain about what was preventing it from spawning, but a third iteration of a farm generated the one and only I needed for 100% bestiary.
Now back to my main goal of the world, getting as many of the items as possible sorted by item id. That spreadsheet will be super helpful for getting the gold critters I want, so thanks again.
I will maybe repurpose this thread into a help/updates area on that. It has been enjoyable so far and I would like to share my progress with it, in general it is a world and character I am proud of and finishing the bestiary at last has really helped me feel like I am getting somewhere.
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